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26. Date: ____________

I. Objective:
Experiments the presence of sugar in urine

Health consciousness Cooperation and cleanliness

II. Subject Matter:

People (Urinalysis (Urine Test))
A. Science Concept/Idea:
Sugar can be detected in urine with the use of Benedict's solution.
B. Science Processes:
Experimenting, observing and inferring
C. Materials:
Test tube, test tube holder, alcohol burner, urine sample and Benedict's solution
Science and Health V by: Jessie A. Villegas p. 45
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
a. Review
How is urine formed and eliminated from the body?
b. Checking of Assignment
c. Motivation:
Have you ever heard of a patient suffering from diabetes? What is present in their urine?
How can we detect the presence of sugar in the urine? How would you like to find out?
B. Presentation:
a. Distribution of activity card and materials.
Activity Card:
Problem - How is the presence of sugar in urine detected?
Materials - Test tube, test tube holder, alcohol burner, urine sample and Benedict's solution
Procedure - Place one (1) teaspoon of Benedict's solution in a test tube and add a few drop
of the urine sample being tested. Heat the mixture to boiling.
Observation -Does the mixture of urine and Benedict's solution produce a brick red color
when boiled? Wt can you refer from this observation?
a. Why is the urine is being tested for excess sugar?
b. What disease is cause by excessive sugar in the blood?
c. What diet is prescribed for patients with such as disease?
b. Group Work
1. Pupils performed the activity in the activity card.

c. Reporting by each group.

d. Discussion/Analysis
1. What happens to the color of the urine?
2. Is it good to eat too much sugary?
C. Concept Formation:
What is present in the urine? How is the presence of sugar in urine detected?
D. Application:
Your neighbor is a diabetic patient, what advice can you give him?
IV. Evaluation:
Recording of experiment.
V. Assignment:
1. What will happen if too much sugar is present in your body?
2. Make a list of foods that diabetic patient should not eat.
3. Record some proper ways to prevent too much sugar in the body.

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