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Rewind Your Relationship Back To Bliss
Mens Edition

Ryan Rivers




What Is Relationship Rewind?

Understanding the Dynamics of a Relationship
Why Relationship Rewind Works
Where to Start Your Relationship Journey
The Stages of Relationship Rewind
Reasons for a Relationship Breakdown
Overcoming the Final Objection
My Relationship Rewind Journey 21

1: My Relationship Rewind Journey

My Story: How It All Ended, Much to My Surprise

The Insiders Perspective: What I Discovered
The Concept of Getting Your Ex Back
Why I Believe She Will Take You Back
My Relationship Rewind Experience
How Relationship Rewind Works
The Big Relationship Rewind Reveal

2: The Relationship Breakdown

Love Story: The Relationship Breakdown

What Is the Relationship Breakdown?
What Happens After the Relationship Breakdown?
Moving On From a Relationship Breakdown
Identifying the Choices You Want to Make




3: Relationship Decay

Love Story: Relationship Decay

What Is Relationship Decay?
Relationship Decay: Case Study
The Phases of Post-Relationship Decay
How to Feel Better About Relationship Decay
Why Relationship Decay Occurs
The Signs for Recognizing Relationship Decay
Why You Must Stop Chasing Indifference

4: Deaths Door

What Is Deaths Door?

Moving Away From Deaths Door
Introducing the False Friendship
Critical Knowledge: The False Friendship Failure Rate
What the False Friendship is Not: The Friend Zone
Initiating the False Friendship During Deaths Door

5: The Magic Letter

What is the Magic Letter?
Initiating the Magic Letter During Indifference
An Example of the Magic Letter in Action
The Magic Letter Breakdown
Why the Magic Letter Is So Effective




6: Drift



What Is Drift?
How She Will Approach the Final Stages of Drift
How Drift Can Lead to Indifference
Avoiding a Negative Bonding Experience
Always Approach with a Positive Bonding Experience

7: Switch

What Is Switch?
How to Tell When She Is In Switch
How to Challenge the Switch
Things to Avoid Doing in Switch
Case Study Part 1: Switch in Action
Case Study Part 2: The Problem with Switch

8: Bliss

What Is Bliss?
Real Life Examples of Bliss
Emotion First, Love Later (EF, LL)
Detonating the Back to Bliss Bomb
Introducing the I Love You Ladder
How to Use the I Love You Ladder


Truly Benefiting from the Relationship Rewind

Truly Benefiting from the Relationship Rewind
Your Relationship Rewind Users Guide:
Living and Loving with Bliss
Will She Love You As You Love Her?
Good Luck!





To my loving wife, best friend, and shining star, Thank you for
teaching me how to love, for proofreading into the early hours,
and for giving us a second chance.
To my friends, who, when convinced I had lost my mind, did
not turn their backs on me, and saw me through the nights
when I couldnt stand to be around myself.
To my Mom and Dad, who constantly showed me what true
love can be, and for reminding me never to let love go if you
are blessed enough to find it too.

Sometimes you find a book, and sometimes a book finds you. For me,
Relationship Rewind was the latter.
I have read dozens of run-of-the-mill dating books, all filled with the same
clichd suggestions. Right off the bat, I was surprised to find this was not
the same BS. Then, as I put the suggested techniques into action (admittedly
somewhat skeptical), I was amazed to find my relationship with my ex
I didnt have to chase her to win her back.
I didnt have to keep calling and trying to break down her barriers.
Instead, after using the Relationship Rewind, she unexpectedly asked me to
meet up for a drink one day. From there, everything clicked into place. We
started dating a few weeks later, and now, after almost a year, we set a date to
make it all official. Not only did I win her back, but also somewhere along the
way we discovered what love could be. What it could have been all along
For those starting their Relationship Rewind journey, I recommend taking
action on the tips in this book. I call it a journey because it truly is an eyeopening adventure. My only regret is waiting to start until after I had finished
reading. Looking back, I realized how much precious time had passed. Now,
instead of worrying about failing, I embrace the woman I love and know that
no matter what happens we wont become another failed relationship statistic.
If you are looking for truthful, direct advice about how to get your ex back,
youve found it. Im not saying this is an instantaneous cure, because it is not.

The author understands what you are facing and offers practical advice to help
you overcome each challenge. Once you progress through the customizable
phases, you are rewarded with a second chance and so much more than that.
Relationship Rewind taught me that it is possible to go back and change things,
but it only works if you really want it to. If you are committed to winning
her back, then this book will help you. If you are just looking for ways to
fill the void in your heart or space in your bed, this is not the book for you.
Relationship Rewind doesnt work that way. Its all about taking what was
there, and bringing it back to life so that its stronger than ever.
My advice is to be honest about the changes you want and appreciate your
journey. Its an incredible opportunity to become the man you have always
wanted to be, and the one she will always love.

Anthony P.
Relationship Rewind Member



What Is Relationship Rewind?

Relationship Rewind:
The act of rewinding a relationship to a time of complete
happiness. Furthermore, this act prevents conflict from
Relationship Rewind is a unique method of restoring even the
most broken relationships. It offers you an opportunity to correct
experiences where you or she may have done something wrong,
so you can restore the relationship to a place of love, affection,
and intimacy. Instead of feeling rejected and abandoned,
you can use Relationship Rewind to undo any damage. Its so
effective its as if the damage never even happened!
It changes how you and your partner respond to one another,
removing the friction that occurs during the Relationship
Breakdown phase (you will learn about this in Chapter 2). No
matter how traumatic that experience, it is possible to go back
in time to a place where you are the center of her world. It also
gives you the skills to identify problems as they arise, so you can
deal with them productively.
This also prevents the relationship breakdown from happening
The best thing about Relationship Rewind is that you learn to
use positive reinforcement to reward her for returning to Bliss.
Instead of driving her away, you encourage her to come back to
a state of Bliss on her own. It teaches her that you are someone


she enjoys being around, and builds a natural yet durable

attraction. When you learn the correct techniques to reward her,
she will believe she is instigating the return of your relationship.
This is a critical observation, as most men try to convince their
ex to get back together, but end up making things worse. They
drive her away, and never win her affection back.

Understanding the Dynamics of a Relationship

A relationship is the social bond we define with a promise or a
vow. It demonstrates that you and she are something more than
individuals are.
In a relationship, you feel ownership towards your partner.
She feels the same for you. When youre not in a relationship,
you still share experiences, memories, thoughts, and feelings
for each other. If she is not expressing these feelings, they are
inactive or dormant, but they are still there. These are the true
essence of a relationship. You will receive actionable techniques
throughout this book to help you reactivate this potential.
After a relationship ends, women move as far as possible
from the emotional trauma. This is why you may believe that
reversing a relationship is impossible. You can probably feel her
detachment. Many men wrongly believe this is the worst thing
that can happen, as it feels irreversible, but youll be surprised
to find this is not true. Even if she wont answer your calls today,
there is hope for tomorrow.



How you react to her need for distance is the deciding factor.
This is what Relationship Rewind seeks to explore. Its all about
returning to the same emotional page.
Relationship Rewind ignites the blissful feelings felt when falling
in love. These emotions reward her for pursuing an active
relationship with you. If she loved you once, she still does or can
learn to love you again. It does not matter how long you were
together or how much time you have been apart. The beauty of
the Relationship Rewind is that even the most heart wrenching
of breakups become possible to reconnect.
It doesnt matter if she is filled with anger and hate, or if you
havent spoken in years. Every relationship can be rewound. Im
about to show you why.

Why Relationship Rewind Works

While many of these tips can sustain a relationship, this is
not your typical dating advice. The information you are about
to read is controversial and frowned upon by other so-called
dating experts. This is because the purpose of Relationship
Rewind is to get your ex back, not something all experts agree
on. Many will tell you that some things are best left in the past,
or there are plenty more fish in the sea.
We both know otherwise.



However, I will give you this cautionary advice:

In order to be successful, you must be 100% sure your relationship
is worth saving. I cannot emphasize this enough. These radical
techniques only rewind a healthy relationship founded in love. If
there was no love, you have little to leverage. It is not impossible,
but the results will not be as stellar. This is because the techniques
that you will be using awaken the emotions that she has already
felt, and bring them back into action.
It is also wise to note:
A Relationship Breakdown is a traumatic experience, no matter
how long your connection. The fresher those experiences are, the
less accurate your ability will be to decide if she was truly The
One. I cannot tell you if she was or if your relationship is worth
saving, but neither can anyone else. You are the only person who
can make this decision. Now is the time to begin looking at your
relationship objectively.
Ask yourself:
Are you unconditionally committed to winning her back?
Do you know without a doubt that your life is much better when
she is around?

If the answer to both these questions is yes, then great! You are
already on your way to seeking Relationship Resolve. This is when
you stop looking at the Relationship Breakdown as an impossible
task. Instead, you discover an opportunity to make things better
than ever. It is this necessary mindset you will need in going


forward, and one that will begin to spark her attraction to you once
These techniques have helped transform hundreds of relationships
and can help you too. We will be looking at each in-depth in
the coming chapters. For now, acknowledge their existence
and embrace knowing that you have an arsenal of tools at your
The techniques that will reward her for chasing you and embracing
her emotions:
1. Emotion First, Love Later
2. The False Friendship
3. The Bliss Bomb
In this book, you will also explore the Relationship Mechanisms I






In addition, I will teach you what Deaths Door is, and how you can
move away from these escalating Relationship Killers:
1. Relationship Decay
2. Relationship Breakdown
3. Deaths Door



Relationship Killers are silent but deadly feelings that occur under
the surface. They only show their face when its at the final hour, or
after the relationship has ended. Knowing how to spot these before
that monumental time, and learning how to set the relationship
back on course to Bliss means never having to face the end again.
These are what make the Relationship Rewind so effective, and we
will be exploring these concepts first.
In this book, you will learn how to transport your relationship back
to a better time, where conversation and sex happened freely and
passionately. Where arguments were rare, and when she looked
at you with a sparkle in her eye that told you without doubt, you
are the only man for her. These techniques encourage her to come
back to the relationship on her own terms. She feels compelled and
that its the right thing to do.
Understanding these Relationship Mechanisms and knowing when
to act are the secret to winning her affection and adoration for a

Where to Start Your Relationship Journey

As most Relationship Breakdowns involve giving each other
space, getting back on speaking terms is the best way to begin the
Relationship Rewind.
The techniques most guys use drive her away, no matter how
good their intentions. Learning to create a False Friendship
ensures you do not make these mistakes. If this sounds impossible
or strange, you will be pleasantly surprised. This is not only
remarkably easy to do, but also very powerful. Creating a False


Friendship gives you a communication channel so you can use the

steps in this book effectively.
The first step we are going to take is one you can do on your own. It
will help bring clarity into your life.
Whether you broke up yesterday or last year, you are hanging
onto emotions that cause all sorts of side effects in your life. Your
anger, jealousy, resentment, and other emotions are driving her
away (possibly without you even realizing it). By letting these go,
you create a deep sense of Relationship Resolve. You want to reach
this critical point of acceptance of what has happened, with the
confidence to move forward.
This Relationship Resolve is also required to use the techniques in
this book actionably, and offers a clear mindset to make the correct
judgment calls.
I cannot say this enough:
Winning her back becomes one thousand times easier when you
are emotionally resolved, and able to see the relationship in a
positive light.
This is precisely the time to be excited and even curious, because
you are about to jump off the ledge. Getting her back will be quite
an adventure!


Note: Without
this understanding, creating a
False Friendship


The Stages of Relationship Rewind

The stages of the Relationship Rewind are easy to implement. They
are designed to help you start from the moment the relationship
ends, to the moment you are back together, and can be used at
every point in-between. All you have to do is pinpoint which phase
you are in and read that section. Each section will lead you back
into Bliss. This is why she feels compelled to move the relationship
back into an active status on her terms.
Before we can fully understand that, I want to help you seek your
Relationship Resolve. By understanding why the Relationship
Breakdown occurred, you will each be more responsive to the
following techniques. I hope that by beginning to understand why
the relationship broke down, or where in the process you are, you
will feel empowered. Consider these next points closely, and aim to
find out where your relationship ended.



Here Are The Three Major Stages Of The Relationship Breakdown:

1. Relationship Decay:
This phase is where you may begin to feel the relationship is
not as happy or as blissful as once was. It is often difficult to
pinpoint why that is, but the feelings of its not quite right
become increasingly tangible. All relationships that are not
in a state of Bliss experience some degree of Relationship
2. Relationship Breakdown:
When the Relationship Decay becomes noticeable, you
move into the awareness phase called the Relationship
Breakdown. This is when you or she may take considerable
actions based on those negative emotions. You may be
arguing frequently or generally moving further apart. This
can lead to an official break up.
3. Deaths Door:
Deaths Door occurs after the breakup, and is an intense
phase of sheer frustration and confusion. The hope of
reconciliation feels small (though this is far from impossible
to change). She may or may not talk to you, but she is set
in her resolve. You are on Deaths Door when you she seeks
complete independence from the relationship.
It is important to point out that while these sound serious, and
they absolutely are, they are not impossible to overcome. You have
the tools you need to overcome these easily.



While it can be difficult to think back to that time, it is critical for the healing
process. Think objectively where in this series you are, and how you are now
interacting compared to when you were in your relationship. Now that you
know these phases exist, it should inspire curiosity into why they happened.
We will be coming back to these in more depth regularly, but for now, accept
them. Study them. Find peace with them.

Reasons for a Relationship Breakdown

It doesnt matter how rich, attractive, or successful you are, or how
long you were together, breaking up is an unpleasant experience.
It has the potential to make you feel different negative emotions,
which can make the situation feel worse than it appears. You may
feel angry, feelings of failure, or helplessness. These vary from
person to person, and none is wrong, but they must be overcome.
Im about to show you how that is possible.
What might surprise you is that in almost every case, humans only
break up for two reasons.
The Two Major Reasons Breakups Occur Are:
You were in a different phase of the relationship than her
The relationship wasnt emotionally rewarding.
When you are in two different phases, communication and
compromise are difficult to reach as you each have different goals.
This can lead to the second reason, which occurs when one or both
people feel that the relationship is not meeting the desired goals.
You may experience one or both of these, but the fact remains the
same. You were moving in a different direction, and it caused an


emotional response that put the relationship in jeopardy.

As these two points have infinite outcomes, how you approach
them will be different. This is why the Relationship Rewind offers a
customizable plan.
Only you know why your relationship ended, and which highs and
lows it experienced. These answers unlock the secrets on whether
you are in Switch, Drift, or Bliss, and how to respond according to
this book. Perhaps you were unhappy, and Drifted on your own
without talking to her about those feelings. Maybe she made
a decision without you that left you stranded. Either way, the
outcome remains the same.
Appreciate these feelings of awareness, they will bring you closure.
Once you find the reason why, you can follow the steps provided.

Overcoming the Final Objection

If you still feel your relationship is doomed or hopeless, you must
learn to venture on with positive goals in mind. You will not be able
to use the steps in this book if your doubt and anxiety overshadow
your love for her. For this reason, I have included a bonus, which
gives you instant access to my Mind Calm techniques. These will
improve how you are feeling, so you can start on a successful path
to relationship success.



To access Mind Calm, please visit the Relationship Rewind

Members Area and click on Mind Calm. Alternatively, you can
click the link below and log in from here:
One of the biggest pieces of advice is to accept time passing and
use it to create healing and understanding. You both need time
to process your emotions. There is only so much you can do
without pushing her away. If you charge in now without the correct
mindset, or without fully understanding the techniques offered,
you risk losing her for good. The rest you must leave to times
capable hands.
You will be uncovering the magic behind these techniques soon.

