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Board meeting 092815- MY notesPresents Physically: Ron Shmidt, Hoerst, Elaine Loeser, Barry Weitzenfeld,
Marcia Lansky, Calvin Monson
No one was on the phone- 6 of 8 board members were present.
I arrived as the open forum already started.
Some owner was expressing anxious thoughts about sewer gas leaks and
odors, and other long term issues known from the board. Then the owner was
interrupted by Calvin Monson, that did not like the truth. I interfered and
confirmed that the board was officially aware of the gas leak since 2007 and that
I hired someone to measure it in the building in 2010 or 2011 for which I paid
$800 and the board has been aware of this since they tried to kick the
investigator out of the building. I confirmed that the gas leak has not completely
been cured although, thanks to Paulina, a lot of progress has been made.
Calvin Monson has the habit (at all times) of not letting other talk when it is their
right and time to talk ( see last year at the annual meeting I was answering a
question, and I could not even finish my sentence, because Monson interrupted
me at several times. So I had to wait several minutes, that several persons talked,
to finish the short sentence that I started.
Freedom of speech, hello!!! I thought we were living within the US.
Formal Meeting started:
Burglung: granite in port in us.
Railings: corrosion need to be fixed - tomorrow fusion testing.
Planters: they will change the granite because of color issue and one on top is
The board want in writing that promenade can stay under the water wouthout
damaging it. Any how, the membrane will be checked, and they said that is not
pin hole.
Comed vault? There is and inch of water accumulation " they call it pounding".
The contractor agreed to fix it.
Board has problem to move forward in the discussion, continuously accusing
The granite might be hold in customs.
We will get a report for the membrane with a warranty.
There was suggestion to put some posts to avoid cars to bump and destroyed
the granite of the planters. This happened frequently before with the slate at the
planters and the board in 2008 or 2009 instead of putting some post removed
the slate of the planters, and then they painted the concrete of the planters in

green. Note that Marcia has no recollection of that.
Since apparently I was aware of the post holes, Bill asked me to show Burglund
were the old holes were, which I did.
DOGS: Rules changed for pets:
Rules changed- in and out through the lobby 4 opposed-sun rise and set set 4
in favor- do not carry the dogs- 3 against and 2 for -amendment the proposed
changeLeave by the main entrance or not?
They voted back to come in and carry the dog 3 to one and 2 abstentions.
PROMENADE BIS: Motion to have Calvin Monson and Hoerst to check for the
placement of the poles.
BUILDING INSURANCE: $1000 difference with the new carrier. Forgery
question. Coverage for 3 or 4 M.
ROOF REPAIR: drain south east that was cloggled. Can be easily corrected
(Marcel said).
And vote for repairs on west side roof they want to trash the roof top wood and
planters. This is a very questionable decision. It would means that we will not
have any roof top next year. Note that the roof has been extensively repaired in
2009 (or +/- year), only Marcel and myself could remember the repair. Although
the new repair does not seems to overlap with the previous ones, but this has to
be checked.
My impression is that the board is spending the reserve so that there will be no
money left for important issues such as:
heating issues (10 units without heat) and, faade (important leaks in units from
north and south walls) and windows ) replacement (some people cannot even
close their windows in winter with an inch gaps). The latter both issues have
never been addressed and for some reason the board has repetitively refused to
address them. Any important issue is not addressed. We had several meeting for
dogs, which really is not as important as spending a non necessary more than
half a M for the promenade for which none of the owner of the building had the
opportunity to have a counting voice for this project. So we compare dogs
issues to more than a M waste..Promenade could have been well fixed with
about $ 50 000.Bids were not done properly. There was no conservative, and
repair bid.
Note that I am conscious that I will be retaliated for taking notes at board
meetings, I have previously been.
Next meet end of October

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