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The Muscular System

Shamoya Beckford

What is the Muscular System?


muscular system is an
extensive network of muscle and
nervous tissue which is spread
throughout the body . It is
controlled by the central nervous
system. There are approximately
650 muscles active in the human

Groups of Muscles
Skeletal Muscle
Have long cells
Voluntary muscles attached to
our bones
Strippy in appearance

Groups of Muscles
Cardiac Muscle
Have one nucleus
Branched in appearance

Groups of Muscles
Smooth Muscle
Dont have strippy appearance
Narrow on the end
Found in the bladder and uterus

Types Muscles
The deltoid is triangular in shape
and is pointed at the bottom
while wider at the top.
Can be found at both sides of the
arm at the top
It abducts the arm

Types Muscles
This is a diamond shaped muscle
Attached to the base of the skull
and spine
Moves the scapula up and down
and extends the neck

Types Muscles
Latissimus dorsi
This is located at the side of the
Able to bring arm backward

Types Muscles
Triceps Brachill
This is found at the back of the
Extends the arm and elbow and
is undeveloped

Types Muscles
Gluteus Maximus

This is a very large muscle which

extends legs at the hips

Types Muscles
This comprises of the Rectus
Femurs, Vastus
Lateralis,Vastulis medialis.
The Rectus Femurs run straight
up in the knee
Two side towards the spine
Works when we kick our legs

Types Muscles
These muscles lay over the chest
It abducts and flexes

Types Muscles
Rectus Abdominus
These are found at the abdomen
Fibres run up and down
Compress the abdomen
Flexes the abdomen
Has connective tissues

Types Muscles
Bicep Brachii
This muscle inserts in its origin
and bone
Flexes the arm and elbow

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