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Grant Proposal:

Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) Professional Development

Melissa McLendon
Rana Powell
Kevin Scheiwe
Lauren Sinclair

Chattahoochee Elementary plans to use the bring your own technology (BYOT) initiative to
increase achievement in reading and English language arts. The proposed professional
development will help train teachers in grades first-fifth on how BYOT can not only support the
curriculum, but teach digital citizenship and BYOT classroom management skills.
Chattahoochee Elementary will show that technology is an integral part of the teachers and
students daily instruction and will try to supply the necessary materials to help achieve the
expected results.
Demonstrated Need
At Chattahoochee Elementary School (CES), we are striving to increase academic performance
for all of our students. Technology integration is a key objective of our district, as proved by the
recent addition of wireless connectivity (Wi-Fi) in all classrooms at CES, as well as
Chattahoochee being one of the first schools in the district to pilot the bring your own device
(BYOD) program during the 2012-2013 school year. Through the use of PTA funds,
Chattahoochee has begun to purchase (limited quantities) of wireless devices, but the district will
not yet let schools use district funds to purchase wireless devices due to compatibility and
connectivity issues.
At the end of the 2012-2013 school year, teachers at Chattahoochee participated in the School
Assessment Survey (Appendix A). Staff members indicated on the survey areas of need for
technology training (professional learning). From these results, the Chattahoochee staff
indicated BYOD as one of the top two areas they wanted more technology training in.
Data from the 2012-2013 school year was also evaluated and it was found that overall, only 53%
of first-fifth grade students exceeded on the end of year assessments (Benchmark and CRCT

tests) in the subject areas of reading and English/language arts. Specifically, only 26% of second
grade students and only 50% of fifth grade students exceeded in the areas of reading and
English/language arts on the end of year assessments (Appendix B). To achieve increased
academic performance, technology integration is a vital component. Research shows that only
when computing devices are used as essential tools for teaching and learning does that lead to
increased student achievement (Project RED, 2013).
Based on the identified areas: county/district initiatives, staff training survey results and end of
school year data, it was determined that professional learning is needed to help train teachers to
implement bring your own technology in their classroom, in order to help improve student
performance in reading and English/language arts.
Goals and Objectives
Goal 1: Increase academic performance in reading and English/language arts for all students,
targeting specifically second and fifth grade students for the 2013-2014 school year. To exceed
annual targets, teachers will learn different strategies that support BYOT and new technologies.

Teachers will use collaboration, targeted interventions and direct reading instruction to
support BYOT initiatives.

Teachers will be able to use devices to access and implement online learning sites and ebooks.

Teachers will identify ways BYOT can help increase academic performance.
Goal 2: Understand digital citizenship and develop classroom management strategies that
support acceptable monitoring, intervention and student consequences for the BYOT initiative.
Teachers will create BYOT classroom management guidelines by the end of the training.
Teachers will be able to identify digital citizenship areas that are most applicable to BYOT.

Teachers will create classroom management guidelines that support the P.R.I.D.E. initiative
(Appendix C).
Teachers will identify potential problem areas and how to handle students without a device.
Goal 3: Identify ways to use technology to enhance and transform instruction for reading and
English language arts curriculum. Teachers will use the 4 Tiers of Educational Technology
Intervention (substitution, augmentation, modification and redefinition) to support the BYOT
initiative throughout the 2013-2014 school year.
Teacher will understand and apply the 4 Tiers of Educational Technology Intervention:

Substitution technology acts as a direct tool substitute, with no functional change

Augmentation technology acts as a direct tool substitute, with functional improvement

Modification technology allows for specific task redesign

Redefinition technology allows for the creation of new tasks, previously inconceivable
(BYOD in GISD, 2013).

Plan of Operation




BYOT team

Based on established staff interest, BYOT team will be


selected by

established by school administration. The team should consist of


classroom teacher(s), school administration, media specialist,

administration parent-school liaison, PEC teacher, county IT and parent


representative. A member of this team will be placed on the

school Leadership team as a liaison. Team will meet monthly
during the school year.


