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BA (Hons.

Module Code: 603


Module Title:

Learning Outcomes:

BRIEF TITLE: Art and Design Interdisciplinary

Brief: Create the end of year show publication for Art and Design Interdisciplinary 2015. The
title of the book is Precipice.

Background: The course is in its final year, the theme of precipice represents the ending of
the course and new beginnings of the students.

Considerations: A durable and memorable publication. With colour and vibrancy to

celebrate the course.

Mandatory Requirements: A yearbook for the end of year show. Showcasing the variety of
work of all the students, but not to over shadow it.

Target Audience: The students leaving as memorabilia, as well as promotional material for
their work and craft.

Tone of Voice: Informative

Deliverables: A finished digital publication ready to send to print.

This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to
module handbook for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes
and further reading.

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