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Student Council Voting System for Liceo de Calamba


Riza Mysty F. Monroy

Frederick Tan
Ivan Isaiah C. Nido
Irvin Yshmael C. Nido
Sydney Baluyot
Jp Morales


Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


AMACC Calamba Laguna

Student Council Voting System for Liceo de Calamba has the greatest potential for
making election more convenient and accessible, it also presents major concerns surroundings
the verifiability and security given the overall vulnerability of the system environment. Having
implementation of this will be a big help in different schools such as Liceo de Calamba. It simply
satisfies the school in promoting the information technology as a powerful tool for transaction
processing in todays generations needs.
The primary concept in conducting the study is to design and develop a Computerized
Voting System that will automate and integrate the voting process at Liceo de Calamba.


Student Council Voting System for Liceo de Calamba is a name for new strategy, a
blueprint for electing office in Student Council for the next decade. Its actually even more than
that. The Information & Communication Technologys commitment to remain at the top of the
rapidly changing world and give us the tools to address the needs of tomorrows computing
Student Council Voting System for Liceo de Calamba is software for electing officer accurate
application, like many others. It also happens that the Student Council Voting for Liceo de
Calamba is easiest to use, most adaptive and responsive software. In the world of computing
however things change very fast, including languages at some point, they either die, or they
evolve something new.
The Student Council Voting System was software designed primarily for developing
election applications. It was simple software, because it managed to secure the ballots and
performed quick counterbalance. A major problem of CSC is they spend much on office supplies
such as pentel pens, manila paper, and bond papers to be used in preparing the ballots and in
tallying the votes. All section mayors need to tally the votes of the students and together with
their respective adviser. The proponent had to redesign the existing election system. The
traditional way just didnt belong in the semi-computerized. The Student Council Voting System
is not a Student Councils traditional way of voting system; its drastic departure from the
existing system. It is designed to take us through the novice user of the proposed software and it
is designed as user friendly environment to know abruptly the command or syntax of the

software and user will have not to invest their time and effort to learn it. This software is the
latest versions of voting system to protect Student Council polling officer from scary details.
Background of the Study
Technology has taken a big leap forward in 21st century, with computer programs,
electronics upgrading by the month & even by the day. Technology has influenced & greatly
simplified almost in every aspect of a students life today. It is amazing what technology has
done to the society and how dependent have become on it. Having computers in the workplace
has enable the business to more efficiently and has contributed in having on all around better
businesses, using computers cut down our work time, it dont have to write everything out by
hands or type out on typewriters. This increase in usage of computer proves that computers have
affected every aspect of lives and have become one of the necessities. Many developers have
contributed to such an advancement and widespread of computer technology.
The Liceo de Calamba was established in 1979 to provide students with quality education
through the process to contribute towards the formation of able professionals and future leaders
of this country especially committed to vital contemporary issues. Moreover, the school
enhances the students to achieve a dynamic intellectual, spiritual, moral and cultural life in the
advent of scientific and humanistic discipline in God-fearing environment of the member of the
The Voting System of Liceo de Calamba is a crucial task during the Election period every
semester because it is manual and time consuming activity. The manual voting system requires
diversity of information such as Administrator, Electoral Board, Voters and censorious though to
create a good electronic voting system. In this situation, the institution need a voting system with

no hassle and no sophisticated logic structure to reduce the manual procedure of task and to
prevent human error for someone to prepare the SSC election each year.
Every year when the new academic year starts, handling down this election of Student
Supreme Council structure is a time consuming process.
The institution is upgrading its facilities along the power of technology; like the most in
demand gadget in this time, the computers. But some of the office works are still being done
manually like the voting system during election. In this case the researchers were challenged to
create an electronic voting system.
Problem Definition
General Problem
The main problem of the study is how to design and develop a Student Council Voting
System for Liceo de Calamba which will manage the voting process more convenient.
Specific Problem
1. How to create a system that can count votes easily?
2. How to design a system that can lessen tension and exhaustion on the part of the committee
members that may result of errors in the counting?
3. How to develop a system that can facilitate early proclamation of winners?

Objective of the Study

General Objective
The general objective of the study is to design and develop a Student Council Voting
System for Liceo de Calamba which will manage the voting process more convenient.

Specific Objective
1. To create a system that can count votes easily.
2. To design a system that can lessen tension and exhaustion on the part of the committee
members that may result of errors in the counting.
3. To develop a system that can facilitate early proclamation of winners.
Significance of the Study
It is important to the school to have their own voting system in order for them to process
faster, more efficient and accurate services.
The following groups of people will benefit on the result of the study and on the Student
Council Voting System for Liceo de Calamba:
The LDC Registrars Department - Through this proposed system the Registrars department
can easily access the information needed in just a fraction of minutes and reports will be done
without wasting time.
Office of Students Affair (OSA) - The client will benefit from this proposed system by
minimizing the time they are consuming in storing new past information about the candidates
and newly elected officers. It will also serve as an archive for future use.

