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30. Date: ____________

I. Objective:
Practice desirable health habits that help prevent/control common ailments affecting the urinary

Health habits, cleanliness Health consciousness

II. Subject Matter:

People (Desirable Health Habits that Help Patient/Control Common Ailments at the Urinary System)
A. Science Concept/Idea:
Some of the ailments can be prevented by practicing strict health hygiene, eating a balance
diet, exercise regularly and drinking 8 glasses of water everyday, avoid eating salty foods.
B. Science Processes:
Observing and inferring
C. Materials:
Pictures showing desirable health habits to keep the urinary system healthy.
Science and Health VI p. 35; Science and Health into the Future p. 38
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
a. Review:
Name some of the common ailments affecting the urinary system.
b. Checking of Assignment
c. Motivation:
What should you do to keep the urinary system healthy?
B. Presentation:
a. Activity:
Group Activities:
1. Divide the class into three (3) groups, each group will be given 3 pictures showing the
practice on the health habits to prevent/control common ailments affecting the urinary
2. Observe the pictures and answer the question. What healths habits help prevent/control
common ailments affecting the urinary system?
3. Reporting of findings by each group.
4. Discussion:
a. Why should you avoid eating very salty foods?
b. How many glasses of water and juices do you drink everyday?
c. Why should you urinate at once?
C. Concept Formation:
How can you prevent/control common ailments affecting the urinary system?

D. Application:
Draw a poster showing the different health habits that help to control/prevent common
ailments of the urinary system.
IV. Evaluation:
Put a check (4) if it control/prevent common ailment of the urinary system and (x) if not.
_____ 1. Eat a balance diet
_____ 2. Drink soft drinks every two (2) hours.
_____ 3 Exercise daily
_____ 4 Urinate regularly
_____ 5 Eat salty foods
V. Assignment:
Write a slogan regarding the health habits that help control/prevent common ailments of the
urinary system.

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