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BIO375 Worksheet#1

Figure 1: The sinister H. pylori caught in action

(Photo courtesy of
1. In a drastic turn of events, your unfortunate BIO375 tutor tested positive for an active H.
pylori infection. However, after weeks of staring at Figure 1 and mourning, your tutor
still feels healthy and ulcer-free. Provide at least 3 explanations for this seemingly
contradictory finding.

2. What mechanism allows H. pylori to live in the stomach of its host? What is the
diagnostic significance of this mechanism? Feel free to illustrate your answer

3. Suppose the H. pylori strain from question 1 harbored a virus in the lytic stage, and this
virus contained genes coding for a more potent urease enzyme. What outcome would you

4. If an RNA virus you were studying was found to integrate itself into the host cell
genome, what machinery/tools would you expect this virus to have?

5. Illustrate the AB model, which is true for the majority of exotoxins.

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