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Olimpiada de limba englez Etapa Judeean 25.02.


Clasa a VII a
I. Rewrite ea ! senten e beginning as s!"wn# 20 p"ints

1. What did you have on at the party? What were __________________________ 2. Why dont you take a taxi? Thats what Id do. If _________________________________ 3. It is possible for usan to be late. usan ______________________________ !. They "ake their #ars in $apan. Their #ars ____________________________ %. The party wont be funny if you dont #o"e. &nless ___________________________________ '. he knows this town better than anyone. (o one ________________________________ ). I have been livin* here for two "onths. I started_________________________________ +. To" doesnt play tennis as well as $ohn. $ohn ________________________ ,. It started snowin* on aturday and it has not stopped yet. It ________________________ 1-. It is forbidden to use "obile phones in s#hools. .obile phones ________________________ II. C!""se t!e "rre t answer# 10 p"ints

It was a war" sprin* day and $a#k was playin* with his do* in the *arden of a bi* old house. /eople said that the house was haunted0 but $a#k didnt believe the". uddenly0 he 112 ________ to *o into the house and see 122 ________ hi"self. 3e was listenin* 132 ________ for any stran*e noises as he 1!2 _________ the house but he didnt hear a 1%2 __________ . 3e was nervous and his heart was beatin* 1'2 ________ . 3e was walkin* down the hall 1)2 ________ he suddenly felt so"eone tou#h 1+2 _________ on the shoulder. $a#k was shakin* when he 1,2 _________ around. 4ut there was no one there. #ared he ran as fast as he 11-2 _________ out of the house. .aybe there was a *host in the house after all. 1 2 3 $ dedu#ed $ for $ #arefully % de#eased % by % #arelessly C de#ided C on C #areful & de#eived & at & #areless

! % ' ) + , 1-

$ #a"e $ son* $ fastly $ when $ his $ went $ #an

% arrived % sound % 5ui#kly % while % he % *ot % #ould

C *ot C noise C fast C whi#h C her C turned C "ay

& entered & word & 5ui#k & who & hi" & looked & "i*ht


'ut t!e (erbs in bra )ets int" t!e rig!t tense#

20 p"ints

The 6ondon 7un*eon 12888 1lie2 in the oldest part of 6ondon 9 in an old subterranean prison: that;s what the word 7un*eon 2288 1stand2 for. The "useu" 32888 1take2 its visitors on a <ourney throu*h =n*land;s bloody history. >ou #an experien#e for exa"ple how people !28881die2 on the ?allows or durin* the /la*ue of 1''%. The 7un*eon also %2888 1show2 s#enes of $a#k the @ipper or the beheadin* of Anne 4oleyn0 who '28888 1be2 one of 3enry BIIIs six wives. The at"osphere at the 7un*eon )2888 1be2 really s#ary 9 nothin* for the faint9hearted. While you +2 88 1walk2 around the 7un*eon0 wat#h out for #reepy #reatures 9 the 7un*eon ,2 8.1e"ploy2 a#tors to *ive its visitors the fri*ht of their lives. The a#tors0 dressed as "onsters0 *hosts or exe#uters0 1-2 881hide2 in the dark #orners of the 7un*eon and then suddenly 11288 1<u"p2 out and 12288 1*rab2 one of the visitors. And the horror 1328888. 1end C not2 at the exit of the exhibition. 1!2 888 1you C eat C ever 2a piDDa with fin*ers and eyeballs on it? Well0 if you 1%288 1fan#y2 that kind of food0 you 1'28881love2 the "eals at the 7un*eon restaurant. in#e its openin* in 1,)%0 the 7un*eon1)288. 1attra#t2 "any visitors fro" all over the world. 4esides the re*ular openin* hours0 the 7un*eon so"eti"es also 1+2888 1open2 at ni*ht. If you 1,28..1have2 enou*h "oney and nerves of steel0 you #an book the 7un*eon for parties0 #onferen#es or #harity events at ni*ht. And on the 31st of E#tober0 a fri*htfully *ood 3alloween /arty 2-28...1take pla#e2 at the 7un*eon every year.


*rite a 150 w"rd essa+ beginning wit! t!e senten es# I woke up and got out of bed. I had a shower and left.

,0 p"ints

-"ate subie tele sunt "bligat"rii. -imp de lu ru . "re. /e a "rd 10 pun te din "0i iu.

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