Ryan Rivers
Creator of The Relationship Rewind System


The Relationship
Rewind is not
a method to
win her back
overnight, but to
win her back for

My Relationship
Rewind Journey



Chapter 1: My Relationship Rewind Journey

Welcome to the Relationship Rewind!
Before we jump into the good stuff, I want to take a moment
to introduce myself, and tell you a bit about my Relationship
Rewind journey. I hope that by reading about my experiences
and those of my Relationship Rewind clients, you will be hopeful.
You will see why even the most devastating relationships were
healed using positive actions. You will discover why these actions
in turn were so remarkable, and where those relationships now
This can be a rewarding time, but only if you go into it with the
right mindset.
At the end of the day, love should be pleasurable. Enjoy these
stories at their face value. We all make mistakes, but how we
confront speaks loudly. No relationship is perfect, but it can be
close when you know how to reward the positives. You should
always be moving towards a positive goal; otherwise, you are
just setting yourself up for a relationship disaster. This is why we
talk about moving forward to Bliss using positive reinforcement.
So with that said, I want to tell you about the night it all went
wrong for me. This isnt an easy story to share, but one that is
necessary to understand.



My Story: How It All Ended, Much to My Surprise


night, home from work late and exhausted,

I arrived to discover the living room torn
apart and in its place, an assortment of
boxes and suitcases scattered across the floor. There, above the
chaos and confusion was my childhood sweetheart. She was
teary eyed and moving around with a phone secured to one
shoulder as she threw her stuff into various containers.
Had it been any other night, my amusement at her ability to hit
every shot would have made both of us laugh. She wasnt the
most agile creature, often tripping and falling. She called me
her savior, and joked that I should paint a red cross on my white
As she set the phone down, she jumped, now realizing that I had
entered. Her usual carefree smile and welcoming arms were
replaced with a stern, How much did you hear? I shrugged,
and playfully asked if she was hiding something from me. Her
expression was one that I will never forget, and as she stared
vacantly into the wall behind, it finally dawned on me.
What she said next was unbelievable, Im going to stay with
friends; Ill come back for the rest soon.
Memories flashed before my eyes, retracing the steps back as if
somehow, my brain could work out what went wrong and figure
out how to fix it. I couldnt find any answers. She explained she
had wanted to leave before I came home. She didnt mean to
hurt me, and apologized for the mess, but as fast as she said it,
she was gone.


In the weeks that followed, I never could understand what went

I started avoiding others in a hopeless attempt to hide my pain.
It wasnt right that she should be free, leaving me behind. We
swore that we would be together forever. Nevertheless, as
the ring I intended to give her sat mockingly in my pocket, I
wondered what forever even meant.
It was all gone she was gone.
When I saw my friends, they said I had to get a grip; I had to get
over her.
For the first time, I knew they were wrong. I had to win her back.
It was as if the decision sprang forth and was so obvious and
crystal clear. I felt free. Instead of falling into a sullen slumber,
I cleared off a desk and began to rush around looking for clues,
ideas, anything that would help me win her back. Unknowingly, I
had found my Relationship Resolve.
Over the following months, I did everything I could to make
contact with her. Her friends were kind, but I knew they were
screening her calls and hiding her from me. If we could just sit
down and talk, I knew she would see how big a mistake she had
made, but it was futile. In trying to contact her, it felt like I was
only driving her away.
I still had no idea why she left; the unanswered questions were
driving me crazy



One night, as I was looking back through old photos, wondering

how she came to be mine, it finally dawned on me.
She had chosen me.
I had been shy in high school, something that despite my best
efforts remained true to this day. She had had many suitors, all
promising her the world, and when she sat by me in class, she
smiled easily when I accepted her offer of help; it was as if she
didnt need saving, she wanted to save the world. When she
wanted to be with me, thats when the real magic happened.
Suddenly, everything changed in that moment
I realized if I wanted to win her affection, I had to use that same
One that would make her want me back. It was no use trying to
chase her down. I would end up rejected like those other guys.
She would put up her defense and become leery (something
I couldnt stomach thinking about). When I thought back to
that fateful day, I was reminded of how simple and easy the
conversation flowed
It was then that Relationship Rewind was born.



The Insiders Perspective: What I Discovered

I realized no matter how much you love someone there are
certain stipulations that must be met. Especially if you want to
her to love you in return.
She is not going to take you back because you feel a certain way.
She will take you back though if she feels compelled to be with
you again. Many Relationship Breakdowns leave two people torn
apart. Its not because the love died, but because of the way
they were interacting. Also, it is possible that she left because
she felt the relationship would never work, and as hard as that
may be to hear, she may be right.
A decision to end your relationship has been made, but ideas,
opinions, and feelings change. I spent months, almost years
figuring out what makes a strong, grounded relationship,
and I am learning all the time. What I do know, is that when
something challenging appears, the Relationship Mechanisms in
this book can help you react in a positive way, and get the results
you want. It gives you that fresh perspective, and new way to
Thats the beauty of what you are going to read. You will see that
everything about your relationship is open to change.



The Concept of Getting Your Ex Back

What you must realize, is that getting your ex back is an
inaccurate phrase. What you want to do is make your ex want
you back. There is a massive difference in coercing someone,
and them taking action on their own; and the results are equally
different. If you convince her to come back into the relationship,
sure it might work, but only for a short while. The cracks will
soon begin to emerge.
Instead, when you learn to make her want you back without
feeling guilt, regret, or any other negative emotions, I am
confident you will see the same responsiveness that I did.
Finding out why the Relationship Breakdown occurred is one
of first questions you must answer. Then, discover how to
ignite attraction, passion, and emotional bonding. These are all
amazing ways to share how you feel without pushing her way.
Also, in doing so, you will be put on a pedestal above all other
Women are born to nurture and protect; it calls to them on a
biological level. That is not to say women want to date someone
weak, far from it. Nevertheless, if you can make her focus time
and energy, then you rebuild a bond that is almost impossible
to break. These techniques have passed rigorous testing and
are the backbone of Relationship Rewind. Moreover, they have
helped countless couples reunite.
I found that by rewinding the relationship back to the time when
you were both enamored with one another, you get the Bliss


back. Meaning you will also bypass the Relationship Breakdown,

which enables you to start fresh with the worry of it all going
Many dating experts would disagree with these ideas, but
for us, it has proven to be the most successful and rewarding

Why I Believe She Will Take You Back

She loved you once, and there is the strongest possibility she
still does. Her love, inspired from months or years together, did
not suddenly vanish. It isnt possible to wake up one morning
and fall out of love, no matter how many times you wish it so.
The same goes for her. The effort required to get over those
emotions can take a staggeringly long time. In fact, I was
surprised to find this can take years to happen.
Then there are some people who never fall out of love. For
them, those feelings are as strong for a lifetime. Why is that?
This is because love is not a mere emotion, but a connection we
build with someone and is dependent on biology. The hormones
Oxytocin and Vasopressin, create a feeling of love, are two of
the most potent chemicals in existence. These chemicals bond
a mother to her child, and you to a miserable existence without
her by your side (BBC 2009). When you create the intoxicating
passion hormones, Dopamine, Serotonin, and Norepinephrine;
you produce a Bliss Bomb that feels like an explosion in her


These chemicals create the feeling that everything is magical.

These incredible emotions throw us so recklessly into love; we
often overlook the fact that there is an art and a science to
falling in love. The real beauty is that despite these Relationship
Mechanisms, it feels remarkably easy and natural. All these
emotions and feelings can be found once more. It happens when
you learn how to make her heart and body surrender first.
What is even more staggering is that there is no cure for love.
The only known way to crack a pair bond (a feeling of oneness
between two subjects), is by removing one hormone. When
scientists at the University of Illinois removed Vasopressin
from test voles, they wanted to see if voles could bond without
hormonal influence (Velasquez 2013). The surprising results
concluded that only in this extreme circumstance was it possible
to remove love completely. This means that the true desire to
run from Bliss is missing.
As it is impossible that she removed the Vasopressin from her
body, she cannot truly fall out of love from you. She is still
bonded on an emotional level, even if she doesnt want to be.
However, there was a second shocking revelation from this
study. When the once mated voles were reintroduced to
Vasopressin, they fell in love. It was instant and the results
happened as if they had never parted. The bond that was
there was established at a breakneck speed, and lasted for the
duration of their lives. Scientists believe that humans work in the
same way as they connect using the same hormones (Perlman

A small rodent
resembling a
mouse but with
a stouter body;
also known as
a field mouse.
They are a
notable animal
model for its
sexual fidelity,
since the male is
usually faithful
to the female.

A horomone that
after intercourse
is released into
the body that
creates the
desire to stay
with his mate


This means, if you trigger her emotional connection and flood

her body with Vasopressin, she will be bonded again to you and
only you.

My Relationship Rewind Experience

When mentoring men, who couldnt understand why their
relationship ended, something extraordinary dawned on me.
Women are patient, but not impossibly so. If you do not realize
what is going wrong in your relationship or want to make
amends, then you risk her walking out without so much as a
glance back. It is your responsibility to make sure you do not give
her unnecessary reasons to leave.
This is why that burning desire to know what went wrong is so
important. It is natures way of sending up a red flag that you are
missing something critical.
Yes, relationships work on mutual attraction, trust and respect.
However, you need to know how each of the sexes is different
too. These differences give you the key ingredients to help guide
the relationship back onto the tracks of success. Just as, you
can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink; you
can provide an Oasis in the harsh desert that begs her to take
advantage of her desire for you. Its human instinct at its finest
and most authentic.
We all have Vasopressin, and yes, we all have this potential to
reconnect. However, men and women ignite these chemical
explosions in completely different ways.


No one follows a specific formula to fall in love; thats the magic.

However, just like a magician, there are triggers that occur
behind the scenes for the trick of love to happen. You might
think that knowing how to conceal a trick will make your magic
successful, but a true showman is able to take it a step further.
He makes someone believe in magic. When you understand how
women uniquely feel this magic, everything clicks into place.
Its no secret that women respond on a deeply emotional level,
but here is why this observation is so significant.
Men are visual creatures, which mean they try to show their
affection. Women need to be told and affirmed of this desire to
feel and understand its power. When you learn how to use her
language and desire, you unlock the mystery that plagues most
men. If you follow these suggestions, she will be hooked on you.
You will use language and actions that resonate with her on a
uniquely biological level, activating her emotional response.
In other words, now is your opportunity to create the same awe
as the magician.
When she falls for you, a Bliss Bomb will explode in her mind.
This powerful device will set a series of events into motion that
will bond you together for a lifetime. It calls to her biological
mechanisms and makes you irresistible. What I failed to mention
though, is that the Bliss Bomb is also highly addictive. In fact,
it has shown the same neurological response levels as drug
addiction, hence why we call love intoxicating.
That means, anytime the Bliss begins to dwindle, you can


reactive your Bliss Bomb and reveal your next slice of magnetic

How Relationship Rewind Works

Relationship Rewind is an effective process that teaches you
how to rewind, rekindle, and restart your relationship in a way
that doesnt hold onto the past. It gives you a clean slate and the
opportunity to find love again. It doesnt diminish what you had,
but shows you new ways to feel the emotions you already have,
and turn them into a solid foundation for a new relationship.
I will introduce you to Relationship Decay. This is the
subconscious stage of the Relationship Breakdown, which
creates emotional damage and unrest when Bliss is not present.
This is the facilitator for a Relationship Breakdown.
The Relationship Breakdown is where conscious awareness
of Relationship Decay manifests as arguments or an official
breakup. These actions can land you in the high-risk zone called
Deaths Door.
Deaths Door is the moment when you realize you want
your relationship back (after an official breakup), but she
has a resolve to remain detached. You feel like you are at an
impossible standstill.
I will teach you about my Relationship Mechanisms called
Drift, Switch, and Bliss and show you how to avoid common
Relationship Killers.

Deaths Door is
a stage where
you could lose
her forever if
you do not take
care. Thats
not to say
these hurdles is
impossible, but
it does require


These techniques, when used correctly, prevent Relationship

I will teach you how to turn those feels of detachment and
unrest into desire and Bliss. This is remarkable, as it also reduces
the risks of the relationship failing again.
Turning your dating status back on is about making her feel
compelled to restore the foundations of your relationship.
Other dating advice only helps you chase her down and win
her back over. When you know how to Switch her perspective,
you will reward her for chasing you. Then she will realize all the
incredible things she has been missing and yearning for. It stops
you from feeling things are impossible, replacing them instead
with joy.
Finally, I will teach you how to initiate Bliss. While it is important
to let nature work its magic and allow these feelings to transpire,
there are ways to kick-start the process.
This will also become a talking point in Chapter 3, where I will
show you how to reverse the effects of the most impossible
feelings of Relationship Breakdown, Deaths Door.
These are the feelings of absolute joy that you once had for each
other, which many believe to be a temporary Honeymoon
phase. These feelings will make her fall for you again, and I will
teach you how to keep the passion alive for as long as you want
it. Bliss is incredible, necessary, and the most potent dating tool
you will ever own. It is also incredibly easy to activate, no matter
how doomed your relationship feels.


The Big Relationship Rewind Reveal

When you apply these steps together, something remarkable
happens. It took me by surprise, yet I see it happen every day.
People come to me and tell me that their relationships are
stronger, more passionate, and better than ever. My clients
are grateful for a second chance, and are fortunate to have an
opportunity to put their relationship back together.
These steps also use positive reinforcement, which seems to
work on a different level than any other dating advice I have ever
When you activate the Relationship Rewind, you make it feel
like it is her idea and that she is going to take you back. I know
this sounds ridiculous, but when you stop chasing her and start
rewarding her for instigating a relationship, you will be amazed
at how responsive she is. All she wants to do is call, think about
getting back together, and how breaking up was a massive
mistake; no matter how angry she is, trust me.
What you have in your possession is a powerful tool specifically
designed to win her back and keep her this time. In order for you
to get the most from this tool, I want you to go into these steps
with a positive attitude. Now is the time to leave your emotional
baggage at the door and step into a world of opportunity. This
can be an extremely rewarding time and Im really happy you are
joining us.



At the end of each chapter, I will include keynotes. While you can
get through this book in a few days, understanding the necessary
steps will take longer. No one becomes a master of anything in a
few days.
Come back and review these lessons often to get the most out of

Understanding what caused the Relationship Breakdown

is important, but will not stand in the way of positive
Without understanding where you are emotionally, the steps
you take will only drive her away.
Always go into the Relationship Rewind with a positive
If you are unable to think clearly and objectively, then click
on the Mind Calm link below for further assistance
The Relationship Rewind will teach you how to activate
dormant or inactive feelings in her, so her desire to come
back to you will be natural.
Relationship Rewind will provide you with the necessary
steps to spark her attraction, while preventing Relationship
Decay from occurring.

The Relationship



Love Story: The Relationship Breakdown

Introducing Aaron and Emma:
Aaron and Emma got together two summers ago. He was
attending a conference with some big shot company, and
was hoping to land the perfect deal. He had it all in front of
him, and was an ambitious go-getter who quickly outgrew
his small rural town.
One of the girls he met at the conference, Emma, kept
in touch, and as things continued to go his way, their
connection grew. It wasnt long before they were dating,
and Aaron was calling home to say he wouldnt be back for
a while.
As the weeks turned into months, Aaron would call and
share all the awesome things he was doing, while Emma
was right there with him. They sounded incredibly happy.
Like any young couple in love, frequent Facebook posts
showed photos of two happy people enjoying their life.
After a while, the updates came less and people rarely
heard from Aaron. They thought it was his demanding
career and didnt think anything of it. As the months turned
into a year, people began talking again. They all assumed
Aaron was living the good life.
What they didnt realize was that he and Emma had broken
up. The Relationship Breakdown had taken a toll on him.



Aaron was working long hours and turned down the

opportunity to move to the next branch. He hoped that by
staying in town, he and Emma would figure things out.
Thats when an unexpected phone call arrived; one that
made it apparent what Aaron had really been doing for so
To be continued

What Is the Relationship Breakdown?