Begin BYOT

Rules and student procedures will be developed by the team


team meetings prior. Meetings will be ongoing until completed proposal is

established. Proposal will include Student-Parent-TeacherSchool Compact. Deadline for completion will be May 2014.


Establish IT

Meet with County IT department to review hardware and


needs with

software needs for BYOT. IT will make recommendations for


purchase of any new technology needs and modifications of


existing technology. IT will also recommend a professional


consultant for staff and stakeholder training throughout the next

two years.



BYOT team will present proposed plan to the board. Approval


proposal plan

is needed prior to rollout to stakeholders. All other activities

presented to

will be pending approval from the Board of Education.

county Board
of Education

Purchase of

Purchase of technology as recommended by county IT.



Hardware and software updates will be installed by county IT

department as needed. All installations and updates will be
completed by August 2014.



IT recommended consultant will present and train school staff as



a part of pre planning. Teachers will be trained on apps and


hardware that can be used in the classroom. Ideas and

recommendations will be given to staff that are aligned with
Georgia CCGPS. Sample lesson plans and student activities will
also be shared. Teachers will be provided a student friendly
presentation to introduce BYOT to students upon their return to



IT recommended consultation will present an introduction to



parents about BYOT. Seminar will include guidelines, policy,


rules, procedures and research data. Examples of educational

apps will also be shared as well as hardware to be used.
Suggestions will be shared for parents interested in purchasing




introduction to BYOT to students. All students and parents will be required to


Teachers will use consultant prepared presentations to introduce

sign a release for students to use the internet and apps on school



Compacts covering all rules, regulations, procedures and

31, 2014


releases to be signed by students, parents, teachers and school


administration. Compacts must be returned completed to the


school media specialist prior to the student using any school or

compact due.

personal technology.


Begin BYOT

Students will begin to bring and use personal technology in

er 2014



Team will be twice a month to discuss strengths and weaknesses

of BYOT. Changes will be made as needed. Updates will be
shared with all stakeholders.


Professional Consultant will return for training and updates for a

period of 2 years.


Data Review


Results from student testing data will be reviewed to evaluate

gains from BYOT.

Evaluation Plan
Evaluation of this grant will be done by the project staff.
Teacher Input: Teachers will be given a survey before, during, and after incorporating the grant
into their teaching. Teacher perspectives will be collected and presented throughout the year to
the committee for the purpose of sharing successful implementation ideas and finding resolutions
to concerns (Appendix D).
Student Input: Students will be given a survey before, during, and after incorporating the grant
into instruction. The survey will be administered to students to gain the students collective
perspectives on how well the district utilizes technology in the classroom (Appendix E).
Goal 1:
Increase academic performance in reading and English/language arts for all students, targeting

specifically second and fifth grade students for the 2013-2014 school year. To exceed annual
targets, teachers will learn different strategies that support BYOD and new technologies.
Teachers will use collaboration, targeted interventions and direct reading instruction to support
BYOT initiatives.
Teachers will be able to use devices to access and implement online sites and e-books.
Teachers will identify ways BYOT can help increase academic performance.
Evaluation Plan
All CRCT scores will be analyzed, recorded, and presented to the committee by the end of May
2014. CRCT scores from previous years will be compared to the 2015 CRCT scores. Program
success will be determined by increasing scores.
Students will participate in the AimsWEB (Reading Curriculum-Based Measurement) program
to increase their reading skills. Several benchmarks will be administered throughout the school
year to monitor for growth within students writing skills. Teachers will grade the students
benchmarks to monitor writing skills progress.
All 5th grade Writing Assessment scores will be analyzed, recorded, and presented to the
committee by the end of May 2014. The scores from previous years will be compared to the
2015 scores. Program success will be determined by increasing number of students meeting or
exceeding on the 5th grade State Writing Assessment.
Beginning of Year, Mid-Year, and End-of-Year data to show growth that the students have
made in Reading, Writing, and Literacy, as well as all content areas. Benchmark tests will be
administered at the beginning, middle, and end of the year. Each subject will administer its own
benchmark. The benchmark scores will be analyzed by teachers, administers, and the project
staff. The purpose of analyzing benchmarks throughout the year is to implement new ideas and

find resolutions to any concerns.

