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Drama Mock Exam Script

Judge: Imogen
Martin1: Jak
Martin2: Guy
Mum: Imogen
Reynolds: Katie
Katie: Katie
Scene 1 - Courtroom
In a court room. Mr Kender sits on a chair beside the judge who is standing on a block. The other
Mr Kender is strolling around.
Judge: Does your client plead innocent or guilty?
Martin2: Do you like the theatre?
Judge: It is me who asks the questions.
Martin1&2: Why?
Judge: I do not make the rules. Please answer my question...
Martin2: (interrupting) Please answer my qestion!
Judge: Let's look at what Mr Kender is accused of again. (Rifles through some papers). Mr Kender,
it says here you have brutally murdered over 10 people. The bodies have not been identified
because there faces have been sliced off. Now tell me, does the name Thomas Harrington mean
anything to you?
(creepy smile)
Thomas: I'd stayed late at the theatre, to rehearse my monologue. It was about half 10, I had to lock
up so I made my way to the front of the stage and I heard a noise behind me, so I turned around and
then it happened. (Thomas falls back, caught by Guy and Jak. Then gets put back up again.) I died
that night, and I still don't know why.
(resume court room positions)
Judge: Well? Thomas Harrington, died at his place of work on the 11th of November, at
approximately 10pm. Anything? (pause) Do you live alone Mr Kender?
Martin1: Yes, but there's always someone to talk to.
Scene 2 At home
Martin2: Where shall we go next? We've got just a few days until King Lear opens at The New
Victoria Theatre. Picture it; (gesturing a newspaper headline) 'Tragedy cancelled due to tragic
death.' We could try the globe?
Martin1: too public, too soon

Martin2: Or there's '1984' at the Hilton theatre?

Martin1: a comedy
Martin2: comedy of errors? Opens on Wednesday at The Crescent Theatre. If we get ready now we
might just have enough time.
Martin1: (nods) yeah
(abstract movement piece with knives)
Scene 3 - Mum
Martin1: Hello?
Mum: You're 20 minutes late. Where are you?
Martin1: 20 minutes late? For what...oh yeah, sorry mum. I'll be there in 10 minutes.
Mum: Hurry up!
(Martin knocks on the door)
Mum: Where have you been?
Martin1: I've been busy
Mum: doing what?
Martin1: Working
Mum: On a sunday?
Martin1: I got another job, things have been a bit tight with money.
Mum: Why didn't you tell me I could have helped you!
Martin1: How? (pause) Exactly. Don't worry about it, with the extra job I'm fine.
Mum: Where is the job?
Martin1: Er, just a cafe, on my road.
Mum: It can't be a very good cafe if you didn't need any qualifications to get a job there.
Martin1: Thanks mum.
Mum: Is the pay good?
Martin1: I don't know, haven't had a pay cheque yet.
(awkward silence)

Mum: You're lying to me. Why are you lying about this job?
Martin: I'm not lying, let me do that. It's none of your business anyway.
Mum: It is my business I'm your mother.
Martin: So? That doesn't mean I have to tell you everything.
Mum: But you never tell me anything any more! You haven't called all this week and then you're
late to dinner. What's going on?
Martin: Nothing!
Mum: Stop lying to me! You know I despise liars!
Martin: Yes, I do know. It's all you ever go on about.
Mum: Because I want to protect you from them. Your father was a liar and I can tell there is some
of him in you.
Martin: I'm not like him.
Mum: Well how am I meant to know what you're like? One moment you're happy and want to talk
but the next it''s like I don't even know you!
Martin: Well maybe you don't.
Scene 4 Therapist
Judge: Mr Kender I would like for you to see a highly renowned therapist. You will see doctor
Reynolds on Tuesday morning.
(Therapist's room. Therapist sits on the block opposite Jak and Guy. Jak stands in front of Guy,
after every line they swap places.)
Reynolds: Could you describe yourself in three words?
Jak: no, I can't
Guy: clever, untouchable and justice
Reynolds: You describe yourself as justice?
Jak: and hatred
Reynolds: Could you explain that further?
Guy: I bring justice, I know what's right
Jak: I'm full of hatred. I hate liars.
Reynolds: I see, all of your victims were actors or actresses.

