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Dear Rabbonim',
Do you think you can Darshan? On Sunday evening, March 15th - " , the top 10 Rabbis from across
Melbourne will compete in front of a live audience for the title of Melbournes best Drosha. The first-ever Drosha
competition evening will be a novel and fun Torah learning event with broad community appeal and we want
you to get involved.
We will be doing extensive advertising and are expecting over 500 to attend, representing the many different
Kehillos within our community. It is definitely great-exposure for you and also for your community, which will be
featured during the course of the evening and in a souvenir journal.
Being held before Pesach, the theme of the Droshas will be Haggadah-related. The audience will be able to hear
10 short stimulating and inspirational ideas which they will be able to take home to their own sedarim. In
addition, the night will be entertaining and held in good humour.
We will have a panel of judges who will rate and share their feedback on each Drosha. The audience will also be
able to vote on the night for which Drosha they enjoyed the most. Based on a weighted system of the judges and
audience votes, the winner will be declared.
In addition to the title of Best Drosha, the winning Rabbi will receive a cash prize of $500 for themselves and
$500 for their Shule. A runner-up prize will also be given.
Depending on the number of participating Rabbis, an elimination round will be held on March 1st to narrow down
to the 10 finalists for the finals evening.
I would like to encourage you to get involved. The competition is open to all orthodox Rabbis who lead a Shabbos
minyan or Shule service. You can sign up on our website Applications must be
received by Monday, February 16th.
The Drosha must be no more than 5 minutes long and must be on a on a Haggadah or Yetzias Mitzrayim related
topic. It should have meaningful content as well as being entertaining and engaging. Remember, you will be
speaking to a diverse audience from different backgrounds and level of affiliation. The Droshas will be judged on
content, delivery, engagement, impact and style.
So what do you need to do for now?
1. Sign up before February 13 to enter.
2. Promote the event to your community and get them behind you. Promotional material will be provided.
3. Prepare your best Drosha on a Haggadah or Yetzias Mitzrayim related topic.
Good luck and may the best Rabbi win.
Rabbi Shlomo Barber
Director of Programs and Development, Kollel Menachem

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