Voters - The students will benefit from this system because it will provide them an easy and
much more time consuming voting process. The order students will also have less time in
waiting for their turn to vote. With this, in approximate time for voting, voters should be ready in
a quick voting procedure.
Researchers - After completing the research study, the researchers will obtain additional
knowledge and enhance their skills in designing, developing and implementing an original

version of computer-based system. Furthermost, the researchers will become one of the
contributors in the body of knowledge concerning with the aspects if high technology.
Scope and Limitations
Student Council Voting System for Liceo de Calamba is designed and developed by the
researcher only for Liceo de Calamba.
The proposed system focuses on manipulating data record found on its database that can
be used for accessing, retrieving and monitoring of transaction being done on the voting
processes. The proposed system includes commands for adding, saving, editing necessary
information and deleting of unnecessary information and provides file maintenance, business
transaction, viewing and modifying of records. This system she should be manipulated by the
server. The server is the one who registers to the voters including the student number that
recognize as password. After the voting procedure, the voter itself click the submit button and
will automatically enter to the server that counted as vote of an individual. There is only vote for
the position of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Representatives of every
course but there are two votes will cast in the position of Auditor and P.R.O. If voters will not
follow the rules, automatically it will appear error.
The automation of the proposed election system shall yield greater efficiency. A large
number of voting population can cooperate in the automated election because the use of
computer shall enable the student to vote simultaneously at the very short period of time
allowing other students to vote also.
Simply voting will not be able for any damages incurred in connection with the use of
voting system. This includes any direct, indirect, and consequential of incidental damages that

may arise from the use of voting system, the failure or the termination of the access to voting
system of interruption of transmission. Simply polling will not be liable for any harm or loss
arising from unauthorized access to data, information or transmission, including but not limited
to tangible or intangible loss of data or information.
Definition of Terms
For better understanding of the study, the following technical and conceptual terms were
used and defined to serve as a reference to the readers and researchers.
Techinical Terms
Database. A collection of information organized in such a way that a computer program
can quickly select desired pieces of data. (Eugenio, 2007)
Mysql. Sequential Query Language, officially, but also commonly is the worlds most
used relational database management system that runs as a server providing multi-user access to
a number of databases. (Flor, 1998)
Ajax. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, group of interrelated web development
techniques used on the client-side to create asynchronous web applications. (Dominguez, 2000)
Non- Technical Terms
Ballot.It is a device (originally a small ball- see blackball) used to record choices made
by voters. Each voter uses one ballot, and ballots are not shared. (Manaog, 2009)
Referendum. It is a direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to either accept or
reject a particular proposal (also known as a plebiscite or a ballot question). (Dimatulac, 2005)
Student Body Council. It is the highest organization in Liceo de Calamba High School
Department that leads the students in different aspects of their studies in school. (Estrada, 2009)

Voting System. It is a method by which voters make a choice between options, often in
an election or on a policy referendum. (Delin, 2010)
VB- Visual Basic
RAD- Rapid Application Development
SQL- Structured Query Language

Methods used in Developing the System
RAD (Rad Application Development) is a concept that products can be developed faster
and of higher quality through Gathering requirements using workshops or focus groups,
Prototyping and early, reiterative user testing of designs, the re-use of software components, a
rigidly paced schedule that defers design improvements to the next product version, and less
formality in reviews and other team communication.

In rapid application development, structured techniques and prototyping are especially

used to define users requirements and to design the final system. The development process starts
with the development of preliminary data models and business process models using structured
techniques. In the next stage, requirement is verified using prototyping, eventually to refine the
date and process models. These stages are repeated iteratively; further development results in a
combined business requirements and technical design statement to be used for constructing new
Requirements Planning In this first phase the proponents define the solution what to build
system, how to build it and when will it be implemented. During this phase the proponents share
each own ideas and opinions to make a good decision for the development of the system. The
proponents create the solution architecture design to emphasized and analyze the flow of the
proposed system. Each of the proponents has their own specific task and responsibility.
User Design The second phase the researcher devoted to designing the proposed system.
Designing all the aspects of the system from input to output screens to reports, database and
computer processes. Provide the specifics of the system have designed either a model or as
detailed documentation, to guide for designing the proposed system.
Construction In this third phase the proponents construct all the gathered information that
would help to completely make proposed system. By using diagrams and solution architecture
design the system analyst use this tools to undertake involves analyzing system needs. A careful
study of current systems, manual and computerized, that might be replaced or enhanced as part
of this project.
Implementation In this fourth phase the programmer was specified the system into working
system that is tested and then put into use. Implementation includes coding, testing and

installation. During coding, the programmers write the program to make up the system. During
the testing, programmers and analysts test individual the entire system in order to find and
correct errors. And lastly, installation of the new system becomes a part of the daily activities of
the organization.

