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Jeffs Journey

- Reaching the lost for Christ

Mar. 2015

Dear Supporters,


Reaching the lost

in Poland during
Missions Reality
Reaching the lost
in NYC during this
Monthly support
for my coming
internship, and
WOL Open Air


This last fall I was

appointed to lead
a team of students
in Open-air
evangelism while
in NYC. Many were
saved though that
ministry to the
glory of God. I will
again lead teams
this spring.
Many teens were
saved during WOL
Snowcamp which
lasted 7 weekends.
25 people trusted
Christ in NYC over
spring break

I am thrilled to tell you that I am now officially locked into the

upcoming Missions Reality trip to Poland. I am thanking and
praising God for your contributions of prayer and financial
support. The total of the $1,882 needed for that mission has
been fully raised. Praise the Lord! I have been brushing up on my Polish as well, so
as to clearly communicate the gospel to the Polish people we come into contact
with. The Lord has supplied not only one, but two copies of the Scriptures to me in
Polish! That trip is in April. As for the 9 weeks that I will be spending time leading a
team in NYC over the summer, the Lord has greatly provided thus far, but still more
support is needed. Right now out of the $2,800 needed for that trip the Lord has
provided exactly $1,119.07. Meaning that I still have $1,680 to go for the summer
mission. Last year on that trip we were able to make a huge impact for the Lord,
seeing 136 people trust Christ on the spot. Along with over hundreds and hundreds
of others hearing the gospel and being brought to a point of decision to trust Christ.
I deeply appreciate all of the prayer support each of you have given. I know that the
Lord hears and that He is supplying all of the need!
Whats next?
Last month Word of Life had the annual missions conference. I have been praying
all year about the direction I will be taking after I am finished with Word of Life
Bible Institute. The Lord has made it very clear that He is directing me into full time
ministry. Word of Life has since offered me an internship with Open-air Evangelism.
This is a unique opportunity as this internship will prepare me for fulltime
missionary work. Word of Life offers a half off scholarship with Baptist Bible College
and Seminary in which I am pursuing a degree in Christian Ministries with a focus
on world evangelism. I have had multiple sit down meetings with the international
director of ministries for WOL, and the director of Open-air evangelism for WOL.
They have formulated a plan in which I will be able to train church teams both here
in the US and overseas in places like Europe and the Philippines this next year
during my internship. I will be taking support raising training, and cross cultural
training shortly after my summer mission. Much prayer is needed for monthly
financial support as I become an intern and a full time Word of Life missionary.
In His love, Jeffrey R. Welch

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