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Balmacewen Intermediate School

February 2010

To the students of Room 23

Welcome to Room 23! I hope that you have had a restful and relaxing holiday break.

I am really looking forward to getting to know you over the next few weeks. I have
very high expectations in all areas of our classroom. This means I expect you to …
 Do your best at all times with both class studies and homework.
 Develop the maturity and social skills to respect your-self, others and the class

For some of you, this year is the chance to continue to implement positive work habits
and display mature social skills. For others it may be a time for a fresh start.

I am here to facilitate, lead and guide you in your learning. I will support you,
encourage independence in your learning and provide help when you need it.

I believe that if you really want to achieve something then you will! Having a
positive attitude is a key to your learning. We will be developing our own class
expectations, concerning your learning, over the next week. These will be shared
with your parents / caregivers at our meet the teacher evening.

This year I hope that you make the most of all the opportunities that Balmacewen has
to offer you.

Tonight I would like you to show this letter to your parents/caregivers and to
complete your first homework activity, which is to get your parent / caregiver to sign
this sheet.

Your new teacher

Mr. Terry Tarapi

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