Relationship Breakdown:
The sensitive time when you acknowledge the end of your
relationship is near. Often, this phase leads to an official
The Relationship Breakdown is not the time when you decide to
end the relationship, but the time before an impending breakup
when things are admittedly difficult and tense. The Relationship
Breakdown is also the noticeable time during or after the
Relationship Decay has set in. This phase happens when the
cracks in your bond become obvious. Although the length of
this phase varies between couples, feeling lost is common.
What is weird about the Relationship Breakdown is most couples
look back and can easily see that this time was the moment the


relationship started ending. Yet it is usually overlooked at the

time. This is because during the Relationship Breakdown you feel
happy on some days and worse on others. It isnt usually until
after everything is said and done that most men look back and
wonder how different it could have been.
You might realize that things she said were not only true, but
also drenched with emotional turmoil. You might see how you
reacted in what appeared a perfectly normal way, could have
been taken in a different context with this new light. Thats the
power of hindsight, and why I always advice allowing as much
time as possible to pass. It can be the most revealing when
looking back on the Relationship Breakdown.
The good news is the Relationship Rewind gives you a unique
opportunity to correct those cracks, by simply being aware they
However, it is important not to kick yourself about how obvious
they are now. Your feelings are always fluctuating.
The opportunities now open to you are essentially the opposite
of the Relationship Breakdown, where you begin to feel better
every day.



What Happens After the Relationship Breakdown?

Many men act quickly after a Relationship Breakdown, without
realizing that every action (no matter how good your intention)
can have a devastating effect. If she starts seeing someone else,
your inability to support her decision can drive a wedge between
you. It makes you look as if you are unable to move forward
from the relationship. It also solidifies her resolve in ending it
as you appear needy or clingy, and is all-round unattractive
Similarly, if you try to keep a friendship going with a glaring
intent to get back together, you might feel perplexed at her
sudden Switch as she distances herself from you.
This is because you each need to time reach emotional stability.
Without stability, you will not be able to take the right steps
to rewind your relationship. You will fall into emotional traps,
which pushes her further away. As you understand the stages,
you will learn critical milestones when she will be most receptive
to you. You begin to show her the changes you are making and
approach her with attractive, desirable qualities.
However, these only work if you can restore confidence in
yourself, and in your ability to create a healthy relationship.
Equally necessary to consider is how you feel about your
Your memories and emotions change over time, and gaining
clarity about how you feel about the Relationship Breakdown.


This will shape the choices you make. For now, you must restore
your clarity and objectivity; otherwise, your emotions will cloud
your judgment. The great news is you are about to learn how
to recover from the Relationship Breakdown, and you will learn
how to become clear again.
We will look at how to prepare for the Relationship Rewind
before you make your first move (to reduce the risk of falling
victim to mistakes). It takes a strong man to make amends, and
the fact you are here shows a great deal about your character.
What you do not realize, is that she will also be receptive to
these changes. You are making great advancements in learning
how to approach her with those positive attributes she will feel
compelled by.
As you unravel these techniques, you will learn to reward her for
initiating the Relationship Rewind. Do not worry; I have every
faith you will succeed!

Moving On From a Relationship Breakdown

As you move into understanding, I want you to be perfectly
truthful with yourself. The fact remains that your relationship
did end. If you understand why and where you are now, a new
opportunity to move forward will present itself. Look past
any animosity you feel and ask, Why did the Relationship
Breakdown occur? Is there anything you can pinpoint as a theme
of your Breakdown?
This will give you an idea of where you can start improving.


Below, I want you to write down five things that could have
caused your relationship to breakdown.
These could be things she said or how you felt. There is no right
or wrong answer and anything you disclose will be only be seen
by you. The more objective and honest you can be, the better
your chances of rewinding the relationship. When you start
to see the answers in front of you, it is much easier to remain
objective. If it is impossible to think objectively, then try the
Mind Calm bonus section first.
You may be amazed at how quickly your doubts and frustrations
surface. This will help you come to terms with those feelings.
Remember, these will not prevent you from moving forward.
Instead, each one will become an actionable step that you
can take to win her back. Think of this like planning a trip. You
already know where you want to go, now you know which route
to take and what roadblocks to avoid. This means you can plan
different routes and detours, which will help you get her back



Five Things That Caused Your Relationship to End:

The above reasons might be one theme or they might be a
variety of factors; either is normal and happens all the time.
It should give you more of an idea of why. Although none of
these reasons are as important as what Im about to reveal. The
real reason your relationship ended is that somewhere deep
inside, your relationship stopped being rewarding and fun. It
wasnt what it started out being...
Your Bliss factor burned out.
Think back to the two questions that we spoke about; the two
only true reasons for a Relationship Breakdown. I bet you meet
one or both of those points.
In front of you is the answer to those two important questions.
Now you can discover if you were moving in two different
directions, and furthermore why the Bliss burnt out.
This is an incredibly revealing exercise. See if you can pinpoint


any unhappiness or emotional distress in the reasons above. I

bet you will find unhappiness in all of them.
Again, do not beat yourself up.
You now have a clearer idea of where your relationship went
wrong, and have specific areas to improve. These are specific
to your relationship and will offer you critical insight into areas
where she will be most sensitive in approaching. This also means
implementing the core techniques in this book will be super
simple. Take time to congratulate and acknowledge the changes
you are making.
Rebuilding the Foundations of a Stronger Relationship
The next exercise will help you decide where you want your
relationship to go.
There are reasons why you want her back and objectifying
those will guide you back into the relationship with clarity.
Also, concrete reasons reduce your risk of falling back into old
routines. It is not enough to want her back. Ask yourself, What
it is about her that makes her more remarkable than any other
woman in the world? You could just as easily date someone
else, but you have made a decision to stick by her.
Why is that?
Write down five things about her that is unique, so that you
have something to fall back on in times when you are feeling


Five Things That Make This the Right Relationship for You:
By acknowledging the reasons why the relationship was
significant, you should feel more motivated.
By understanding how she shines, you can use this information
to win her back in a way that no other man can. Seeing her
strong points might also be refreshing, as a Relationship
Breakdown can make us focus on the negatives.
Take some time to enjoy these feelings too, you deserve them.
Now that you have a greater understanding of where you have
been, where you are, and where you want to move forward to
and why; you should be feeling relief and even confidence in
your ability to win her back.
Relationship Breakdowns are distressing because of the
unknown, and much like fear, are can be overcome by facing
them with honesty and clarity. While this isnt an easy process, it
is worthwhile and important.


Moreover, you have already been successful in starting, so for

that, I salute you!

Identifying the Choices You Want to Make

The next step to take is to objectify what you want from the
You have all the information at your disposal to make informed
goals, which will provide a solid foundation for a healthy
relationship. By understanding what you want before getting
back together, you wont become blindsided by the incredible
feelings that come at you.
Now is a great time to be perfectly honest about the things
that you were unhappy with last time, and then seek to make
Write down what it was that caused the relationship to end,
or that made you feel less than great in it. Do not be scared to
write down things that you or she did, as these will become a
template of things to avoid in the future.



Five Mistakes You Do Not Want to Repeat:

While you might think it is silly to write down what you want
in your relationship, these are important. By having this
information, you build a level of confidence and awareness that
is irresistible to women.
You will show her you are a man of action.
So keep this information locked away, until you reach the final
stage of Bliss, where you will activate these changes for a
I will let you know when the time is right!




Understanding why the Relationship Breakdown occurred

offers insight into the choices you must make.
It also answers the one amazingly frustrating question, why
the relation ended.
How you react to the Relationship Breakdown will shape the
choices she makes and either move her away from you or
draw her towards you.
Creating space is critical. This will help you think clearly.
Space also gives you time to heal. Use this time wisely to
respect her space, and encourage your own healing.
You must be emotionally stable; otherwise, you will push her
away and send out the wrong signals.
Once you have allowed the necessary time to pass, starting
the first stage will become obvious and natural


Relationship Decay



Love Story: Relationship Decay

Aaron and Emma:
Aaron called home late one night and seemed out of sorts.
Nothing he said made much sense and his usual carefree
attitude was replaced with a tangible worry. He bumbled
through the conversation, as if waiting to be asked what
was wrong.
Then, the dam burst open. It was as if months of frustration
came tumbling out, and what was even more surprising
was his complete shock at everything he was saying.
It was as if he was living someone elses life.
He was worried Emma might be seeing someone else. He
didnt say why, just that he could feel something wasnt
right, and nothing he said made any sense. He spoke about
how things hadnt felt right for a while, how she was distant
and complacent.
Anytime he tried to ask her what was wrong, she would
storm off to another room. Then eventually, she would
just leave the house and she wouldnt come back for long
periods of times, stating she was with friends.
When Aaron finally thought things were changing, it seems
those changes were not for the reasons he once thought.
To be continued


What Is Relationship Decay?

Relationship Decay:
The time when a relationship begins to break down
without either partner realizing it. This can happen over
a long period with no more than a feeling of emotional
In its most simplistic form, Relationship Decay is when two
people slowly stop communicating and embracing one another
Over the duration of weeks, months, or even years, they begin
to distance from their lover. In this time, the feelings of unrest
may surface occasionally. Relationship Decay for the most part
is undetectable, as our moods and emotions change constantly.
What could just be an argument to you may be the signs of a
much deeper concern for her. In Relationship decay, neither
person is willing to explore of express these concerns.
After prolonged exposure to Relationship Decay, a Shift
in consciousness moves the couple into the Relationship
Breakdown phase. This may or may not end in an official break
For these reasons, it can be hard to pinpoint exactly what went
wrong without understanding what Relationship Decay is.
Relationship Decay is similar to an Oak tree. The outside may
look healthy, but inside an infection can rot and whittle down a


trees integrity. The damage may even go unseen for many years
until a storm (an active moment) uproots the tree, much to the
surprise of those around. Relationship Decay takes time to take
to seep into the structure of a relationship, but the effects are as
devastating and long lasting.

Relationship Decay: Case Study

The potential for Relationship Decay is always present and
is happening to all couples at all times. Unawareness of this
negative process can lead to an emotional trigger moment,
where the Relationship Decay becomes a Relationship
Breakdown. This Switch effectively pushes the kill button on an
otherwise loving relationship, resulting in an emotional crisis
response. This is why complete surprise can happen when the
Relationship Breakdown occurs.
For many, it genuinely is a massive surprise. To the other party, it
has been waiting to happen over the longest time. Therein lays
the power of being in two emotionally different places with your
Many relationships end without anyone realizing there is a cure.



Take Jack and Lucy for example:

Jack and Lucy were married for several decades, when
surprisingly, aged 70; they decided to file for divorce and
call the relationship quits (Weisinger 2010). Most people
would assume that having shared their life together or
that after reaching a milestone; they would automatically
qualify for a lifetime achievement award, but not this
What is more surprising is that when asked, they both said
they were happy.
So what went wrong?
Over a series of meetings, Jack and Lucy each admitted they
recognized traits of their parents in the other (with whom
neither had a positive relationship) and were holding in feelings
of resentment. As the other person didnt necessarily do
anything wrong, neither felt it significant enough to address.
Then, over the decades, Relationship Decay set in and they



Alternatively, take Mary and John:

Even more bizarre is Mary and John, who never
consummated their marriage in 1934 (Weisinger 2010).
Mary and John married as a matter of convenience, but
never felt a sexual connection, though had a strong bond
of friendship. Mary and John never separated, and when
asked how they could live in such a way replied that
for them, it was effortless as they felt happy and were
committed to each others happiness.
This might sound crazy, but when you break the relationship
down to a subconscious level, you understand how different
methods of communication interfere with a healthy relationship.
Of course, understanding communication is not only what you
say and do around each other, but also how each partner thinks
and feels.
All of these are equally significant, when looking to sustain a
lifelong commitment.



The Phases of Post-Relationship Decay

Immediately after the breakup, the full extent of the
Relationship Decay causes overwhelming emotions during the
aftermath of the Relationship Breakdown. This is natural, but
makes it very difficult to make worthwhile decisions. When
your head and heart are focusing on two different goals, it is
impossible to move forward. This is why you must allow time to
heal and take active measures to move away from trauma.
The crucial thing is that you recognize where you are in the
relationship cycle.
Are you healthy and clear of mind?
On the other hand, are you in the post-breakup phase and still
emotionally unstable?
The last thing you want to do is go through the Relationship
Rewind and realize she is not The One.
When you understand where you are, then you can work out
where to go next, so you reduce the risk of failure.
For many, it genuinely is a massive surprise. To the other party, it
has been waiting to happen over the longest time. Therein lays
the power of being in two emotionally different places with your
Many relationships end without anyone realizing there is a cure.



Post-breakup: The time immediately after when it hasnt

sunk in that the relationship has ended. This is when you
begin to analyze potential Relationship Decay, and look for
signs of what went wrong.
Recovery: After the breakup, everything crashes into an
emotional mess. You realize the relationship is over, but
begin to see the now obvious signs of Relationship Decay.
This is an extended period of resolve and recovery.
Grieving: If recovery seems impossible, then you risk
entering into a grieving phase. This is where Deaths
Door occurs. It is prompted by your desire to remedy the
Relationship Decay, and her inability to match you on that
In these stages, you should stop contact immediately.
Even if, you have a good friendship, now is not the time to be
involved. This can cause lasting damage to both of you. Any
contact in the aftermath of a Relationship Breakdown will be
perceived as chasing. The recovery stage is the one you want
to embrace. Although it does take time and varies from man to
man, but knowing that it can take weeks or months is a good
place to start. I will let you know when to resume contact.
This is important because:
The more time you can spend understanding what Relationship
Decay occurred, the less risk you have of falling into the grieving
process. During grieving, your body is not suited towards making


informed decisions. It welcomes Deaths Door, and makes the

process of recovery much harder on you. If you are in the
post-breakup, accept the time to heal and then move into the
recovery position. This is where you should be while reading.
You must allow your body and mind time to recover. Accept this
space so you will be revitalized and ready to take action when
you move into the first stage of Relationship Rewind. If you are
in the grieving stage, this is going to take longer because you
have to accept that you may be on Deaths Door or are about
to land in that zone. You will need to allow additional time and
follow the steps that are about to be prescribed.
Now is the time to begin moving away from these stages when
possible. We will look at how to do this working from Deaths
Door to Bliss from Chapter 4.

How to Feel Better About Relationship Decay

Start today by taking small steps to bring more satisfaction
and joy into your life. Go out with your friends. If you are stuck
in the mourning phase of the relationship, this is even more
crucial. I know it seems impossible, but life does exist without
her. The faster you get on with it and start to enjoy it again, the
faster your rewinding will become a natural progression of this
transformative time.
Just as love sickness feels like a disease, the positive physical
effects of love are just as intoxicating (but for fantastic reasons).
Did you know most doctors prescribe light activities, such as

The Relationship
Rewind is not an
instant cure.


walking for a few minutes a day, as the first cure? This is

because doubts and anxieties (caused by breaking up with
someone or being broken up with) can make you feel helpless.
By taking action, you not only prove your brain wrong, but you
release endorphins, which are the feel-good hormones that
are also present during a healthy relationship (Griffin 2013).
The good news is you can regain those amazingly powerful
hormonal and emotional highs. You can trigger them in her also,
so that when she wants you back, it is on a biological level. The
steps that you will take are medicinal; meaning they help you
heal and recover from the breakup. If that isnt enough of a
motivating factor, then consider that she wont find a lovesick
man attractive. You must begin re-building your sense of
Without acknowledging that reason and taking time to
change your environment, all you stand to gain is an on-off
relationship. You must fix the causes of your problems, before
you start a relationship again.
Take confidence in the healing process you are going through
now will help her heal too.
Without acknowledging that reason and taking time to
change your environment, all you stand to gain is an on-off
relationship. You must fix the causes of your problems, before
you start a relationship again.
Take confidence in the healing process you are going through
now will help her heal too.

