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Gas Exchange

Anthony Lopez

Gas Exchange in the Lungs

Gas exchange is the delivery of oxygen to the bloodstream
from the lungs and eliminated carbon dioxide from the
bloodstream to the lungs.
Oxygen and carbon dioxide or exchange alveoli at the end
of bronchial.
When a person inhale oxygen move from the alveoli to the
capillaries into the bloodstream
Carbon is removed when you exhale

Gas Exchange with Body Cells

Cells need oxygen to get energy such as sugar
Oxygen glow through the capularies to give the organs
around the body and cells.
Difusion appears and takes out h2o

Gas Transport in the Blood

Oxygen forms oxyhemoglobin with hemoglobin molecules
CO2 is transported by bicarbomate in plasama

When the lungs loose air pressure this is when breathing
is elevate ribs and sternum which also increases front to
back dimentions of thoracic cavity
When you inhale the diaphragm move downs to help
vertical dimension of thoracic cavity

Brain Control of Breathing Rate

Breathing rate is based on when you are at active or at
The center mendula control automatic breathing
The meundla slow down the contraction of diaphragm and
rib muscle when the co2 level drops

Measuring Lung Capacity

Tidal volume represents the normal value of air displaces

between normal inhalation exhale when extra effort is not

IRV: Additional air forcibly inhale after inspiration of a
normal tidal volume
ERV: Additional air forcibly inhale after inspiration of a
normal tidal volume
Residual volume: remaning volume of air in the lungs
after a maximal exhale
IC: the sum of IRV and TV

Respiratory Disorders
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: It can lead to asthma and

emphysema and chronic bronchitis and can develop these three

Chronic bronchitis: irritation reaching the bronchi and bronchioles will
stimulate and increase secretion of mucus
Emphysema: The delicate walls of the aveoli break down recording gas
exchange area of the lungs
Asthma: contraction of the bronchi and bronchioles makes it hard
Pheumonia: infection of the aveoli by bacteria and virus


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