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George Feast

Diary logs Week 14

At the start of this week I
outlined the main conventions of
a film poster. This was where I
highlighted that short taglines;
ratings/comments; focus on
protagonists; name of director
and a 3 way colour scheme are
main features of this product.
The task was influential in
detailing me in what aspects I
need to include in my poster so
it is successful. For this specific challenge I used the poster of
Zero Dark Thirty as a basis.
Following on from the convention task I was able to analyse
several posters in their use of representation, conventions,
colour schemes and overall aesthetics. For this task I proceeded
to analyse the film posters of Sin City, 300 Rise of an empire
and Clover field.
The poster of Sin City was a
neo-noir depiction of a graphic
novel. This was encapsulated
well within the poster with its
action oriented aesthetic and
three way colour scheme.

George Feast

300 Rise of Empire was a stylistic

depiction of Spartan soldiers
charging. Analysing this poster
taught me that a highly edited
poster can have a cinematic
effect when combined with bold
font and a colour scheme.

The Clover field

utilises a bold
leading tagline. This
taught me that an
intriguing statement
will have a positive
impact to my
audience and cause
more exposure.

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