Even if she took
you back today,
the relationship
still ended for a


Why Relationship Decay Occurs

When you feel happy, your thoughts and actions prevent
Relationship Decay. This is because your subconscious mind
sends out positive energy and engages in healthy actions to
prolong your relationship. If you are in Drift (Chapter 5) or Switch
(Chapter 6), the symptoms of Relationship Decay accelerate
due to feelings of emotional detachment. This is why you may
suddenly find yourself on Deaths Door (Chapter 4) and asking
what happened.
In fact, the researchers at the University of Rochester found that
people, who feel like an active participant in their relationship,
are more likely to stay together than couples who are equally
happy, but are unable to understand their negative interactions
(Soonhee Lee 2010).
Another way to think of this would be to look at how you drive.
Driving is something most people do without much thought,
yet there are several complex processes going on. Your feet and
hands carry out two different actions simultaneously, activating
the gas pedal and the steering wheel. Then, as you drive, you
also will activate the windshield wipers if it rains or turn the
radio up when your favorite song comes on.
Essentially, you have a goal of getting to a destination, but how
you arrive is determined by the smaller, less obvious tasks you
take to ensure your drive is safe.
Often these are more influential than how fast you go. If you do
not pay attention to the other distractions, you will find yourself


quickly off the road and unable to move forward. You could
also get lost if you are not paying attention. On the other hand,
you might even face collisions or anger other drivers. This also
means the opportunity to get to your final destination becomes
While the steps in this book can help you manage your
relationship in a healthy and enjoyable way, they only work if
you acknowledge the signs of Relationship Decay.
You must learn to acknowledge the different ways you both
communicate and how that relates to getting back together.
Otherwise, it would be like stepping into a car blindfolded. Sure,
you might be able to work out how to go forward, but without
paying attention, you could quick derail the relationship and end
up back in the ditch. If you go into the relationship thinking you
know every curve, you will likely make a wrong judgment call
that risks everything.
This next technique will teach you how to sustain a long-term
relationship and help you prevent the problems that occurred
the first time around.



The Signs for Recognizing Relationship Decay

If you have experienced and acknowledged Relationship Decay,
then you may consider yourself a seasoned expert. This is a
fantastic skill to possess, and one that can be learned. The
reason why I am sharing this information is so that you have a
clear understanding of what it is and what you are experiencing.
If you are unable to pinpoint Relationship Decay, it is impossible
rewind the relationship as you wont know what to look for.
You need to know that Relationship Decay is more than
something that just happens, it is something that must be
addressed in a specific way.
There is every chance you will face Relationship Decay again, no
matter who you are dating, so listen closely.
She is less empathetic. She does not relate to your point of
view or emotional pains during arguments, or respond to
your memories and experiences of Bliss.
She shows less remorse. She is robotic in her decisions.
She may leave after an argument and go somewhere else
to cool off, refusing to help you assist her.
She ignores your existence. You no longer affect her
emotions. She is moving into part time or full time



While everyone requires different amounts of time to move

past a relationship, jumping into the Indifferent phase typically
takes a long time (prolonged by the intensity and duration of
your relationship). While she may have times when she asks
for space, or takes it without asking, it does not mean she is
automatically Indifferent to you. In fact, it could be a good
sign that she is overwhelmed with emotion: the opposite of
One thing you can count on though is that if you loved one
another, this period of Indifference whether fleeting or lasting
(I will describe this more in the next section) can take years to
reach, if she ever will. This gives you plenty of time to win her
heart back once more. Think back to your first love and you will
quickly see what I mean. Most people, no matter how your first
relationship ended, have the power to hold onto love for many
It is important to know that you have the tools necessary to
avoid falling into Relationship Decay or if you do, you can heal
your relationship. By being able to identify it, you remove
99.9% of the work involved, so you can disarm it before it sets
in for good. Relationship Decay is only powerful when you are
ignorant about it. In many cases, men wrongly believe they are
in Deaths Door, when what they have experienced in the fall out
of Relationship Decay.
For many, time will heal these wounds and allow you to naturally
bridge the gap once more and in a lasting way. Most women
never become Indifferent, it goes against their desire to nurture
and protect, so take faith in her love for you. Its still there, I am
sure of it!


Why You Must Stop Chasing Indifference

If she has a conscious understanding of Relationship Decay,
things do become trickier as she will now be actively taking
steps to maximize her space. She could be doing this to help you
both move on, or she could be doing this to give herself time
to decide if her Switch of heart was correct. Essentially this is a
protective phase where she tries to move into Indifference, what
she believes to be healing.
This is why many people suggest space after a breakup.
Chasing her during this time can cause massive and irreversible
problems. If you back a dog into a corner, it bites. The same goes
for her. If you chase her too soon, she will feel threatened and
bite you. This is especially true during an intense argument,
as our emotions and adrenaline are running high. While hurtful,
there is a good chance that her actions are not there to hurt you,
no matter how badly they may.
The fantastic news is that just because she is taking more severe
actions to remove you from her life, does not mean she is
Indifferent. If she feels it is necessary to place a barrier between
you both, she still feels emotional. If she has gone to great
lengths to remove you from her life then you must be a great
threat for her. She knows that keeping you around will mean
that she may cave in on her Relationship resolve and decision to
By not chasing, you create space that she did not expect, forcing
her to question the decision to end the relationship. When you


chase, all you are doing is confirming her doubts and giving her
reason to pull away. This is a wonderfully caring way to let her
come to the conclusions on her own terms. When she realizes
that you are a supportive partner, she will also realize that her
choice might have been harsh or rashly made. Its logical to
come back.
However, as you may have already guessed, without following
up on the space created with some form of communication,
you run the risk of turning that respected space into emotional
distance. Instead, you need to understand how to communicate
with her without chasing her during this time. When you decide
to reach out is just as powerful as how you reach out. I will be
showing you how to do this in the next chapter.
The key is rewarding her when she begins to chase you. This
will help you remain in control and she will seek out experiences
that are more positive with you.


She is in a
healing place
also. This time
will shape how
she sees you,
and for this to
be positive,
you must be



Understanding the essence of Relationship Decay effectively

reduces the chances of it occurring again, just as your
awareness of a pothole helps you avoid it.
Whether you realize it or not, you are sending signals to
her that either attract her or repel her. This is why healing is
Taking time to heal from the Relationship Breakdown will
allow you to understand Relationship Decay personally and
more accurately.
Understanding which post-breakup stage you are in means
you can take the correct steps to repair the damage.
Once you understand the red flags, you can move on
confidently knowing that you will not cause further
Relationship Decay.


Deaths Door



Aaron and Emma:

Aaron arrived back home late one night and surprised
everyone with his visit. He had lost a few pounds and
corporate life looked like it was getting the best of him.
Over the next few weeks, people began to talk about how
he failed at his big move and gossip was circulating that his
fiance had ran off with another man. It was hard to know
for sure what was going on and Aaron seemed guarded at
every turn.
Over the next few weeks, it was becoming clear that
Aaron did not intend to go back and he finally turned in an
application to a local law firm.
He brushed off the questions about the reasons behind
his return. Even though he was back, it was as if his mind
was somewhere else. He kept a close watch on his phone
at all times, as if it would suddenly answer his prayers, and
anytime it rang hed smile then go back to his usual, aloof
Emma became a word that wasnt used, and for weeks
after his arrival, Aaron tried to fool everyone into thinking
she hadnt existed.
Small town gossip was just that, but it didnt mean they
were wrong. Instead of being an outgoing, confident man,
Aaron turned down nights out and wasnt interested



in meeting other women. He seemed to be pining for

something that wasnt there.
To be continued.

What Is Deaths Door?

Deaths Door
The time after a Relationship Breakdown where she has
taken significant action(s) to distance herself from you
emotionally and physically.

Deaths Door is the point when your ex has taken significant

action to become Indifferent to you. Indifference is when she
feels no positive or negative emotion or attachment. She may
be feeling Indifferent, or attempting to make this happen. Either
way, you are not on Deaths Door, as she does not intend to
restart the relationship. This can be a particularly devastating
time, and one that takes time to heal.
Often this occurs because she has received positive support
in her decision to move on. These may be from her friends or
family, or a choice she makes on her own. Either way, there are
now glaring motives driving a wedge between you. Most likely,
she concluded that you are not right for her and she has to move
on to be happy. This stage can take a big emotional toll on you
both. If you want to rewind your relationship, ending this stage
is necessary.


Another possibility is that something happened in your

The situation continued to escalate, and she moved faster
towards Indifference. The likely scenario is that she Drifted, and
you kept chasing, until she made a conscious effort to avoid you.
She believes this will help her find clarity and emotional stability,
because she knows that having you around is emotionally
dangerous (more on this in a moment). She may tell you that
she needs space, or she may just take it without asking (as often
It is also beneficial to note:
The purpose of becoming Indifferent is a coping mechanism
and is the only true Relationship Killer. Relationships are
durable. They can survive Relationship Decay, and prolonged
exposure to stressors, but Indifference is not easily fixed. The
Indifferent person no longer has the level of desire needed to
continue the relationship and effectively stops any progress in its
tracks (Bowers 2013).



Moving Away From Deaths Door

If you are at Deaths Door and made an earnest effort to chase
her in the hopes of winning her affection, it is common to
see this backfire. She or her friends might comment that this
behavior is stalker-like or that you are acting creepy, and
need to step back. For once, listen to her friends and take their
advice. These are all red flags that are letting you know that your
actions are too forceful.
Again, you both need time to let your emotions settle, before
making the right move.
Just waiting for time to go by is not going to fix your behaviors
though. You need to show her that you have moved on. When
you are in the Deaths Door stage, you have some work to do to
get the relationship back on track. Otherwise, all she is going to
do is use this lack of progress as ammo against you and continue
to justify her need for space. This can be a confusing time to
balance, but one that I will show you how to judge based on her
These warning flags will also show you when not to bring up
how you feel about her. Now is not the time for grand gestures,
those dont actually work in real life.
It is also important to consider:
Just as, different people take different time to recover; you will
each be in different phases of the post-breakup process (think
back to the two Relationship Breakdown factors). In order to


reverse this situation, you will have to give her tons of room to
breathe. You have to wait for her to come around to her own
positively charged Relationship Resolve. This will give you the
opportunity to draw her closer to you.
Although you are not getting responses does not mean you are
at Deaths Door or that she has given up. Shes asking for space
because she knows on some level that you each need it.
You might remember that we spoke about the importance of not
Well, this is the first of several techniques that teach you how
to approach without pushing her away. In fact, she will become
so responsive that she will begin to chase you. Once you have
initiated the recommended space, you can begin to engage in
what I call the False Friendship (this technique will help you
move back to the same emotional page, but only after, she
has found her Mind Calm). It will also help prevent her from
becoming Indifferent.
This is the first stage where you will be engaging with her again,
so make it count. Do not rush on ahead believing it to be an
instant cure. Let her adapt first!



Introducing the False Friendship

The False Friendship is the most valuable advice I am going to
offer. It will become the backbone to your Relationship Rewind.
For now, it does not matter which of the phases you are in,
as establishing a solid friendship is what matters most. How
you get to a state of False Friendship will vary with the stages
(all require different lengths of healing time before acting this
technique out), but none are impossible to recover from, and
Im about to show you why. This is also one of the strangest
techniques, but it works every time.
If you have broken up, or even if you are not on speaking terms,
the False Friendship is the best way to earn her trust back. It
gives you an in where you didnt think possible. Establishing a
False Friendship also means you can talk easily and that she will
not go running in the other direction when she sees your name
on her phones screen. It is all about building up the lines of
communication again and making her feel secure.
You have not entered the dating arena. Your False Friendship
is going to let you get back into her mind, where you can begin
to plant the Bliss Bombs and other techniques that I will teach
you as time moves forward. I know it sounds cunning, but this
technique works because she will feel comfortable and relaxed
around you. In order for those milestones to be reached, you
must be willing to go step-by-step and not rush.
Next, you must go into this technique knowing it is not the time
to romance. I repeat this is not the time to indicate romance!

Now is not the
time to jump in
without taking
the necessary
healing time
first. Learning
this technique
will prepare you
for when the
time is right.


Only once she feels comfortable with your False Friendship will
she start to ask you out and begin to initiate Bonding Moments
with you. Otherwise, this is a strictly No Fly zone. During this
technique, you will be waiting on her to reach out and ask for
more; that must always be your queue of when to advance
(especially when considering romantic intent). This is where you
will be rewarding her with the next application to encourage her
to move closer to you.
Later on, I will show you how to reward this behavior, so you can
flip the False Friendship because she wants to get back together.
This means she wont feel regret and wont be tempted to back
out of your relationship. As she is the one chasing, you can
encourage her, instead of her rejecting you.

Critical Knowledge:
The False Friendship Failure Rate
The False Friendship will not work if you try to initiate contact
because you want to have sex with her. The risk of failure is
almost guaranteed if you go in with an agenda!
This is why we placed importance on letting her tell you when
she is ready for you to escalate the next level. What you are
about to do requires you to be compelling, without a trace of
hesitation. If she thinks that you are getting back in touch with
her, just to get her back into your bed, shes going to run out the
nearest Relationship Exit. Moreover, you can believe she wont
so much as a look back in the other direction.



If you violate her trust, she will throw barriers up so high that
even an Olympic athlete couldnt jump over the top. She will
always be cautious around you, should she choose to keep
you around, and will question every move you make. You will
become the ex she talks about to friends and family, and ruin
your chances. Then, even if she feels compelled to take you
back, it becomes more difficult to convince those around her.
Another major problem with starting a False Friendship with an
agenda is that she could make you look like the fool. She may
string you along, set you up, or just flat out reject you. If this
happens, your chances of initiating a False Friendship become
a cool 0%. As sad as it is to say, many women will feel insecure
after a Relationship Breakdown also, and may come to depend
on the affection as a coping mechanism.
Essentially, you will plant yourself in the Friend Zone voluntarily,
not the False Friendship, and the chance of recovery is minimal.
So please, put anything sexual to the back of your mind. This
is only for the short-term. If you trust me, and are willing to
let time heal, you can build a False Friendship. This technique
will reestablish the emotional bond, so her feelings of love for
you unconsciously surface. When she takes you back, it will be
because that is what you both want. A rewarding and engaging
experience bonds you together.



What the False Friendship is Not: The Friend Zone

Lets be honest, no guy wants to be friends with a girl they
are attracted to. Nevertheless heres the thing about the False
Friendship, it is not the Friend Zone. It is not a permanent
fixture. It is somewhere you can express your desires and
potentially receive them back. The difference is all in how you
approach the False Friendship. When you follow my directions,
you will reward her for coming back to you, which will remove
the risk of it backfiring.
This is why:
When you initiate the False Friendship, she does not see your
requests for communication as chasing. You have given her the
necessary time to feel independent. She does not suspect that
you have an agenda, as time has healed her emotional mind,
and is far more receptive to the act of friendship. Time has
allowed her to become rational, thoughtful, and more compelled
to be communicative with you once more.
Start to recognize that the False Friendship is a great place to be.
When you are dating, being stuck in the Friend Zone can be one
of the worst things to happen. You are discarded into the lets
just be friends zone. This is a unique blessing in this case, I am
about to reveal why. When you initiate the False Friendship, you
will start what she believes to be a Friend Zone. You use that No
Fly card to your advantage.
This is an incredible relief to her as she is still hoping to gain
independence. By fulfilling her request, you gain her trust. Then,

If she is not
thoughtful, and
more compelled
to be communicative with you
once more then
you have acted
too soon. Simply
pull back, and
allow her time to
heal. Then reach
out again until
she is compelled
to communicate.


she is much more likely to comply with your requests to hang

out or talk more often. Even if, she has no desire to talk with you
today, she will feel compelled by this simple action one day. All
you have to do is move forward and be genuine in your motives
about establishing a friendship.
She does not need to know that this will blossom into romance
yet. Think back to how things first began, you were just friends
hanging out. She had no idea it would become more.