The BYOT program will be successful if students continuously increase their academic score
throughout the year.
Goal 2:
Understand digital citizenship and develop classroom management strategies that support
acceptable monitoring, intervention and student consequences for the BYOT initiative.
Teachers will create BYOT classroom management guidelines by the end of the training.
Teachers will be able to identify digital citizenship areas that are most applicable to BYOT.
Teachers will create classroom management guidelines that support the school P.R.I.D.E.
Teachers will identify potential problem areas and how to handle students without a device.
Evaluation Plan
Observations will be done throughout the year by administrators and project staff to evaluate
teachers participating in the BYOT program. Observations will be done by scoring teachers on
classroom management and digital citizenship. Observers will evaluate student interaction and
behavior while using devices.
Test scores will also be reviewed. Good classroom management indicates student learning.
Student learning will be shown through test scores.
Goal 3:
Identify ways to use technology to enhance and transform instruction for reading and English
language arts curriculum. Teachers will use the 4 Tiers of Educational Technology Intervention
(substitution, augmentation, modification and redefinition) to support the BYOT initiative
throughout the 2013-2014 school year.

Teacher will be able to understand and apply the 4 Tiers of Educational Technology
Substitution technology acts as a direct tool substitute, with no functional change
Augmentation technology acts as a direct tool substitute, with functional improvement
Modification technology allows for specific task redesign
Redefinition technology allows for the creation of new tasks, previously inconceivable
Evaluation Plan
Unit plans will provide evidence for the 4 Tiers of Educational Technology Intervention. Unit
plans will be reviewed for specific technology lessons. Lessons using the BYOT program will be
evaluated by project staff. Technology should be used to enhance the lesson. Technology that
does not serve a meaningful purpose in the lesson will not be accepted. Unit plans will be
reviewed many times throughout the school year.
As teachers and administrators, we must understand the many types of technology which are
available to us as well as understand how to implement that technology to see that student
learning outcomes are improving and to help our students become successful. We all realize that
integrating technology into the classroom and curriculum is important. Aligning technology
with student learning and using it to engage our students is key to improving the quality of
learning in the classroom. Professional learning is the strategy used by teachers, administrators,
and system employees to enhance the skills needed to create and support the potential of all
students. In order for all students to perform at high levels, the educators must also be learning.
The purpose of professional learning is to ensure that the educators are learning at their highest

potential to allow the students to learn and perform at their own highest potential as they teach
their learned skills.
Using BYOT in the schools will allow students and teachers to always have their own personal
devices at their fingertips. For those that are unable to provide their own personal device, the
school can help to provide extra laptops and ipads for classroom use. Having mobile learning
labs would allow this idea of students having technology in their hands to become a reality.
Estimated Budget for BYOD

Year 1

Year 2

Line Item and Calculations

Requested Amount

Requested Amount














6 Kindle Fire tablets








Salary / Wages
Stipends for Professional Development:
50 participants/$300 stipend
Salary for Substitutes:
$80 per substitute X 50 participants
Contracted Services
Consultants to provide Professional
Development Training
Equipment / Software
Software / Learning Apps
3 - Apps X $3 each X 50 Educators


Bring your own device student survey. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2013, from
Bring your own device teacher survey. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2013, from
BYOD in GISD. (2013). Retrieved October 20, 2013, from
Project RED. (2013). Retrieved October 20, 2013, from
Three-year technology plan. (2012). Retrieved October 21, 2013, from

Appendix A
Performance Data

2012-2013 Chattahoochee Elementary EOY Assessment Data

Appendix B
School Assessment Survey
2013 School Assessment Survey Results: Technology Training

