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Work & Volunteer Experience



Leadership Positions Held


Red Cross Blood Drive


Organized and helped run the blood drive

Varsity Basketball Stats


Stat Keeper for Varsity B-ball

Kept stats for the boys basketball teams, made cookies, helped clean up
after games, made sure the bus was loaded, etc

Teen Leader

Showed freshman around on their first day

Tide Crew Leader

Key Club
Solv Project


Trick-or-treat for UNICEF

Baby Sitting

Helped clean up wetlands and school


Have baby sat kids ages 1 years old to 10

took care of two kids for the summer

Collected food from neighbors and family

helped test students visions and played fun games while they waited their

Announced each kid as they entered the auction ring

North Planes Elementary

Vision Screenings
Auction Announcer

Radio Interview for Washington

County Fair

Inavale Jump Judge

Stall Cleaner


Canned Food Drive


Collected money for UNICEF

Spoke to the radio about 4-H and the Washington County Fair

Cleaned 29 stalls each time

Handled horses for owners to be judged for inspections

Inspection Pro Horse Handler

Judged each rider over a set of fences to check for safety and effectiveness

Class Concessions

Helped sell food and drinks at sporting games

Bluegrass Festival Fossil

Educational Fund Volunteer

Sold corn dogs and drinks to fund raise for new siding on the gym so the
Fossil kids can still play in it

Thank You Notes for Walk-aThon donors

Wrote notes to donors for the money they donated

Ran a food booth, spoke at events, and chopped firewood for money to
send a team to Nationals

Fund Raised for National 4-H

Horse Team

Taught 4-H Hippology Sessions

Worked with Youth Dog

Showers on Performance and

Taught kids horse terms and conditions

Taught kids how to show and what to look for in a show dog

Informational Booth Maker for

Washington County Fair

Designed and ran a information and inactive booth for youth and adults
during the Washington County Fair.

Christmas Wreath Fund Rasier

for 4-H

Sold wreaths for club funds

Avery Park Clean-up

Dethorned, pulled weeds, and spreader mulch

Linn-Benton Food Share

Turkey Trot Supervisor

NICU Book Drive

Tie Blankets for Childrens

Sorted and packages food for distribution


Taught kids to stretch and warm up before race as well as stay on the track
Raised 181 books for the NICU at Saint Viences Hospital for mothers to read
to their newborns

Tied and folded blankets to give to children in the hospital

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