Initiating the False Friendship During Deaths Door

The easiest way is to let this happen naturally. This is also
specific advice for approaching a False Friendship from the
perspective of being rejected.
If you are still in the Relationship Breakdown phase, then you
can use this technique to your advantage. If she says that she
wants to stay friends, as many women will often say, tell her you
think that is an excellent idea, but let her know that friendship
is where you draw the line. She is going to think that you have
given up with the chase and will be happy. Give her time to
accept this.
We will be coming back full circle to the advanced part of this
technique in Chapter 5. This is where you pick up the pieces and
carry onwards to Bliss.
When you are at Deaths Door, extending a grant of friendship
lets her know that you only want civility. For the most part, you


will not be making contact with her during this specific process,
because it is considered chasing (which pushes her away). She
hasnt reached a level of space where she feels comfortable (or
possibly even moved away from Indifference). You are only going
to approach the suggestion of being friends, not best friends.
Wait for her to reach out and then drop the False Friendship on
her. This is important, as you offering without her suggestion
will push her away.
It could be as simple as saying, Im really glad we can stay
friends. She will likely agree to this, but here is the tricky part.
Leave it at that. This conversation should not go any further.
When establishing the False Friendship during the False
Friendship, you want to plant the idea and walk away. Like seeds,
it takes time to grow and develop into something valuable. If she
starts to call frequently, be sure to keep things light and breezy,
and use different terms of endearment that focus on friendship.
You will be taking note of how often she contacts you and for
what reasons to determine her level of friendship and openness.
Again, at this stage, you are not instigating a best friend status,
merely friends.
If she is calling for specific reasons, such as dissolving assets, give
her further time. Simply allow her space, and plug back into this
first stage of the False Friendship and try again.



If She Is Receptive Always Use Positive, Friendly

Reinforcements Such As:
Thanks man, thats awesome!
No problem, thats what friends do!
I think its great we can still be friends.
Youve always been a fantastic friend.
Isnt it refreshing we can just be friends?

Obviously, you will want to change these into something you are
comfortable saying and that you already use around your other
If you come across condescending or sarcastic, you will make her
do an emotional U-turn. Just keep it natural, when she reaches
out to you, reward her by letting her know that you respect
and value her space. It will not be long before she feels more
confident, knowing that you are a fantastic, supportive friend.
When you are at Deaths Door, you need to apply additional
patience during this time (possibly even read up on the EFLL
technique in Chapter 7).
Only then can you trigger the next technique, which I will show
you when the time is right. In the meantime, start forging an
easygoing False Friendship. You will need this later!


You want to
ensure that the
False Friendship
abides by
friendship rules
and that you
do not use this
stage to get back
at her.



Deaths Door is a time that feels impossible to reverse, but is

simply a symptom of a severe Relationship Breakdown.
It is possible to move away from Deaths Door, no matter
how dire the situation, so long as you understand that how
you approach this phase is critical.
You cannot change how she feels about you without first
initiating a False Friendship.
This is not a Friend Zone, but an opportunity to open the
lines of communication.
The False Friendship is only effective when you use this
technique without taking romantic steps to getting her back.
Moving into the False Friendship with an agenda will place
you in Deaths Door for an extended period, if not forever,
because she loses all trust and respect for you.


The Magic Letter



You are likely to evoke unexpected and turbulent emotions
with the Magic Letter, but you will be learning how to
leverage her frustrations and turn them into fantastic Bliss
by utilizing this techniques with the other techniques in
this book. Only use this technique if you have correctly
determined she is Indifferent or on the verge of total
emotional detachment from you and the relationship (and
that you are prepared to reward her emotional journey
with Bliss).
If she is currently going through an emotionally turbulent
stage, then move onto establishing a positively charged
False Friendship instead. This will give you a better
advantage to achieve the best results, because she is not
yet at the Indifferent stage, which is where she needs to be
for the Magic Letter to work its magic.



What is the Magic Letter?

The Magic Letter:
The Magic Letter is a unique technique that I created,
which is incredibly effective at turning even the most stone
cold ex into Bliss potential. It works by reactivating the
deep emotions that have been buried so that you can
discover the full Relationship Rewind potential.
The Magic Letter, as you may suspect, is an actual letter you
will be sending to her. The content of this letter will need to be
customized to your exact situation, but if done correctly it will
become a powerful tool in your mission of love and something
that she will be unable to ignore.. It is possible to send this
Magic Letter in email format, but sending a written letter is
much more effective and yields the greatest results.
By taking the time to put actual pen to paper you will be
demonstrating that you are committed to making an effort for
the relationship.
As this technique is only to be used when she is truly Indifferent,
we will essentially be approaching from a unique standpoint:
As mentioned previously, the purpose of the Magic Letter is
to awaken those deep emotions within her, which will make
you practically irresistible to her. It might sound strange, but if
she is upset during this phase and the chances are she will be
emotionally unstable, this can actually work to your advantage.
Unbelievably, this shows that she still has feelings for you..


In fact, the more upset and emotional she is the better your
chances of taking the relationship back to pure Bliss!
You can view her emotional state as a positive because you will
have more to leverage and work on as you take steps to turn the
whole thing around and back into true Bliss.
This powerful tool will help to unlock those deep emotions,
which she has been denying, and once that is accomplished, the
other steps become relatively easy. By triggering these emotions
once more, she will automatically stop being Indifferent to you.
Once the barrier of indifference is broken down, everything will
begin to fall into place nicely. Then you can begin the happy
journey with your loved one that you so yearn for.

Initiating the Magic Letter During Indifference

I found that couples who used this technique were able to open
a communication portal that was previously closed off to them
during the Indifference phase. Even ex partners who had shown
significant signs of Indifference miraculously turned on their
emotional response when presented with a Magic Letter. In fact,
they did the unthinkable. Instead of continuing to resist and
push their ex further away, the woman will suddenly have an
overwhelming desire to reach out and contact their ex.
This is where the Magic of this technique comes in. You now
have an opportunity to make her want to reach out to you even
in the most unlikely of situations.



Chances are she will want to contact you almost immediately

after reading the letter.
When we feel real emotion, we often do not think about
consequences. As Indifference is a time where she is feeling
detached from her emotions, or where she is active in trying to
removing them from her life, you can jump in and get maximum
leverage of this critical time. It can be seen as a window of
opportunity, and is a time when she can become so overcome
with emotion that she cannot help but act on her most primal
She will probably not understand why she feels so compelled to
get in touch with you, but she will feel it.
The Magic Letter also serves several other distinct purposes.
Each is just as important and is an essential ingredient for getting
her to love you like never before.
Achieving these three goals will blast her out of the indifference
phase and well on her way to Bliss:
Firstly, the Magic Letter allows you an opportunity to close
the playing field without pushing her away or chasing.
Secondly, it allows you to gain peace of mind as you have
an opportunity to say how you feel.
Thirdly, it is a powerful way to unlock her pent up feelings
for you, which is our ultimate goal.
It is important to bear these things in mind before putting pen to


An Example of the Magic Letter in Action

Baby, before I share my thoughts with you, I just want to
make one thing clear. I did love you for you. I was immature
and stupid, and yes, we both made our share of mistakes in
the relationship, but never for a second was I not willing to
work things out with you.
The real you won me over, from your dont do it, to that
chromatic scale laugh, to your cute little nose twitch, is that
I loved your uniqueness, your musical talent, you sparking
me back into music. I loved how genuinely loving and
empathetic you were with everyone, especially your family.
You saw the issues I had with my family, and even though
we have been working to fix things, the reality is we still
dont talk to each other. You have such a close bond with
your parents and sisters. I have always loved you for that
ability to love endlessly.
You were the most beautiful woman in the world to me. I
would have sung that to you every day, and never gotten
sick of it. I would have given you the world. I was in love
with the person you seemed to be...
However, what I have realized over the past couple days is
that I might have been wrong about who you truly were.



You stopped responding to text messages, phone calls, and

emails. Dont you think I deserved to know what was going
on? You know I am a sensitive guy and you knew I was
concerned about your state, and did you think it was fair
for me to constantly worry and think about you to the point
I couldnt even focus on my own life?
The thing that really pissed me off is that when you were
here in New York for your audition, and you never even
bothered to let me know! Its as if I dont even exist to you
anymore. Now youre asking to be my friend?
Bottom line, whether we were in a relationship or not,
friends just dont do that to each other. How can I trust
that as friends, the same thing wont happen again in the
Part of me wants to forget about our silly mistakes and hold
you, comfort you, support you. To be the one who believes
in you and pushes you to greatness. I want to be the one
who wipes away your tears every time you cry, but I dont
think I can do it. I just dont think I can now...
We only have so much time in this world. Only so many
people we can let into our lives.
If I am going to have someone in my life that I call a
friend, there is a minimum level of respect I need from
that person. Moreover, considering all that we have been



through, the girl who i thought I knew, who I thought I

loved, I thought you would have given me that.
Goodbye and good luck, my Love.

In this next section, I will uncover why this Magic Letter is so

effective, and where you can customize specific areas to suit
your relationship.

The Magic Letter Breakdown

Below is a breakdown of why the Magic Letter is so effective.
You might even be feeling some of those effects right now,
even though this letter was not written for you. This is because
there are subliminal triggers dotted in and around this text that
attunes your emotional frequency to notice emotional points
that naturally raise your interest. In her, these things will make
her see through the Indifference, and begin to feel those feelings
of love for you take over once again.
Here is the Magic you have been waiting for:
Baby, before I share my thoughts with you, I just want to
make one thing clear. I did love you for you. I was immature
and stupid, and yes, we both made our share of mistakes in
the relationship, but never for a second was I not willing to
work things out with you.



This is a fantastic place to start your relationship talk. You want

to deflect the blame for the breakup away from you, and show
her that you honestly did love her. This is essential, as right now,
there is a lot of negativity surrounding you and the relationship
in her mind. However, at the same time, you should also admit
to your mistakes so that she doesnt become combative and use
them against you to cement her Indifference in staying away
from you.

The real you won me over, from your dont do it, to that
chromatic scale laugh, to your cute little nose twitch, is that
I loved your uniqueness, your musical talent, you sparking
me back into music. I loved how genuinely loving and
empathetic you were with everyone, especially your family.
You saw the issues I had with my family, and even though
we have been working to fix things, the reality is we still
dont talk to each other. You have such a close bond with
your parents and sisters. I have always loved you for that
ability to love endlessly.
You were the most beautiful woman in the world to me. I
would have sung that to you every day, and never gotten
sick of it. I would have given you the world. I was in love
with the person you seemed to be...

Next, you want to bring her back to Bliss, and then reinforce that



This is a critical step, as you want her to see the positives in your
relationship. This is something she is trying to avoid, so sliding it
in after the introduction means she is more compelled to keep
reading and absorb the subliminal Bliss. Remind her that it was
good to be together and that you still see all of those wonderful
things in her. You want to show her what being with you, and
feeling Bliss can be like one again.
This is a Magic Letter, not a Love Letter. How you feel and the objectiveness you approach
her with are worlds apart. Now is the time to listen, and take notes.
Next, you are going to pull back and show a more realistic view of how the relationship
now is to contrast a loss of Bliss.

However, what I have realized over the past couple days is

that I might have been wrong about who you truly were.
You stopped responding to text messages, phone calls, and
emails. Dont you think I deserved to know what was going
on? You know I am a sensitive guy and you knew I was
concerned about your state, and did you think it was fair for
me to constantly worry and think about you to the point I
couldnt even focus on my own life?

She will not like it when you show her that you view her in a
bad light. Let her realize that her actions are drastically changing
your view of her from good to bad. This is what will make her
want to return to Bliss, as she will want to challenge how you
see her. As of now, she is only looking at how she feels about


you. There is a high chance that she has overlooked how you
see her, and as men, it is only natural that our egos are easily
She will want to protect your perception of her. The urge to clear
her name will be incredibly strong.
This is why she will feel compelled to reach out to you to clear
her name.
Next, amplify the takeaway.

The thing that truly pissed me off is that when you were
here in New York for your audition, and you never even
bothered to let me know! Its as if I dont even exist to you
anymore. Now youre asking to be my friend?
Bottom line, whether we were in a relationship or not,
friends just dont do that to each other. How can I trust
that as friends, the same thing wont happen again in the

Show her you wont even be her friend anymore. Let her
understand her actions have not only hurt the relationship, but
the potential friendship. This will put up a red flag in her mind
that forces her to reevaluate her Indifference. Often, we make
rash decisions without actually believing them. Also, as she has
likely been the one to determine the actions, your commitment
to Indifference will throw her off-guard.



Now she is the one who is made to question and feel she has no
choice but to open the potential for Bliss back up in her mind.

Part of me wants to forget about our silly mistakes and hold

you, comfort you, support you. To be the one who believes
in you and pushes you to greatness. I want to be the one
who wipes away your tears every time you cry, but I dont
think I can do it. I just dont think I can now...

Give her one last reminder of Bliss and the promise of

future pleasure before the final takeaway to reinforce those
pleasurable feelings. The Relationship Rewind is always about
rewarding her with Bliss. You do not want her to come back with
all negativity, but to use those as a reason to reach out and make
amends with you. Balance it with the good and the bad.
Your letter should also be an emotional rollercoaster and
show that your anger comes from passion, giving her hope of

We only have so much time in this world. Only so many

people we can let into our lives.
If I am going to have someone in my life that I call a friend,
there is a minimum level of respect I need from that person.
Moreover, considering all that we have been through, the
girl who i thought I knew, who I thought I loved, I thought
you would have given me that.



Your reason for disappearing should show a high moral

This shows that you are unquestionably going to disconnect
from your ex. This is the most prominent part of the Magic
Letter. You need to show your willingness to walk away. It lets
your partner see that this could be it. By bringing her character
into question, saying the person you thought they were would
not behave this way, she will fight to show that she is isnt the
awful person she has become.

Goodbye and good luck, my Love.

Goodbye and good luck shows you mean it and reinforces the
desire for her to connect. You undoubtedly are leaving.
However, the my Love gives her hope for a second chance.

Why the Magic Letter Is So Effective

The Magic Letter is effective because it does what Indifference
It makes her feel.
When she is stricken with emotion, she feels incredible diversity
in how she will choose to respond, but the unifying benefit is
that she feels compelled to reach out. Whether she wants to call


and be upset or angry with you, or try to regain control over the
situation and create her own dominance over the Relationship
Breakdown, these are all positive markers that you are no longer
in Indifference, but are now in Deaths Door.
Once you have sent the Magic Letter, she will reach out.
This happens extremely quickly, almost immediately in many
cases due to the strong emotional triggers you have planted.
This means you must continue with this book before initiating
the Magic Letter technique so that you are fully prepared for
what will happen next and can respond productively. You will
now have the option to create a False Friendship, and the ability
to move away from Deaths Door.
I will be teaching you these stages next, so stick around!
In the meantime, now is a terrific time to go back and
read Chapter 4, so that you can begin to establish a better
understanding of Deaths Door.
This will help you enormously!


Always reward
her reaching out
with bringing her
back around to



Only use the Magic Letter when you are absolutely sure she
is Indifferent. She may act detached, but it is highly unlikely
she is truly Indifferent to someone she has loved.
Customize your letter and send a written version to gain the
most influence. You want to show her how much you can
love her, using personal memories.
Always respond to her reaching out by reinforcing her Bliss.
This is critical, as while there are some painful memories,
you want her to see you in a good light.
In addition, you want her to feel compelled for you to see
her in a good light. Go back and read the Magic Letter
Breakdown until you are confident you can accomplish this.
While you may be provoking other emotions, you should
always do so in a genuinely Blissful fashion. Always fall back
on Bliss and enforce that feeling in her.
WARNING: Do not use the Magic Letter as a way to release
your own emotions, or for personal gain. Thats just bad juju.