Appendix C
School-wide BYOT Policy:
P.R.I.D.E. In the Classroom
P Purpose for using device is always educational
R Responsible use of devices is always expected
I Instructions for device use will always be followed
D Devices must always be using the schools WiFi network
E Everyone will always conduct him or herself responsibly online

Appendix D
BYOT Teacher Survey
1. In which of the following grade groupings do you teach?
2. I have been teaching for:
0 to 5 years
6 to 10 years
11 to 15 years
16 to 20 years
More than 20 years
3. What is your comfort level using computer technology?
Beginning User, uncomfortable, need a lot of assistance
Average User, comfortable, need a little assistance
Above Average User, very comfortable, provide some assistance to others
Expert User, extremely comfortable, coach and mentor others
4. I use the following technologies on a daily basis for personal and/or school related use Personal Use or School
Smart Phone (e.g.Blackberry, iPhone, other)
Cell Phone
MP3 Player
iPOD Touch
iPOD (other than the Touch)
EReader (e.g. Sony Reader, Kindle Reader)
Laptop computer
Document Camera
Tablet Computer (Playbook, Xoom, etc.)
Desktop computer
5. On average, I use technology for:
Whole group instruction
Small group
Individual instruction
Word Processing
Report Cards
Inputting Marks
Email with other staff

Email with students

Email with parents
Collaboration with peers
Collaboration with students
Course documentation and updates for students
Teacher Web page
6. What is your current ability to integrate technology into your teaching and learning?
Beginning, uncomfortable, need a lot of assistance
Average, comfortable, need a little assistance
Above Average, very comfortable, provide some assistance to others
Expert, extremely comfortable, coach and mentor others
7. Do you have an LCD projector in your classroom all the time?
No but I can sign one out or borrow it
No and there are none available for my use
Other (please specify)
8. How often do you use an LCD projector as part of the teaching and learning that happens in your classroom?
Use it throughout the day
Use it once a day
Use it a few times a week
Use it once a week
Use it a few times a month
Rarely use it
Never use it
9. Do you have an interactive whiteboard (i.e. SMART Board) in your classroom all the time?
No but I can sign one out or borrow it
No and there are none available for my use
Other (please specify)
10. How often do you use an interactive whiteboard (i.e. SMART Board) as part of the teaching and learning that
happens in your classroom?
Use it throughout the day
Use it once a day
Use it a few times a week
Use it once a week
Use it a few times a month
Rarely use it or Never use it

Appendix E
BYOT Student Survey
1. I am in:
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
2. How often do you have access to a school-owned computer (desktop, laptop or tablet) at school?
Less than once a week
Once a week
More than once a week
Once a day
More than once a day
All the time
3. There are school-owned computers at school that are available:
WHERE I need to use them
WHEN I need to use them
4. The school's Internet access speed is sufficient for my needs.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
5. Which best describes the computer that you use most often at school:
It is a school owned computer
It is a computer that I own
6. My teachers are comfortable with technology.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
7. My teachers use technology to engage me and enhance the learning experience.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
8. Which of the following devices do you personally own? (Check all that apply)
Desktop computer
Laptop computer
Android tablet
iPad Mini
iPod Touch
Smart phone

9. I might not bring a device I own to school for the following reasons:
My parent or guardian will not let me bring it to school
I am afraid it will get lost or damaged
I am afraid it will get stolen
I don't know why I need this device at school
I am worried about carrying it around and finding space to store it when not in use
The battery is too old and won't stayed charged long enough to use it
The device is too old to be useful at school
I don't know how to connect to the wireless
I already have full time access to technology in my school
The school's network is too slow and unreliable
10. I would bring my device to school for the following reasons: (Select all that apply)
Communicate with my friends
Take notes in class
Do research for a project
Do research/use web resources for activities we are completing in class
Communicate with my teacher
Collaborate with other students on a classroom assignment
Create projects / complete assignments
Access class resources on the teacher's website or Learning Management System (i..e D2L, Moodle, etc.)
Hand-in assignments on the teacher's website or Learning Management System

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