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Art Lesson- Daydreaming

Ann Molina

Overarching theme
Daydreaming is defined as short-term
detachment from ones immediate
surroundings, during which a persons contact
with reality is blurred and partially substituted
by a visionary fantasy, especially one of happy,
pleasant thoughts, hopes or ambitions,
imagined as coming to pass, and experienced
while awake (Wikipedia).

1. Start by reading Journey by Aaron Becker.
2. Formulate discussion about dreaming and
where you go when you fall into a serious dream.
3. Ask questions about daydreaming in school.
4. Brainstorm places or things you do when you
are drifting away in class.
5. Ask students to record some ideas about where
they go when they daydream in their writers
6. Wrap-up discussion

1. Start by meeting on the carpet and discussing what will be
happening today in our daydreaming unit.
2. Recapping the last time that we met; ask students to share some of
the daydreams that they wrote about in their writers notebook.
3. Going over the expectations of a personal narrative (as well as
definitions in this unit) through a PowerPoint.
4. Asking the students to begin their writing piece.
5. Reflection


Begin back on the carpet to discuss a timeline for the day.

Let them know they need to begin finalizing their piece today.
2. Send students back to their seats where they can finish up their writing
3. As students finish, they can pair up with a partner who is already
to do some revising and formulate ideas for the art piece.
4. Reflection

What part of the writing students do not finish, goes home for

1. Start this lesson by having students take pictures of them that look like their daydreaming.
2. Ask them to go to the library to print out the picture in black and white and in a PROPORTIONAL
3. Begin back on the carpet to discuss expectations for working with the different types of media.

Explain to them the different types of media that you have brought for them.
4. Send them back to their desk with scrap paper to explore the different types of media on the
5. Ask them to choose 1-2 medias they would like to use, then hand them the large construction
6. Have them glue down the picture of themselves in the corner.
7. Ask them to then create themselves being lost in the daydream with vibrate colors.
8. Reflection

1. Tell them that today is the last day working
with this unit!
2. Studio time (finishing up)
3. As students finish, they can begin to organize
the artworks along the ground to see how they can
be pieced together.
4. As a class, come up with an overarching title
and theme for the daydreaming pieces to hang up
in the hall.
5. Reflection

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