Aaron and Emma:

A few months passed and Aaron was finally getting back
into the spirit of things, even taking up offers for a few
night outs. He was always somewhat aloof, although slowly
but surely, what had happened finally came out as he
opened up
He and Emma had been fighting more often. She had
wanted to move closer to home, and was looking to settle
down and start a family.
Aaron was convinced if he took a promotion, he would be
able to provide for them better, even though this meant
being an extra two hours away; something Emma couldnt
see past.
This had caused them to drift apart emotionally.
He even laughed when he asked if she had run off with
another man. Emma said she was just as miserable as he
was. They kept in touch for a while after the breakup, but
things never fell back into place. They had agreed to give it
some time, and that maybe Aaron could focus on his job for
a while.
They thought that if they could move forward, they would
reconnect and get back together. When his promotion fell
through though, and jobs began to be slashed, Aaron felt
trapped at work and decided having a bad job was better
than no job.


Somewhere along the way, without Emma there rooting for

him, things never got better. In fact, they just fell further
To be continued.

What Is Drift?
The time where she is becoming Indifferent. She is less
interested in seeing you or communicating her needs with

As the Relationship Breakdown occurs, or as the False Friendship

is established, you might find she begins to move in a different
emotional direction. This could be towards you, which is her
returning to Bliss and is a positive action. When this direction is
away from you, she is Drifting and pushing emotional distance
between you both. During a relationship, this might be the
time when she spends excessively with friends, or perusing her
If you are unable to resolve her Drift, it will almost certainly land
you on Deaths Door.



This is because:
When she is in this phase, she takes action based on a negative
feeling; her forceful Drift is the active symptom of Relationship
Decay. In almost every case, this negative emotion is founded
on the idea that she can provide her own Bliss. This is where
the power of Relationship decay reveals itself, as it becomes a
facilitator for her decision to move away. She justifies her actions
and is beginning to take measures to become Indifferent.
We as people are perpetually changing. It can be a magnificent
or mundane accomplishment, which brings about drastic
changes in our perspective and our life. These changes can show
up in small ways, like listening to a new type of music or wearing
a new style of clothes. Other times, changes are evident in larger
ways, such as making a radical career move. In the relationship is
can signal different goals or accomplishments.
Nevertheless, changes are unpredictable.
When two people make a commitment, they venture into the
unknown. Each is seeking a companion; someone who will
support and encourage the changes they make. The problem
with this method is that deciding to support something you
know nothing about can lead to disaster. If you do not know
what you are supporting, you cannot truly say if it is something
you agree with.
Similarly, as you move down your path of life, she will face her
own trials and will be looking for your support.



If you move in an undesirable direction, this can lead to a

breakup. While these are severe examples of how a relationship
can fall apart, even small adjustments that do not align, can
build animosity over time and drive a wedge between you and
the woman you love. If she wants to do one thing, and you
another, the animosity is what takes that wedge and forces it
into a Drift; where meeting in the middle becomes difficult or
What is even more perplexing about this time is that when
two people begin to Drift, it is not immediately an indication of
negative change. Both people could be making significant steps
towards their lifes goals. However, if neither finds satisfaction,
and relies on independence for fulfillment. It can lead to the
destruction of the relationship. This is why some couples happily
separate and are able to move forward easily.
The Drift was not detrimental to their Bliss, and they were able
to capitalize on their own interests; it was a mutual decision.
Deaths Door, however, is far from mutual. The difference
between Drift and Deaths Door is that her decision to Drift is
temporary. She ebbs and flows, and is unsure.



How She Will Approach the Final Stages of Drift

In order to make the Drift more official in her mind, she may say
things are not working out, or suggest she is not happy in the
relationship. These vocalizations may start as minor irritations
but become more frequent as the intensity of the Drift expands.
This is why couples say they began fighting more frequently;
they were vocalizing their dissatisfaction. She may or may not
actually describe the relationship, but will seek to show you she
is unhappy.
If these red flags are not listened to, she will eventually push
Deaths Door.
She might even ask to be just friends, which puts Deaths Door
into motion. This is the easiest way of breaking up without
feeling as if you are hurting the other person. Then, you can
remain in contact and still enjoy each others company, but in a
restricted capacity. You may or may not talk about the reasons
for the Drift at this time, and if she is unable to share, can add
further frustration.
The second problem is, deep down you want it to be more than
that. You are experiencing the first signs of Deaths Door, where
she wants to want away and you want to stay.
She may be genuine in her reasons for saying she wants to
repair the relationship, but she could also feel that letting you
down is her only chance of moving on, so she does this gently
to help ease her mind. While this can be difficult and painful,
understand that her mind is all over the place. Anything she says


during this time is coming from hurt emotions, not the woman
you love. She does not have a genuine desire to hurt or conceal
the truth from you.
This is critical to understand.
You need to be willing to be just a friend and nothing more
for this to work if she has broken up with you. This will keep her
from being Indifferent to you. Establishing a False Friendship
makes using communication much easier. The key to reversing
a Drift, or by now the early phases of Deaths Door is to reach
out as a friend and nothing more; otherwise, she will still be
Indifferent to you (follow the steps in Chapter 4).

How Drift Can Lead to Indifference

When she is in Drift, she is moving closer to Indifference. This
typically happens before the Relationship Breakdown, and can
continue for some time after.
When she is Indifferent, it is much easier to walk away.
This is why she no longer has an opinion about the Relationship
Breakdown, and this can sometimes feel like Deaths Door. Until
she takes an action to distinguish this thought from an idea into
reality, you are still in Drift. The main difference with this stage
is that she does not care if you are together or not. She feels
no emotional attachment to you. This is a difficult and almost
impossible place to move on from, because she has no emotions
towards you.


This is why Deaths Door feels inevitable, and for many becomes
a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The Symptoms of Indifference:
She has no genuine emotion; meaning she is not happy or
sad, or even angry or bitter.

Indifference can easily be confused with Deaths Door,
because her feelings will seem impossible change.
Until she takes distinct action to stay away, it is Drift.
Unlike Deaths Door, Drift is more easily remedied with
a False Friendship. This pulls her back into line with the
expectations of the relationship.
Indifference can be healed with False Friendship, but often
the results are not as long lasting or effective, because
there is no love to leverage.

When she is truly Indifferent, almost all means of

communication will be useless, especially if you are trying to
reignite your relationship.
However, if you can establish a False Friendship, then all the
means of communication open up to you. Showing that you care
about the friendship, not a relationship is the best way to make
that happen. The difference is that the False Friendship takes far
longer to emerge. Simply go back to the steps in chapter 4, and
review the section on how to kick-start a False Friendship from


The key is to demonstrate how comfortable you are just being friends, while
subtly making her second guess her decision to Drift. By creating a False
Friendship, you allow your partner to grow out of Indifference and realize what
she is missing. Most women in Drift respond well to the False Friendship, and
as very few are actually Indifferent, this is your best course of action to pulling
her back to you.

Avoiding a Negative Bonding Experience

All aspects of a Relationship Breakdown have Indifference, it is
not impossible to avoid. It is only extremely damaging when it is
a permanent attitude or phase.
What you can do is establish a relationship that bonds her to you
in a positive way. This will help overcome that Indifference with
When she feels like pulling away, she should want to make those
choices with you. Bonding will make her feel Blissful and less
likely to Drift, so learning this step is critical. It will also help you
prevent the Drift from occurring again. When she feels happy,
she feels closer to you. While you might know all the things
that make her happy, consider how you act when you are going
through a Negative Bonding Experience.
A Negative Bonding Experience happens when, instead of
Bliss, she feels other emotions that are detrimental to the
relationship. These may spark her decision to Drift.
This can range from feeling angry or upset, to feeling as if she is


not valuable to you, or that she is not appreciated (The Negative

Bonding Pattern 2009). These are damaging to her and the
relationship. The longer and more intense these feelings, the
more likely and more extreme the chance of Drift will be. Instead
of learning that you are a terrific guy, she only wants to repel
you and feels justified in her actions.
When you start to inspire Bliss, look for ways to encourage
fond the memories when you were together. These are more
than just ways to make her happy in the moment, but are ways
to change how she feels about you, forever. This is like the big
event that happens in a film, where the guy makes every effort
to impress a girl, and she decides immediately that this is the
guy for her.
This is going to be a solid show of affection that bonds her to you
for life. Now, you probably dont have a Hollywood budget, but
you do not need one to be successful.
This step works best when you trigger her sentimental emotions.
Again, approach this from a strictly platonic level.
Intertwine her memories and experiences of your relationship,
with her emotions. Adding these together is incredibly powerful
and hearing a song or seeing a photograph can inspire all kinds
of emotional changes in her. A great way to do this, is once you
have a solid False Friendship, is to use those communication
channels to send her reminders of your time together. The trick
to making this technique work is to be causal and friendly.
Do you have photographs of a time when you were both happy?


You might decide to email these to her, with a short note saying
something causal like, Just thought you might like a copy of
these for old times sake. It shows that you are not rubbing the
relationship in her face, but rather valuing her participation in
the relationship. This way, you trigger the positive memories in
her mind, without forcing the elephant into existence. It comes
across as a natural symptom of the Relationship Breakdown,
without that effect.
You want to make her think of the relationship is a positive light,
but without actually saying something that could be taken as,
Hey! Look what youre missing out on.
The effects will be the same, but in a much more classy and
responsive way.

Always Approach with a Positive Bonding

Essentially, when you remind her of things you have done
together, you are planting a Bliss Bomb. This is a powerful
Bonding Mechanism.
This transports her back to a moment when your relationship
was happy. She experiences all those incredible emotions
and feelings again, which are leveraged from the power of
sentimental value. She even thinks it was better than it was, as
her body is flooding with hormones making her feel incredible.
She wont know why that is, but something in her mind will tell
her to stop and think about those positive memories.


Use the list of good memories that you shared in Chapter 2 and
continue to update it.
This will give you more experiences and memories to reference.
As you know what she is most receptive to, and what she is
most looking for from your relationship, you can feed her
different lines of communication that offer those qualities. It
will showcase you as a great guy who is thoughtful. Then, as you
keep planting these seeds of Bliss, she will feel compelled to be
more responsive to you.
Over time, she will feel as she did back when you first got
Suddenly, it will not matter why you broke up, it will only matter
how she feels now, which will lead to her to think about getting
back together with you.
This is because:
A distinguishing trait of humans is that we crave connection.
When you give her all those wondrous Blissful moments, she will
feel connected to you. She will want to bond with you in ways
as more than just friends. It is natural for her to want to feel
desire and attraction. Her memories will bond her to you as she
remembers how amazing you make her feel all the time, so think
about what makes her happy.
Then make a causal move in her direction using the False




Drift is a time when she is deciding if you are right for her.
She may take steps to distance herself from the relationship,
becoming more Indifferent.
During Drift, she decides to take action without sharing her
reasons why. This is a sign that she needs space and time to
To move her closer to you, respect the space that she
creates, and reward her by reaching out to establish a
stronger False Friendship.
A False Friendship is especially effective in this case, as she
will feel less threatened and be more likely to open up to
you about the problems she is facing.
A False Friendship also gives you the opportunity to plant a
memorable Bliss Bomb in her mind, which activates positive
and passionate feelings in her mind.
A positive attitude is critical during this time. If she detects
anger or resentment, it will turn her away.





Aaron and Emma:

The arguments started small. They ended in playful jabs
that were not really arguments, but conversations that
always seemed to go with the unspoken rule of, so thats
what you think.
Nevertheless, there was always a tension, and an
underlying motive in everything that was said. It wasnt
long before one conversation could be mistaken as
innocent, but it was far from it.
Its hard to explain, but if you have ever thought one thing
and said another, you will get what I mean.
These moments are hard to see at the time, but looking
back, its obvious. Its almost like the evolution of a
thought, where an idea is sparked, and it grows and grows,
until it is created in the world. Yet in that moment, you do
not realize how powerful those times are.
So as the tension built, so did the desire to say one thing
and do another.
It wasnt any one thing. It just became the norm. Instead of
being passionate, there was a weird sense of competition.
It was as if neither could say what they were feeling. Over
a few months, it began to break them down, until the
relationship didnt seem worth it anymore.
To be continued.


What Is Switch?
During Switch, something happens to cause doubt in her
mind. It has put her in a state of evaluation, where she is
on the doorsteps of Drift.

During Switch, you begin to get the funny feeling that

something is different, even if you do not know exactly what
it is. She still wants to spend time with you and keeps her plans
though, so Switch does not have to become a Relationship Killer.
In fact, when handled correctly, these times can signal a chance
for you to Switch to Bliss. Its all in how you approach her
change of feelings, framing them into something positive.
While this is a temporary feeling during Switch, it can escalate
with Relationship Decay to make her Drift (a longer-term
decision that has significant side effects).
The best way to think about Switch is that it feels more like an
evaluation period.
If she is focusing on the positive points of your relationship,
she treats you well. If she is focusing on the negative, she
may seem moody or withdrawn. Switch can happen after an
extended period when she notices something lacking from the
relationship, and is an indicator that she is about to Drift. This
is why it is imperative that you must identify the reasons she is
losing interest in you.



When she feels overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious, her body

seeks to protect her from further attacks and lowers her desire
to act on impulse and passion.
Often the easiest way to resolve this feeling of unease is
through communication. While you cannot resolve all of her
problems, she might become more responsive if she feels like
you understand and care about her. As Switch is an evaluation
period, showing that you are open and supportive of her
emotions means that you can turn these into a positive bonding
experience (or plan one, such as a special night out).
If you are not currently together, follow your best judgments
when offering friendly supportive and honest advice. You want
her to see you as a solid friend who cares.
When all else fails, give her time.
Switch is not permanent, and there is a good chance that she
will come back round. Then, you can initiate a False Friendship,
followed by a Bliss Bomb, and boost her happiness.

How to Tell When She Is In Switch

A Switch is different for every person, so being able to identify
what is not usual for her is critical. The key is noticing that she is
acting different, and how you respond.
Do not automatically assume that her changes mean she is in
Switch; we all have down days. If she has extended periods of

Rewind is
always about
your plan to
suit your exact
situation, as
you need these


unrest, this is cause for intervention.

Overcompensating is another incriminating symptom, where
she acts very loving as she tries to prove to herself that this
is a worthwhile relationship. Either way, keep an eye on any
changes, how long they last, or how frequent they become.
Changes of more than a few days or weeks require intervention.
This means her Switch is changing from an errant thought into a
more decisive decision to Drift.
An intervention could be a non-confrontational talk, or it could
be using a Bonding Moment to help cheer her up.
Refer back to avoiding a Negative Bonding Experience in Chapter
5 for advice.
Also important to note:

If you pursue only by drawing her closer and acting more

passionately, it will have the same effect as two magnets
repelling one another. You have to find out what is
causing the Switch, so you can correct it. Otherwise, she
will justify her decisions as a defense mechanism, and
will continue to move away until the Drift is tangible.
If that continues to escalate, then you will end up on
Deaths Doors.



Here are some simple ways to troubleshoot the Switch:

Ask yourself:
Have you noticed she is spending more time with friends or
that her friends stopped being as welcoming toward you?
Maybe the time you spend together is less valuable or that
after your breakup, you began to look back and realize that
things were not as smooth sailing as you thought.
Maybe you are left wondering how you didnt see things
Drift and now it feels too late?
These are all areas where you can think back on the previous
relationship, and gauge what it was that made her begin to
Switch. This is an advanced understanding of Drift also.

How to Challenge the Switch

You should be communicating with her during this time or
spending time together in your False Friendship. It is likely that
you will feel like things arent right, even if you cannot pinpoint
why that is. There will be times when you will move in and out
of Switch and Bliss, as the rewinding process evolves or perishes.
Remember, this is a time where she will be unsure, and will be in
Switch, even if she is happy with the False Friendship.
This is because she did make a decision to leave, and may be
thinking of that often. The good news is that this means she can
think of you positively more often also!


