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EDU 3262

Standard 2: Learning Differences

The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse
cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that
enable each learner to meet high standards.
During this class we learned about the
importance of understanding our own culture
and learning about our students cultural
backgrounds. Our culture and
our students cultures can be
content to engage them in the
learning process by making
learning meaningful to their
lives. Differences in race,
religion, culture, and gender
also contribute to the way
classroom. It can affect them
in positive and/or negative ways when the
teacher is not aware of his or her students
individual learning styles. When the teacher gets
to know his or her students, they can

differentiate their lessons in order to connect with

every students unique and personal learning
mode. Alternating visual, auditory, and kinesthetic
teaching techniques can do
this. Teachers will have to use
techniques that are out of their
comfort zone, and accomplish
things differently than the way
they were taught. Varying
instructional techniques also
helps students with disabilities
and those who are gifted and
talented. It is part of the
educators job to give every
student the opportunity to grow as a learner and
an individual despite his or her physical or
cognitive differences.

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