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The Neuron: Basic Unit of the Nervous System

Neurons Cells of the nervous system

Four major parts
a. Cell body
b. Dendrites
c. Axons
d. Terminal buttons
Nerve Impulse Dendrites or cell body stimulated, Travels downs axon to
Synapse Gap between neurons
Neurotransmitter Chemicals that allow neurons to send a signal across the
synapse to another neuron
Receptor sites on postsynaptic neuron absorb neurotransmitter
1. Excitatory s a temporary depolarization of
postsynaptic membrane potential caused by the flow of
positively charged ions into the postsynaptic cell
2. Inhibitory synaptic potential that makes a postsynaptic
neuron less likely to generate an action potential
o Reabsorption of leftover neurotransmitter by presynaptic
Serotonin and Dopamine
o Implicated in depression, mania, and schizophrenia
o Implicated in anxiety and other stress-related disorders

Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)

o Inhibits nerve impulses
o Implicated in anxiety
Possible mechanisms
o Excessive or inadequate levels
o Insufficient reuptake
o Excessive number or sensitivity of postsynaptic receptors
o Second Messengers help neurons adjust receptor sensitivity
after periods of high activity
Agonist drugs stimulate neurotransmitter receptor sites
Antagonist drugs dampen neurotransmitter receptor sites
Brain Structure and Function
1. Two cerebral hemispheres
A) Connected by corpus callosum
2. Sulci (fissures) define regions or lobes of the cerebrum (gray
a) Frontal (Reasoning, Problem Solving, Emotion Regulation)
b) Parietal (Sensory-Spatial)
c) Occipital (Vision)
d) Temporal (Sounds)
Brain Slice Through Medial Plan
White Matter Interior
Myelinated (sheathed) nerve fibers

Sensory relay station (except olfactory)

Brain Stem
Pons and medulla oblongata
Responsible for balance, posture, equilibrium
Limbic System:
Often implicated in psychopathology
Involved in the expression of emotions
Amygdala is key brain structure for psychopathology researchers due
to role in attending to emotionally salient stimuli and in emotionally relevant

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