The only way to reverse a Switch is through communication and

with a series of face-to-face meetings. This is why you have been
investing in a False Friendship, so that being able to meet up is
always receives a positive response. This is the time, where you
need to discuss what went wrong in the relationship, or ask her
questions that you may need for closure. Do this in person; this
is not an appropriate phone or email conversation.
Friends often go out for dinner or meet for drinks, and she may
be seeing someone else. Creating a False Date will only drive her
away and will unravel all of her newfound interest.
If you havent seen each other for a while, meeting somewhere
public and neutral is a good idea. Choosing your old favorite
restaurant may stir up unexpected emotions in each of you, so
choose a new place to create fresh memories. While you might
think this a great time to explore a Bonding Moment, you want
to make sure it is for the right reasons and reduce the risk of it
You should treat this night as a date, so make a strong
impression.. However, unless she specifically calls it a date, it is
not one.
The best way to handle the night is to keep things short and
sweet. Spend some quality time together and open the lines of
communication. This is an advancement of the False Friendship
and bringing it to the next level. On the first meeting, it is best
to keep things to the point: ask how she is and how the time
after you split has been. You want to show her that you are
interested in what she has been doing without making her feel

In Switch, she
is not sure if
being with you
is a smart move
for her. Going
out with you
is going to be
a commitment
on her part.
One that could
risk her feeling
as if she is
jeopardizing her


Equally, she is going to have questions for you, and looking over
the notes that you have been creating since Chapter 2 can help
you feel more organized.
How much or how little you wish to share is entirely up to you.
It is perfectly acceptable not to address every issue right now.
This may sound confusing, but it is much more beneficial for
you to postpone a topic until the next meeting (which can pique
her interest), than it is to come out and cover something which
could lead to an argument. The purpose of this meeting is to see
one another, and move into territory that is more personal.
Do not be scared to call the night short either, even if it has gone
exceptionally well.
In fact, this is desirable because you will create intrigue and
mystery. Keeping the first meeting to less than an hour is
ideal. Even less than 30 minutes will be more than enough time
to go in, communicate, and move to the next stage, which is
transitioning into a full-blown False Friendship. This is where she
can call and meet with you often and easily. If you hang around,
she may begin to wonder if you have an agenda.

Also: The purpose of the first meeting should be to close the

distance, and to help shine a new light on the accomplishments
you are making. As the meetings become more frequent, you
can begin to gauge her emotional climate. Follow her lead in by
asking and answering questions about where the relationship
went wrong, if thats relevant to you both. However, you should
be spending this time creating bonding moments, which take
precedence over everything.


Over the next few weeks, you will learn to use Bliss Moments,
which are not rehashed from your relationship, but new
memories from the relationship you are forging. This will
enhance how she sees your changes. Then, once she sees that
you have fun together, she will find you irresistible. In most
cases, this is enough for her to work up the courage to ask for an
official date, which you can accept.

Things to Avoid Doing in Switch

The great news is, once you begin this causal, friendly dating,
and all the techniques you have been learning can be applied to
your new relationship.
Do not rush things. Let her attraction build naturally as friends
In Switch, you need to have a strategic mindset when it comes to
face-to-face contact. In other words, avoid asking questions like
Are we okay?
It is good to show an understanding of her changed behavior
and where its coming from, but make it clear to her that if she
is not willing to communicate about a problem, then you dont
think she is taking the relationship seriously. In return, you can
begin to Drift. If she seems to be hesitant to communicate, point
out that out to her. Otherwise, all you will do is encourage her
negative behavior.
Instead, remind her about the time you two have spent being


happy. If its the first time you have experienced Switch, point
that out, these things happen. Frame it as a new experience
for the two of you.

Case Study Part 1: Switch in Action

Here is an email I got from a friend of mine going through the
same thing:
A couple of months ago, my girlfriend Sarah and I split up. I
began following the Relationship Rewind, hoping to win her
back, but I dont know why it went wrong.
Everything was going well, a few months later, we were
making significant progress. I knew when to compliment
her and when to give her space. I knew when to call, and
when to go and do my own thing. I was happy to let things
play out and see where it would take us. We were really
getting into the False Friendship and she was responsive.
I even had a feeling she might be The One, and that she
was coming back around to Bliss.
As you said, these techniques drew her closer as she
became more intrigued. In fact, it was all going so well that
recently, I was waiting for her to tell me those three words.
Only, they never came.



Instead, this is what happened

In the summer, she was due to go back to nursing school.
We were both busy, not much of a surprise, but about
two weeks before she was ready to leave, I got a call that
changed everything. She was avoiding my questions and
seemed distant, which was not like her at all. I knew she
was overwhelmed, but I couldnt believe it when she told
me we shouldnt be friends!
She didnt even give me a reason. She just kept saying that
she was busy and that she had to focus on school.
I have no idea what changed.
I knew she was going back, but instead of it being
something we were going to accomplish together, it
became the deciding factor in our breakup. Now, I cant get
a hold of her, and I have no idea whats going on or if she
will take me back.
What did I do wrong?

First, this is a classic example of Switch, and how it can lead to

Secondly, you didnt do anything wrong; her priorities changed.



Instead of wanting to spend time with him and feel good in

their relationship, she found those feelings from college and all
that it can offer. She reinforced her decision that being alone
could be a rewarding experience. The False Friendship was not
trigger the emotional responses needed to solidify a meaningful
relationship. This is also an example of why, even if you do
nothing wrong, she can still feel emotionally lacking, whether
she realizes it or not.

Case Study Part 2: The Problem with Switch

The problem with this situation is if he feels like he did
something wrong and tries to make amends. This sends her
running in the other direction. Instead of playing it cool, you
now come across as needy or dependent. All those great things
you think you are doing are only serving to solidify her feelings
of being overwhelmed and running out of time, which she must
prioritize for nursing school and work.
Think of it like self-preservation
We all have a built-in desire to succeed, and there are certain
things we need to accomplish to make ourselves feel valued. A
relationship can be one of those things, in fact, its one of the
most important things, but if the other person isnt getting a
sense of personal satisfaction from the relationship, then they
begin to look elsewhere.
That does not always mean cheating, though that can happen,
but essentially looking for personal Bliss.


In this example, the potential to be strung along is massive.

She might feel guilty about having led you on all summer, now
she realizes school is just around the corner, which is why she
Switched at the last minute. She might also be telling you things
like, We can meet up once school gets into a routine, or, Lets
see how things go. Neither of these will bring you back to Bliss,
nor win her heart.




Switch is the beginning of a Drift. It can be rectified if you

have a strong False Friendship and are able to discuss the
reasons easily.
Switch is an ideal time to use communication to bring
positive reinforcement into your relationship.
Reward her for times when she reaches out to you.
Switch can often feel much worse than it is, so always
remember to remain objective and use your positive outlook
to impress her.
Go back and reread the sections on how to respond to
Switch, and review the red flags before taking action.
Incorrect application of these techniques can force a Drift.
These techniques are applicable for the duration of your
False Friendship and new Relationship, as they encourage





Aaron and Emma:

Looking back, its crazy how happy Aaron and Emma are.
They realized that instead of pushing each other away, it
was possible to come up with a compromise that didnt
mean losing out on happiness. Now they have the best of
both worlds. The process did take a while, but looking back,
they enjoyed that. It was like dating again and falling in
What they discovered, is that if the spark is there, it is
possible to get it back.
Even though they kept in touch after the breakup, the
magic didnt resurface overnight. They had to forge a
friendship, which helped them move from friends into
something more. They each said that was the hardest part.
Those feelings dont just go away, but finding them and
understanding them with everything else going on takes
Rome wasnt built in a day, and its true
Once that ball was rolling, it was as if everything happened
overnight. They realized they needed the time apart, as it
gave them the time to realize what they wanted, and are
now able to share those ideas with each other.
Its incredible!



What Is Bliss?
Bliss is a time when you are 100% happy. You may be blind
to your partners faults, but you each work to overcome
any obstacles in the relationship.

Have you ever found yourself thoroughly enamored by someone

of the opposite sex? Im not talking about sexual attraction, or
even lust, Bliss goes far deeper than that.
It often starts out when you are young, when all you want
to do is throw sticks at her in the playground. It can last into
adolescence and beyond. The time when you cant stop holding
her hand, or you find yourself thinking the most ridiculous
questions like, How does she get her hair to smell like that?
Suddenly, its as if the world is thrown into slow motion. When
she smiles the whole world lights up.
What you are experiencing is not love or lust, but rather
miraculously Bliss. The complete wonder, the crazy emotions,
and the feeling of this last forever. Bliss is sitting on the beach
at 3 am talking about life goals or cuddling in front of the TV
thinking, Shes the one for me. Bliss is easily the most rewarding
of all levels of emotional bonding because it feels so easy. This is
why the Relationship Rewind rewards returning to Bliss.
When you understand how to spark this feeling in her, the
process becomes so easy anyone can win back his ex!



Real Life Examples of Bliss

Honeymoons are prime examples of manufactured Bliss.
Thats not to say there is anything wrong with this. In fact, I am
going to show you how to use it and understanding why it works
is equally beneficial.
When you go away on a honeymoon, you have an idea of the
things you want to try, so you build up anticipation. Then when
you go, it turns into the event of a lifetime.
Enjoying your honeymoon is one of the most rewarding
experiences, not just because of the romance, but because
spending time together is not complicated. You have a once in
a lifetime opportunity to turn off all distractions and wrap your
arms around the woman you love. No one from work is going to
call and people will even celebrate your relationship with you. It
is one of the easiest times in a relationship because its founded
on Bliss.
Furthermore, you create Bliss Moments that capture the magic
of this critical time.
Then, when you arrive home, you can joyfully think back on
these moments and use those good feelings to propel your
relationship forward. You might not realize that you are doing
it, but you are. It could be as simple as taking a photograph
together. Then as you snuggle together on the couch, you can
comment on how this was one of the happiest days of your life.
By pinpointing a specific happy moment, you can create a joint


This is incredibly powerful when you recall that moment later

and you recreate the feelings from that time.
This happens because for every action, there is a reaction; and
in relationships, actions and reactions are happening all the
time. Despite not being in the relationship, you are still an active
participant. You are each going through different feelings that
can have positive and negative outcomes. It is my duty to ensure
that those help transform your relationship back into love.
You can learn when to impart a magical Bliss Moment, which
will trigger these kinds of feelings and emotions to bond her
to you. These incredible moments create a true sense of love
that makes her feel like you are the only man for her. They bond
you with positive experiences, which make fixing any problems
you have simple. She will be completely enamored by you and
should now be returning your romantic sentiments under the
This is critical as when the False Friendship begins to evolve into
that sensitive does she, doesnt she that we remember from
You will be compelled by love to know that yes, she does!
Understanding the Relationship Rewind, not only helps you
recognize when changes dissolve your Bliss, but it will also show
you how to bring her back to Bliss. It will not matter if you
catch the change during the first stage of Relationship Decay
(Chapter 3), or if you are in a later stage. All you have to do is
start from the step, which is applicable, and work your way back


to this monumental time.

If, for some reason the false Friendship is not responsive, and
she is still Indifferent, I have one last technique to share
This is radical, so only read when you are looking for a last

Emotion First, Love Later (EF, LL)

Many people make the mistake of trying to get her back into a
state of Bliss in the wrong way.
They often do nice things that they think will automatically
restore the relationship. These can be random acts of kindness,
which are meant to show how much you care. Often they are
perceived in a way that makes you appear needy, clingy, or
even desperate, which are not attractive, Blissful traits. If she
is unresponsive to the False Friendship, these acts will further
establish her resolve that being detached is the right thing to do.
Indifference is the only thing you should be concerned about,
because it is difficult (but not impossible) to recover from.
You cannot easily leverage emotions, if they do not exist. This is
the same as leading a horse to water, but if she doesnt want to
drink, there is not much you can do. Thankfully, the way humans
are programmed means that even if she says she is indifferent,
there is only a small chance this is true. What is more likely is
that she is mad, upset, confused, jealous, bitter or angry. These


all show she is capable of feeling something for you.

Now, its a case of kick starting those emotions and plumbing
back into the Relationship Rewind once more. I know you can do
These are all emotions, which show anything but Indifference.
You might think this is awful or impossible, but if you have
ever felt anger in an argument, then you have felt raw, burning
passion. People often mistake hate as the opposite of love,
when really, hate is misconstrued love, an impossibly frustrated
message waiting to break free. Once you uncap this final hurdle,
you will find the exact answers you are looking for!
A great technique to use is to write down the top five emotions
she shows most frequently or strongly around you.

What Five Emotions Does She Show Are You:




This will help you pinpoint what she is feeling and how to change
those into positives. By now, there is also a good chance these
are already positives.
By which case, congratulations, all you have to do is plant your
Bliss Bomb and wait for her to beg for you back!

Detonating the Back to Bliss Bomb

Think back to a moment you shared with her, when something
strange, funny, or memorable happened. Do not pick something
intimate or sentimental. Try to find something entertaining
that happened when you were having a good time. You want
her to remember a moment when you were friendly and social
with each other. The emotional ties of being together in that
memory will play a factor, when her mind is brought back to that
You want to lead her into the setup for when the Bliss Moment
happened, without giving away the full details right away.
This will not only help her understand what you are talking
about, but will also make her wonder what it could be that
reminded you of her. It will make her think harder about that
moment in Bliss, going over the details, and bringing all those
old Blissful emotions back to the surface.



Try saying something like this:

I just want to tell you everything has been going so great,
like surprisingly great. I cannot believe how easy and
worry-free things have been since we started hanging
out. Its as if we never had to worry about mind games
or any of that bullshit; we were just able to be open
about everything. I think thats why things have gone so
Thats why I want you to promise me that if something
ever happens between us, like if one of us does something
to upset the other, or an argument happens, or anything
bothers us that we will just sit down and actually talk
about it. I would hate to let something come between us
when we could have talked it over and made an effort to fix

She will of course agree to this this is what everyone wants to

be able to do.
It also establishes you and her as a couple, who talks out their
issues, instead of fighting and ignoring them. However, it is
challenging to remember when an actual issue occurs. A couple
will be caught in what is upsetting them and begin to Switch.
Sadly, frequent ebbs and flows mean that you are even less likely
to avoid rewarding her with Bliss. After she responds, then you
can give the rest of the details about what it was that reminded
you of that Bliss Moment and this can help either start a new
relationship, or bond your existing relationship.


Try this simple technique instead

Introducing the I Love You Ladder

Do you find yourself wanting to say, I love you, but you are
afraid its too early? On the other hand, maybe you are afraid of
how she will react.
You might have heard the age-old wisdom that saying, I love
you too early in a relationship can be a deal breaker, but have
you stopped to think why that is?
The obvious reason would be that the other person doesnt love
you back.
Therefore, youve put your emotions on the line and now have
one of two possible outcomes:
You either live with the fact that you have an unrequited
love or,

Your lover decides that its all too much and leaves.
What many people tend to overlook is that in the majority of
cases, most people will actually say it back, whether they mean
it or not. When someone says, I love you, and they dont, a can
of emotional pain is opened. The regret and disillusionment you
feel makes it harder to move on one day, because you thought
you had mutual love and you continued on blissfully unaware.



This is because when you say, I love you, and they say it back;
you activate your most powerful organ, your brain. When you
trigger your brain with these words, the effects of love are set
in motion, which are incredibly powerful. Therefore, even if she
doesnt mean it, you could be on the receiving end of passionate
affection. Which while that sounds fantastic now, is only
temporary as you are about to see.

How to Use the I Love You Ladder

Here is a way you can enjoy the rewards, without actually saying,
I love you. This will create the beautiful tension that develops
from knowing you love each other, without admitting it yet.
Some might call this a win-win situation.
Heres what you do:
Initiate eye contact with her and then give her an I love
compliment. Tell her that you love a distinctive quality
about her.
An example might be, I love that you are so optimistic about
The key is to start your compliment with I love that
Often she will reciprocate by giving you a compliment back. This
can start an exchange of compliments between you both, where
you are essentially saying the things you love about each other,
without saying, I love you. You can increase the frequency


and intensity throughout the False Friendship. This is does not

replace telling her that you love her, but is to be used to initiate
that spark of Bliss back into your relationship.
You want to tell her that you love her one day, when you are
back in the relationship and are confident that it is the right
time for those powerful words. By then, your worry will be
gone, because you already know she feels the same way about
you. She has been subtly saying it back to you in her own
compliments, if she hasnt just come out and said it already.
Enjoy the butterfly feelings. They are natures way of letting you
know you are on track!

