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Graciela Beltran

Professor Sue Caldwell

T/Th 12:30-1:45
Week 13 Homework
The Emperor of All Maladies
1. Nelene Foxs case affected insurance coverage for cancer treatment following her
death since late 1993, as a result of Turners efforts on the case. The Massachusetts state
legislature brought up the Charlottes Law, in which mandated coverage for
transplantation for eligible patients within the state.
2. It is important to recognize that cancer is a variety of diseases due to cells
uncontrollably growing meaning that is very hard to find a cure or the perfect treatment
for a disease that acts as a variety of diseases continually replicating.
3. Humans have 46 chromosomes and these are replicated during cell division and
divided equally between two daughter cells. A chromosome is an internal structure deep
inside the cell. Genes are particles of inheritance and are carried on chromosomes. Both
chromosomes and genes are duplicated during cell division and transmitted from one cell
to the next. Genes are carried by one chemical, deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA which is
the central point of genetic information between cells. A gene is a unit of inheritance that
carries biological traits from one cell to another from one generation to the next. Genes
are carried within the cell in the form of chromosomes and are composed of DNA.
4. The virus that causes the common cold or flu does not influence in changing the
bodys DNA, it is untouched and the virus goes away .Rous sarcoma virus was found to
cause tumors only in live chickens infecting the cells and attaches to the cells DNA and
alters the genetic makeup, its genome. Temins discovery about the mechanics of the
Rous sarcoma virus change the central dogma of thinking with regard to DNA
transcription since he discovered that RNA virus could enter a cell and make DNA copy
of its genes and attach itself to a cells genome.

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