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Lessons in Willingness

21 December 2014
Pastor Art Brammer, Tay Street Baptist Church
I. Marys situation Luke 1:26-38
A. Mary was shocked out of her everyday existence when:
1. An angel appeared to her
2. She found out that she was going to be pregnant
3. She was informed that the Messiah was coming
B. In going along with Gods plan, Mary risked the following:
1. Her reputation would be judged to be a disgrace.
2. Her coming marriage would be in danger of
C. Marys response was a lesson in willingness (obedience)
1. Behold the maidservant of the Lord = o
(female slave)
2. Let it be to me according to Your Word
a. Mary is passive in what will happen to her.
b. But Mary is not an unwilling instrument.
II. Josephs situation Matt. 1:18-25
A. Marys situation put Joseph in a bind.
1. He was afraid of the suspicion of sin being attached to
him. He may have been ashamed of his lack of
discernment in choosing a wife.
2. Being godly, he was inclined to be merciful (like God
B. Going along with Gods plan was risky for Joseph:
1. He would (for all practical purposes) be admitting that
he was responsible for Marys shame.
2. He would have a life complicated by
C. Josephs response did as the angel...had commanded
1. The angel first took away his fears about purity.
2. God had an important part for Joseph to play in His
3. He was to be a husband to Mary.
4. He was to be a father to the child.
Though this ruined his reputation, it was the only option that
secured the favour of God, and so Joseph set about to do it.
III. Lessons of willingness
1 Be faithful and careful in every little thing so that God can
trust you with greater riches (Luke 16:10-12).
2 We can expect that doing Gods will, though it may be
difficult, will bring good into our lives.

3 Guard your character and let God take care of your

Mary and Joseph chose the difficult path of obedience.

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