What Five Emotions Does She Show Are You:


By hopping onto the first rung of the Love Ladder, you start
to engage her emotions in a positive way. You are not risking
pushing her away by moving too soon. Also, women love to be
complimented. It makes them feel appreciated, so approaching
love as a compliment is not only a sincere way to bridge


the emotional gap, but also a good way to brighten her day.
Once you have done this, you are free to move onto another
conversation and continue enjoying each others company.
It is important to note, the real magic lies in that moment where
you both know you love each other, without having to say it at
Therefore, even if she doesnt respond immediately, enjoy the
sexual tension and let her work herself into a frenzy as this
is happening. Its like falling into love again, and is extremely
satisfying when it clicks into place. Think back to when you were
dating, and how these were the best feelings during that time.
You didnt know for sure, but somehow you did know, and when
its all said and done, you cannot get those butterflies back!




Bliss is an incredible time, and one that you will be aiming to

stay in for the rest of the relationship. You can activate Bliss
during specific stages as advised.
Be careful only to use the Bliss Bombs and other bonding
techniques when advised, as using them at the wrong time
can appear weak or desperate.
If she is unresponsive to the Relationship Mechanisms, go
back to the False Friendship and strengthen that bond. You
may have accidently skipped ahead.
Bliss is an incredibly powerful technique, but is only as
effective as the time you choose to deploy it. Most men
jump too soon. Be patient, and know you will be rewarded.
When you reward her with Bliss, she cannot help but chase
you in return and will seek to reconcile a relationship with





Truly Benefiting from the Relationship Rewind

These final pieces of wisdom are to be used when the time
is right. These will help you create the roots of a long-lasting
At this moment, it does not matter if your relationship is in the
Relationship Decay, Relationship Breakdown, or Deaths Door
phase. It is only important that you acknowledge, accept, and
respect whatever phase you find yourself. This is a universal
technique, which relies on times healing power to give you the
grounding for change. Then, you can move to the section in this
book, which gives you advice on how to rewind the relationship
from that specific point.
In the majority of cases, we hold onto emotions after a breakup,
without realizing that what we are actually holding out for is
a second chance. A hope for something more. The seeds of
love have been planted, and it is highly unlikely that she is
now Indifferent to you. Very few women give away love, its
almost impossible. The steps outlined in this book will help
you construct a new direction for your relationship and those
existing emotions.
If she is Indifferent, reread the section on Deaths Door (see
Chapter 4). Familiarize yourself with those actions now, because
you will need them.
While your efforts reading this guide and absorbing these
lessons are admirable, you cannot truly Rewind a Relationship
that hasnt been given time to heal. It is important for you to


step back from the situation. This is the most critical thing you
can do right now. You are each going through changes, feeling
pressures, and dealing with many unknowns. Take time to heal
and know that this doesnt mean it will be like this forever.
The best mindset to make the Relationship Rewind work for you
is to accept that it was not you or even your actions that caused
the Relationship Decay.
Relationships are always evolving, and the faster you can grasp
this, the less likely you will be to derail your relationships by
accident or by missing the critical warning signs.
Dont forget to go back and read the Keynotes at the end of each
chapter too. These will help you gauge where you are in the
cycle of the Relationship Rewind, and how to troubleshoot any
challenges you are facing.

Truly Benefiting from the Relationship Rewind

Preventing Relationship Decay has never been simpler.
Now you have the tools to reestablish your relationship.
Simply keep this book for reference and come back when you
understand where you are. Read the chapter to your current
situation. When you are in Bliss, do not forget to use Positive
Bonding moments regularly to prevent further Relationship
Decay. When you are in Bliss, you automatically prevent
Relationship Decay, as there is no hesitation or uncertainty, only

Miscommunications led to
the mishandling
of your


The trick to a happy relationship is to ensure there are fewer

problems to correct.
It is no use waiting to land on Deaths Door this time around; few
women are responsive to the Relationship Rewind if they must
go through the process multiple times.

Your Relationship Rewind Users Guide:

Deaths Door: Move to Emotions First, Love Later. You have
experienced a Relationship Breakdown and are looking for
ways to communicate with her again.
Drift: Move to the False Friendship. You have experienced
emotional detachment, and are looking to establish roots for
the relationship to grow from.
Switch: Use the Bliss Bomb with Bliss Moments. You have
secured a False Friendship and are bringing romance back
into her mind.
Bliss: Use Positive Bonding to encourage feelings of Bliss. You
have successfully grown the relationship back into activity,
and you want to keep it that way.



Living and Loving with Bliss

The fairytale happily ever after is only in movies. However,
there are opportunities to bring more joy into your relationship
by using changing times to rekindle your Bliss. These
pivotal moments are always going to require time, effort,
communication, commitment, and respect though.
For some, this might sound mundane, but I really am the
happiest I have ever been.
I stopped working late nights, and now work from the comfort
of home so that I can spend more time with my partner. I also
know that when we communicate our feelings, or when things
feel less than magical, there are steps I can take to make her feel
exceptional. Now I make time for those special date nights and
for Sundays spending quality time together.
If I retreat or detach from my partner, she knows how to pull
me out of that funk and back into a passionate relationship too.
This feels like a blanket of comfort. The methods you have been
learning can go both ways, and are more powerful if two people
can use them together.
The final question you must ask yourself then is, Is she the one
for you?
This is the hardest question of all. It will require you to be more
brutally honest than ever before, and possibly go against your
better judgment.
If you focus on investing in a woman you love, then no matter


where life leads you, I know you will find what you are been
looking for.

Will She Love You As You Love Her?

At the end of the day, there are plenty of techniques you can
use to get her back. Having her back must be worth your time. I
know this sound selfish, but its about as real as I can be. These
techniques only work if you are on an equal footing; otherwise,
the swings of change will be too frequent. If she doesnt match
your love, respect, or ability to move forward, then consider
looking elsewhere.
If you believe that she can love you unconditionally, honestly,
and earnestly, then that alone is a massive accomplishment.
While you understand that it is important to bond, you need to
know how to bond specifically with your ex. This was something
that was missing from your previous relationship. Learning how
to bond when getting her back is indispensable. As you have a
history together, this is much easier than learning how to do it
with a stranger, but the same techniques apply.
Bonding and the power of life-altering decisions go hand-inhand. When she feels distant or detached from you, she is likely
to make massive decisions on her own. She wants to make the
right decisions, but those do not always involve you. Unless you
bond, your opportunities to Rewind the Relationship, or keep
her around become much less frequent.
They can also be the deciding factor in the Relationship


Good Luck!
Congratulations on reaching this significant milestone in your
Rewind Relationship journey.
As you go forward, keep in mind where you are heading,
where you want to go, and who you want to go with. There
is a tremendous amount of potential waiting for you, and in
going forth with this knowledge, I know that you will achieve
exceptional things. Moreover, your results will be with shared
Also, know that you have incredible tools in your hands that can
work with any woman.
There is no shame in splitting up for the right reasons, even if
a part of you will always love her. Woven into this incredible
system are the tools needed to move on and heal on your own
terms. The majority of people who complete this system find
the relationship they were looking for, but some are pleasantly
surprised that it is not with the person that they once thought
Either way, I want to wish you success and I would love to hear
how you get on.

Ryan Rivers
Creator of The Relationship Rewind System



I believe no situation is impossible, even at Deaths Door (the final stage of Relationship
As with all things, mastering the Relationship Rewind system is like any other skill. It
is a three-step process, which you must learn and apply to your specific situation. The
great thing about this system is that once you are able to identify the mistakes you were
making, you will not only avoid making these mistakes again, but also be able to fix
them when they occur.
Using Relationship Rewind, you need to identify when she no longer feels the same
level of attraction for you. The accumulation of the emotions you create in her, along
with her state of mind, is her attraction for you. If this state changes, its the aim of
Relationship Rewind to bring she back to the same state of mind, so that the attraction
can be cultivated and developed again.
If you are unable to carry out these actions, then this system cannot work.
For this reason, this advice is offered with the understanding that you will take the
actions I suggest, no matter how crazy they may seem. Aim to put in the time and effort
necessary to found a healthy relationship. While intuitive and simple, no relationship
will ever be just a walk in the park and the author accepts no responsibility or liability, if
things dont go the way you want.
Sometimes you need to take the good with the bad in life. Understand that what you
are feeling is undoubtedly the most beautiful sadness there is. For that, you should
mentally thank the person who had such an effect on you for the experience. Be excited
to know that the lessons you have learned will help you maintain that happiness when
you find it again. I know you can find it again!


Copyright Notice

Relationship Rewind and any supporting ideas are protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976
and all other applicable international, federal, state, and local laws. All rights are reserved including
resale rights: you are not to give, donate, or otherwise sell or give away this eBook. If you received
this publication from anyone other than author, website, or service distribution channel, you have
received a pirated copy.
This eBook contains personal experience and anecdotal evidence as provided by the author in good
faith. It does not guarantee that you will get your ex back, only providing you with tools to try so
yourself. Names have been changed to protect the identities of examples given. The author and
publisher have made every reasonable attempt to achieve complete accuracy of the content in this
eBook; they assume no responsibility or liability for errors or omissions therein.
Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are the property of their
respective owners and are only for reference purposes. There is no implied endorsement if a term
is used, and all endorsements will be clearly outlined with due credit. Finally, please use common
sense. Nothing in this companion guide is to replace that of, legal, medical, or other professional
advice, and is to inform and entertain the reader only.
Copyright 2013 Relationship Rewind. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Bliss: Bliss describes a time of being
in complete happiness. You are blind
to faults, and work to overcome any
obstacles in the relationship. The
Bliss stage contains an abundance
of both Bliss Moments, and Bonding
Experiences, both defined below. This is
where an ideal relationship spends most
of its time.

Bonding Experience: A planned

emotional Bonding Experience. While
a Bliss Moment is happy and promotes
bonding between you and she, a Bonding
Experience is not always happy. The best
Bonding Experiences usually involve
overcoming a strong challenge together.
I.e. being trapped in an elevator,
experiencing fear and uncertainty, but
ending up safe and victorious.

Bliss Bomb: A Bliss Bomb is the

activation of memories and experiences
to engage her positive attraction in an
unbreakable way. A Bliss Bomb can
use Bliss Moments, or be used alone
as the climax for positive change in
the Relationship Status. This may also
be known as a Grand Gesture, and
solidifies feelings of Bliss.

Deaths Door: Deaths Door is the stage

where she has taken significant action(s)
to distance from you. It is not impossible
to recover from Deaths Door, but you
should seriously evaluate the possibility
of moving on since recovery is not
always beneficial from this stage. If you
are set, then refer to the False Friendship

Bliss Moment: A moment where you

share pure happiness; where nothing
else in the universe seems to matter.
Bliss Moments lead to bonding, but
not all Bonding Experiences are Blissful
or exhilarating. To the contrary, many
Bonding Experiences contain high levels
of stress, fear or uncertainty.

Drift: The main characteristic of Drift is

that she becomes indifferent to you and
is much less interested in seeing you or
communicating with you. Her friends
and family have given them positive
reinforcement to leave you. At this
stage, she is exploring her options. She
may or may not be in the relationship
actively at this time.

Emotion First, Love Later (EFLL): EFLL

is the strategy of igniting a strong
emotional response in her, positive
or negative. There will be times when
igniting a negative response is the only
option, so that the emotion can more
easily be flipped into passion or love.
You should only use this technique
when bouncing back from a significant
manifestation of Deaths Door.

Indifference: Indifference is a state of

mind that shows your partner no long
has any feelings or emotions attached
to the relationship. This is the only
true time to worry about getting back
together. She has shown no remorse, no
anger, or any other feeling that would
suggest she has the desire to get back
together, or move further away. Its a

False Friendship: A False Friendship is

a leveraging tool that allows you to rebuild a form of reliable communication
that does not push her away. Unlike the
Friend Zone, participants of the False
Friendship are encouraged to respond
to desire, and are rewarded for chasing
you when they instigate the relationship

Grieving: Grieving occurs after the

relationship has ended, and after the
post-break up and recovery phase. It
is the most trying of times as you fall
into a negative cycle of emotions that
can become difficult to break. Grieving
occurs when one person wishes the
relationship to become active, and the
other does not.

Friend Zone: The Friend Zone is similar

to Deaths Door, where there is no chance
of recovering a passionate relationship.
Unlike Deaths Door, you can fall into
the Friend Zone without ever being in a
relationship. The Friend Zone is usually
impossible to recover, unless you have a
history, in which case refer to the False

Negative Bonding Experience: A

negative Bonding Experience happens
when instead of Bliss, she feels other
emotions that are detrimental to
the relationship. This can range from
feeling angry or upset, to feeling as if
she isnt valuable to you, or that she
is appreciated. These may not have
an immediate impact, but create
Relationship Decay over time.


Post-breakup: This is the time

immediately following a Relationship
Breakdown. This is not the time to act on
your emotions as they fluctuate heavy
during this time. When your relationship
is newly ended, you might not be able
to think or act rationally, and almost any
gestures and communication at this time
will push her away.

Relationship Breakdown: This occurs

after weeks or months of Relationship
Decay, and is the conscious act of
recognizing feelings of detachment or
negative emotions. Unlike a breakup,
which is a definitive end to the
relationship, the Relationship Breakdown
is the feeling that things are spiraling
downhill. This can lead to a Relationship
Breakdown, but is not always possible to
pinpoint as one specific action or reason.

Pair Bond: A pair bond is the name

given to two people who have been in a
relationship and experienced amorous
emotions. Pair bonds typically last a
lifetime, and can be revised using the
Relationship Rewind. What is unique
about pair bonds is that one partner can
reject the bond, even if they still have
feelings, causing a Drift.

Relationship Decay: This is an intangible

feeling that something is not right in the
relationship and manifests as Negative
Bonding Experiences. Over time, the
relationship becomes more hostile,
less nurturing, and it can take however
long before an official Relationship
Breakdown is recognized. Relationship
Decay is happening whenever you are
not in Bliss.

Recovery: Recovery is the time when

you begin to feel more resolve after a
Relationship Breakdown, and when you
begin to objectify why it ended. It is
important to complete the full recovery
time before enacting on these thoughts.
Otherwise, you will begin to push her
away and will fall into the mourning

Relationship Killer: The only true

Relationship Killer is Indifference. This
is how relationships end and are unable
to be started. It effectively cuts out any
opportunity to reverse the damage or
replace ill intent will positive emotions.
Most men believe themselves to be
a victim of the Relationship Killer, but
are actually at Deaths Door. Refer to
Indifference to determine which is the
true phase in motion.

Relationship Mechanisms: The

Relationship Mechanisms refer
to Bliss, Switch, and Drift, as the
main components of a functioning
relationship. You can use these
techniques, and their specific guidance
to help manufacture the results you wish
to see. The mechanism is designed to
offer romantic longevity.

Switch: During Switch, something has

happened to cause doubt in her mind. It
has put them into a state of evaluation
where they are trying to determine if you
are right for them. Switch is where they
only internally experienced this doubt, or
perhaps shared it with a close friend. It is
not often tangible, but a general sense of

Relationship Rewind: Relationship

Rewind is the process of moving the
relationship back to a place where love
was the actionable symptoms. The
purpose of going back to a positive place
is to reward and regain the feelings
and emotions of a great relationship.
When you combine the Relationship
Mechanisms, you are engaging the
Relationship rewind.
Relationship Resolve: The Relationship
Resolve is the time when you agree to
follow the examples and instructions
given, and are able to do so without
coercion or ill intent. You become
receptive to the Relationship rewind, and
make a personal commitment to using
the tools for the purposes they were


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