Jak: liars
Reynolds: is that why you killed them? Because you think they're liars?
Reynolds: Tell me about your relationship with your last victim.
Jak: She ended it.
Reynolds: is that why you wanted to kill her?
Guy: No I wanted to kill her because she lied
(Both standing on opposite sides of the stage)
Katie: (to audience) I didnt mean for it to last this long. It sounds bad but I had no money and he
turned up with his flashy car and expensive suit and he was so charming when we first met. Now he
cant afford a car, never buys me anything and is hardly ever home. There was no point being in the
relationship anymore.
Guy: she ended it
Katie: I ended it
Guy: (to audience) She wanted my money and that was it. When she found out I didnt have any
she just walked out. At first I didnt let her go, locked her in the bedroom. But she threatened to call
the police, so I waited until she came back to collect her things. I told her Id packed it into boxes
and it was all in the basement.
Katie: I saw things Ill never forget down there, the light was dim but I could make out the outline
of a pile of bodies. I was screaming. I couldnt believe what I saw but it was there and I knew I was
going to be next.
Guy: I left her down there for a while, until she stopped screaming. Then I unlocked the door.
(The scene transforms to the basement. Katie, when seeing Guy, cowers further into the corner of
the room.)
Guy: Youre just like them. (he gestures towards a corner of the stage) I killed them because
theyre liars, fakes and phonies just like you.
Katie: let me go!
Guy: I can't. It's too late, it's gone too far to turn back.
Katie: I promise I won't turn you in if you let me go now!
Guy: Show me a liar, and I will show you a thief. I shall steal your life from you, like you stole the
truth from me.
Katie: Don't do this to me, please. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I lied to you!

(Guy starts walking towards Katie, he holds a knife up. Jak enters and stands behind Guy)
Jak: Should we really do this? It's too much to cover up.
Guy: We have to. She knows so much.
Jak: She doesn't know about me.
Guy: We're the same person. If we do this, we do it now. We can't wait any longer.
Jak: We can. We can keep her down here until we know exactly how to cover it up. The death of a
girlfriend is too difficult.
(As Guy turns round to the front to consider what Jak is saying. Katie takes the knife and runs to the
other side of the stage.)
Katie: If you take a step then this will go inside you. (Katie is shaking. Jak and Guy are looking at
each other worried. Katie drops the knife and runs off stage. Guy goes past Jak to get to her but Jak
holds him back.)
(Back in the therapists room)
Reynolds: Do you ever talk to yourself Mr Kender?
Guy: I talk to the other me.
Reynolds: there is another you?
Jak: He's different. Confident. He scares me sometimes.
Guy: He's quiet, a silent genius I suppose.
Reynolds: was this whole thing his idea or yours?
Jak and Guy: it was mine
Reynolds: I think the best thing for you right now is electro-therapy. We need to get rid of the
second Martin Kender.
(Imogen and Katie prepare Jak and Guy for electro-therapy, when it is about to start there is a
Scene 5 Prison
(Imogen and Guy sit opposite each other)
Imogen: how is it?
Guy: Bearable
Imogen: and the treatment?

Guy: The electro-therapy? Unbearable.

Imogen: Has...has he gone?
Guy: (looks away) It's hard to tell. You could be speaking to him right now
Imogen: (leans towards him) Don't say that.
(a bell rings off stage)
Imogen: I have to go. Ring me when you have a chance. I love you and I'm sorry. I feel like this is
all my fault.
Guy: Don't be sorry.
(Jak takes a step forward so he can be seen.)
Guy and Jak: Goodbye.
(Electro-therapy abstract movement piece)
The End

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