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Colonial Village II

Board Meeting
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Linda Slagle, President
Mark Bostwick, Vice President
Chris Cahill, Secretary
Robert Somers, Member at Large
David McPherson, Property Manager

Others Present: Three community members

I. Meeting Call to Order: President Linda Slagle called meeting to order at 7:04 pm.

II. Proof of Quorum: the Quorum was met by the presence of all Board members.

III. Resident Forum

Resident in attendance wanted to know when the dead vine wrapped around the light post in 1731 N.
Troy courtyard (discussed at last meeting) will be removed. The Board stated they are waiting for the
T&J proposal and that it should be taken care of within the next month. Ms. Slagle reminded the resident
that when the Board is working with a company and negotiating contracts, it can take a while for projects
to be completed.

Resident has noticed that lawns have not been watered (also discussed at last meeting). Mr. McPherson
noted that the lawns are not currently suffering and there has been some rain recently. Ms. Slagle asked
that the engineer be reminded of this task.

Resident also brought up the problem of trash in the ravine area. Ms. Slagle said she has walked this area
as well but has not noticed an excess amount of trash. The Board asked resident to monitor situation and
alert them if they see a marked increase in trash. If it becomes a problem, Board will address the issue of
finding someone to clean out area (hazardous for community residents and engineers due to poison ivy).

Resident addressed the need for speed bumps in CVII. The Board told the resident that this is an
Arlington County Board issue and that the County does not think there is sufficient traffic to necessitate
speed bumps or stop signs. The Board let the resident know that serious commitment and organization is
necessary by CVII residents to get something of this nature done and that dealing with the county board is
a long-term commitment with lots of meetings and organization involved. The Board made it clear that
they will support residents if they decide to do this but there must be broad based community
participation for the effort to be successful.

A Resident brought up the issue of barbeque grills in the 1802 Key Blvd. courtyard as a follow up to the
petition sent by the residents to the Board. After receiving the petition, the Board manager met with the
Arlington County Fire Marshall who told the Board that it is illegal to have hibachis/charcoal grills within
15 ft. of buildings. Board understands that use of grills promotes a community feeling and wants to find a
compromise that will keep the residents happy while following the law. Main concern is finding a place
for residents to dump used coals so that they do not present a fire hazard or detract from appearance of the
property. The Board is going to discuss possible solutions later in the meeting and asked resident to stay
in touch with Board regarding this issue as they work to resolve it.
IV. Reading &Approval of Minutes

Minutes from April 19, 2006: Motion by Mr. Bostwick to approve minutes as written; Second by Mr.
Cahill, For: All.

V. Management Report

A. Financial Report:
Ms. Slagle expressed concern over the current level of the operating checking fund. Mr. McPherson
stated that checking is low due to a number of big expenses in last month including the quarterly water

The Board discussed the VA Commerce account and its low interest rate. The Board asked Mr.
McPherson to ask financial advisor to get VA Commerce up to $50,000 so that the interest rate increases.
Mr. McPherson will get back to the Board in a few days with updated info so they can make a decision
about what to do.

B. Action List:
Mr. McPherson is still waiting for a proposal on the stump removal. Mr. Bostwick suggested getting a
count of stumps and Mr. Somers suggested that stumps be removed in groups to defray cost once count
has been made. The Board asked Mr. McPherson to get the proposal as well as a cost estimate to use
labor available (CVII maintenance) and the rental of a grinding machine. The Board will discuss this
issue at the next meeting once they have seen proposals.

The Board was disappointed that T&J has not submitted a proposal for the removal of the arborvitae and
they reminded Mr. McPherson that this is a high priority. T&J has submitted a proposal for the annuals
and Ms. Slagle signed the proposal at the meeting.

Mr. McPherson also gave the Board the American Pest Management contract that includes the centrecon
system replacement. After adding a line about making sure all workers are properly documented, Ms.
Slagle signed the contract.

Mr. McPherson submitted window-cleaning proposals to the Board from Valcourt ($7 per window) and
Crystal ($5.50). The property has around 800 windows so the difference in cost is significant, only
windows with screens removed will be cleaned which will affect final cost. The Board told Mr.
McPherson that they are not willing to accept $7 per window and Mr. Cahill asked if Valcourt price
would go down if they get contracts at all CV properties. Mr. McPherson will get back to the Board with
an answer.

Mr. McPherson brought a model “dog pooper” station for the Board’s consideration. The unit can be
mounted on a freestanding post and has bags included. A sign will be placed above the station that
references the county codes about dog regulations. The Board asked Mr. McPherson to place the station
near the 2nd light by the ravine path off Troy St. The Board agreed that while there is just one station, the
CVII engineer will be responsible for emptying. Once the station is put in place, memos will be placed
on corkboards to notify residents.

The Lee Gould Memorial Bench is now in place and Ms. Slagle and Mr. Somers thanked management &
staff for a job well done as both the bench and plaque look great. Ms. Slagle acknowledged Mr. Somers’s
hard work in organizing the event and thanked him for his beautiful remarks at the ceremony.
VI. Old Business

The Board returned to the discussion about charcoal grills and hibachi’s as the Board wants to reach a
compromise that will keep residents happy, satisfy the county’s safety regulations and keep the public
spaces free of clutter and debris. The Arlington County Fire Marshall suggested heavy duty galvanized
trash containers where residents can dump coals. The Board discussed possible locations for 2-3 of these
around the property. As it is unrealistic/dangerous to ask people to empty hot coals right after use, Mr.
Somers suggested that the Board create a policy stating that grills must be cleaned up and put away by
8:00 AM and that any grills left out after 8:00am will be confiscated. It was resolved that once
management finds appropriate containers, the Board will work with residents and the Fire Marshall to
place them and will notify residents of policy and locations.

Mr. McPherson brought Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the Board to review on two dog
repellents. Both products are sold at Petco. After reviewing the information, the Board decided to try a
spray repellent called “Away from my Garden.” The Material Safety Data Sheets will be posted on
corkboards for Residents to review. The Board resolved to test the product in the area between Rhodes
and Troy along Wilson after posting the MSDS. Management will post signs in the area once it has been

VII. New Business

Mr. McPherson reported on his ongoing property inspection, citing new areas where he sees the need for

• Wants to replace the shrubs that have been destroyed at 1904 Key Blvd and has asked a contractor for
a proposal to fix erosion along Key Blvd.

• Has noticed missing or “popped” shutters on a number of buildings that need to be replaced. The
Board told Mr. McPherson to take care of it.

• Would like to bring proposals for spot-cleaning in public areas to the next meeting, these proposals
would include paint touch up in hallways, spot carpet cleaning, door repair etc. Because of the high
move in/out rates in CVII and many doors are subject to heavy use, Mr. McPherson would like to
have Precision Doors give a proposal for commercial doors that are stronger for some buildings. The
Board said to secure the proposals and report back at next meeting.

Board member asked that 1859 N. Rhodes Courtyard be put on the list for review and improvements and
Mr. McPherson agreed to look at it.

Another Board member asked for management to look into the dark area by 1750 Troy and replace/add
light fixture.

There are a number of sick evergreen trees around property and Ms. Slagle asked that Mr. McPherson ask
T&J to add the removal of these trees to the stump removal proposal. The Board also wondered if this is
something that maintenance could handle by going around property with a saw to remove some of the
smaller trees as a way to help the property look better.

VIII. Next Board Meeting:

June 14, 2006
IX. Executive Session

X. Meeting Adjourned at 9:40

Respectfully Submitted:
Keri A. Towler
Recording Secretary
May 12, 2006

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