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None, I like to go as Blake

When Im bored:
I play guitar! Or watch youtube/play games
Favourite song atm:
I really like Smoke by Moddi because it has a very
nice instrumental, its nice and slow then it builds up to
a big intense chorus
Who/What inspires me:
Characters in books!
If I could have a superpower:
I would want to be able to teleport wherever I like, or
fly because the bussing system sucks
My doppelganger is:
In middle school I had lots of friends tell me I look like
Leonardo Dicaprio and my uncle still calls me Dicaprio

Blake Monro

Where Ill be in 5 years:

Living with a girl, going through university to become
an engineer while working as a pool lifeguard/
instructor to make money to pay the bills and taxes.
Words to live by:
Everything is in the eye of the beholder

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