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Climate and Plot Analysis

Temperate: The temperature in Canberra ranges from an average of 28.5C at the
peak and drops to 13.8C at night in January. In July Canberra reaches 11.5C at its
highest and drops off to 0C at night. Canberra temperature varies by a large
degree with its highest ever recorded temperature at 42C in 1968 and its coldest
was at a chilly 3C maximum in 1962. This can be counteracted by using
appropriate materials with high of low heat mass and strategically using sunlight

and airflow to your advantage.

Humidity: Humidity in Canberra usually generally ranges from 50% to 60%
Sun Position: The position of the sun over Canberra varies with each individual
season. The winter sun barely reaches a 30 angle in the sky while in summer it
gets up to an angle of 70 at the peak of summer. Canberra gets 15.5 hours of
sunlight in summer and drops
down to 10.5 hours in the peak of
winter. In Canberra the number of
overcast days is much larger than
the number of sunny days. There
are 124 cloudy days and 101
sunny days on average.
Wind: Canberra winds are usually
quite mild but can reach up to
40km gusts in some areas but
Canberra does not experience the
much bigger storms that occur
further north in Australia like
cyclones and tornados. Wind can
affect the placement of solar
panels however large trees near
solar panels may block sunlight
but also act as a buffer when
strong winds occur. Canberras

wind usually comes from the South East and towards The North WestThe wind
generally comes from the east on this plot of land as the wind will rise up the hill
and through the property. The wind does not have many buffers to prevent it from
blowing full force onto the house, as the property is located next to a nonresidential
area. This wind can be used to cool the property down in the summer when needed

Plot Address: 40 Drooka
Crescent Crace
Plot Slope: This plot drops
approximately 1.5 metres
down to the east.
Plot Dimensions: 30
Meters by 30 Meters
Plot Direction: The plot
faces East South East at
Plot Size: 915m2

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