Model used in Developing the Software

Use Case Diagram the proponents defines the interaction between external actors and the
system under consideration to accomplish a goal. Actors must be a person, a company or
organization, a computer program, or computer system- hardware, software, or both. It is a list of
steps, typically defining interactions between roles.
Activity Diagram the researcher was decided to present the graphical representations of
workflows of stepwise activities and action with the support for choice, iteration and
concurrency. It is activity diagrams which constructed from a limited number of shapes,
connected with arrows.
Database Schema the developers was defines the structure and content in each data element
within the structure.
Context Diagram the researcher includes the central process that subsumes everything inside
the scope of the system. It shows how the system will receive and send data flows to the external
entities involved.
Tools and Technologies used in developing the system
A software GUI tool created to tend to the needs to the end users and to provide accurate
discount computations per item in stock using hardcoded predefined discount amounts which
was designated by the client himself prior to the start of the software development process. These

are the following technologies used in the development of the systems functions. Microsoft
Access 2008 is used in the programming of the system functions. Microsoft Access 2008 is used
as the database management medium that acts as the storage of the data stored in the system. The
software is compatible to run on Windows XP, Vista and Windows Seven Operating System.

Use Case Diagram
Student Council Voting System for Liceo de
Voters Registration
User Log in
Input info of Candidate
Search info of Student & Candidate


Update info of Student & Candidate

Save info of Student & Candidate


Delete info of Student & Candidate

Voting for the Candidates

View Reports
Log out

Figure 1.0 Use Case Diagram of the Proposed System

In figure 1 show all process of the proponents proposed system. And it has only two
actors, the voters/students who use the system to take a vote and administrator who manages the
settings and keep the security of the system. The administrator can do seven processes using the
proposed system and students can perform three processes in the system. Both actors have only
two same process such as voting and login process. The administrator can save and add the
student information by their ID. Also the administrator can edit the information of each student if
there are having problems with their records. Administrator can also view all the results of the
student. And for the student part is to take a vote to the proposed system. Student can choose
candidates that they want in every party lists.
Use case diagram are behavior diagrams use to describe a set of actions (use case) that
some system or system (subject) should or can perform in collaboration with one or more

external users of the proposed system (actors). Each use case should provide some observable
and valuable result to the actors of the system.

Context Data Flow Diagram of Proposed System

Student Council Voting System
Voters Information

Candidates Information

View Results

Figure 1.2 Context Data Flow Diagram of Proposed System

In figure 1.2 shows the process of voting system. And it has three entity types, the voter,
and candidate to take a vote. The administrator can view the information of both candidates and
voters. Also the administrator can view the result of the election.

Activity Diagram
The following figures are the detailed Activity Diagram of Student Council Voting
System presented in use case diagram.

User Log in

Error Message

Verify Username

Correct Username/Password
Show Administrator Account

Figure 2.1 Activity Diagram of Administrator Login

The figure 2.1 shows the administrator has the accessibility to use the system. The Login
in process must the first to apply with the use of their username and password.

Student Registration

Fill up Registration


Successfully Registered


Save Record

Figure 2.2 Activity Diagram of Student Registration

The figure above shows the student registration and administrator has plays the important
role in the system, because he/she gives the privileges to create a student account.

Search Records by student ID

Edit Information

Edit Successful

Save Record

Figure 2.3 Activity Diagram for Editing the Student info

In figure 2.3 shows that the administrator can edit the student information. If
typographical error is happen during the registration of the student information, the
Administrator has the accessibility to edit student information.

Search Student Information

View Student Vote Result

Figure 2.5 Activity Diagram of View

Student Vote Result in Student Council Voting System
In figure 2.4 shows that the administrator has the ability to view the students information
and vote result.

Student Confirmation


Verify Registration
Error Message

Check to Database


Confirm if the student has

already vote

Proceed to Vote

Figure 2.5 Activity Diagram of Student Confirmation

In figure 2.5 shows the verification of the student and check to the database if they are
already fill up the registration. And the student can proceed to vote if it is confirmed.

Select Candidate

Submit Vote


Compute Votes

Save Record

Figure 2.6 Activity Diagram for Voting of Student

In figure 2.6 the student must select whom candidate they want to vote. After selecting a
candidate in every position the system will compute the votes. And the records of the candidates
will be save.

User Logout


User Logout

User Logout

Figure 2.8 Activity Diagram of Student Confirmation

In figure above, the user must log out to the system after voting. In every login in the
system there will be a log out.

Database Schema



Student no



Figure 3.0 Database Schema

Table 1.1 Database Structure of TblVoter

Student no






Student number of student
Fields containing First name
of each student
Fields containing Last Name
of each student
Fields containing School
year of a student
Fields containing Year level
of a student

Table 1.1 shows the information of the voters in Liceo de Calamba. It includes the
Student no, FirstName, Lastname, SchoolYear, Yearlevel and has a data type which is

Table 1.2 Database Structure of tblCandidatesInfo







Fields containing the Position
of the candidates
Fields containing the Partylist
of the candidates
Fields containing the First
Name of the candidates
Fields containing the Last
Name of the candidates

Table 1.2 shows the information of the candidates in proposed system. It includes field
name such as Position, Partylist, FirstName, LastName and has a data type which is Varchar(20).

Table 1.3 Database Structure of tblAdmin



Fields containing the User name
of the admin
Fields containing the Password of
the admin

Table 1.3 shows the username and password of the admin in the proposed system to
access the proposed system. It has a varchar(20) data types. Administrator has the capability to
view the records of the voters and candidates list.

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