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James Yu

Homework 4

1) My signal and spectrum:

I estimate the peak to be about 3 bins wide, which is approximately 140.6250 Hz wide.
To estimate the SPL of other peaks, we use the formula given in the text:

Which is derived using Parseval’s theorem. <w^2> in the case of a sine wave is ½.


I estimated the peaks and SPL:

Peaks SPL
8812.5 115.222
4406 121.68
890.6 125.66
656.25 134
562.5 133.4
421.8 134.6

The peaks are not exactly at the frequencies we made the sinusoids to be. This is because
we are using a DFT, and we will not likely sample the DTFT at the exact spots where the
delta functions are.

(d) I used the triangle spreading function defined as:
10 log10 (F(dz, L_m)) = (-27 + 0.37 * MAX(L_m – 40, 0) * u(dz)) * |dz|

where dz = z(f_maskee – f_masker)

and L_m is the masker’s SPL
and u(z) is the unit step function

The masking curve is then defined as:

SPL_B = SPL_A – 15dB + 10 log10 (F(dz, L_m))

(e) None of our signals will be masked. Although, in the rest of the frequency spectrum,
we see that the artifacts of our limited time DFT will be masked (the lobes of the
imperfect delta functions of our sinusoids).

The SMR for all the peaks are approximately as follows:

Frequency SMR Bits Needed
440 20dB 4
550 18.54dB 4
660 19.8dB 4
880 21.8dB 4
4400 31.4dB 6
8800 35dB 6

For the hanning window, I get the following mask model:
We see that the rejection of the Hanning window is less. Therefore, more of the spectrum
is potentially unmasked. However, in this particular case, only artifacts from the DFT are
unmasked (which we know aren’t true signals). But for a real world signal, more of the
signal will be unmasked.

The SMR for all the peaks are approximately as follows:

Frequency SMR Bits Needed
440 17.18dB 4
550 20dB 4
660 21dB 4
880 22dB 4
4400 30.5dB 6
8800 34.1dB 6


Here I graphed my masking model, along with the minimum masking in each critical

Band Minimum Mask Peaks Peak SPL SMR Bits Needed

0 13.8705 17.5 3.6295
1 27.4152 36.185 8.7698
2 51.0559 43.7925 -7.2634
3 59.9743 58.8877 -1.0866
4 59.5854 440 Hz 83.4 23.8146 4
5 55.7996 550 Hz 82.2 26.4004 5
6 48.4321 660 Hz 82.8 34.3679 6
7 36.105 880 Hz 74.5 38.395 7
8 25.0329 49.4105 24.3776
9 10.5878 35.2918 24.704
10 1.0374 29.9561 28.9187
11 0.0922 23.6739 23.5817
12 -1.6546 19.0013 20.6559
13 -3.4206 15.2899 18.7105
14 -4.9077 12.2 17.1077
15 -4.9758 10.7942 15.77
16 20.2607 7.9484 -12.3123
17 21.2243 14.5982 -6.6261
18 6.0862 4400 Hz 70.5 64.4138 11
19 2.7544 38 35.2456
20 9.3013 18 8.6987
21 13.3684 8800 Hz 64 50.6316 9
22 17.9116 18 0.0884
23 58.3591 -13 -71.3591

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