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Tarea 1

Escribir un correo electrnico a los padres de un nio de nuevo ingreso. En el correo necesitas:
Concertar una reunin
Pedir la informacin que han dejado de rellenar en el formulario: nombre de los padres, y nombre y
edad del nio
Criterios de xito: El texto ser de una extensin de entre 50 y 100 palabras. (EN INGLS)
Uso de un lenguaje formal.
La hora y la fecha correctamente expresadas.

Mr. Brown



New nursery admission

Dear Mr. Brown,

Good morning, I`m Mary Bryan. I would suggest to arrange an
appointment and talk to you about your son's new admission. Would
it be possible next Wednesday, December 12th at 10:00 am, at the
school nursery?.
We will talk about your child and we will continue offering you a tour
through the installations and we are going to show you the new
classroom that your child is going to attend. Child care will be
provided during the meeting.
I would need you to send me back the following information:






Mother's name

Father's name



Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Mary Bryan

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