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Draft 1 - ETEC 590 Proposal for ePortfolio

June 8, 2015
Sophia Barton-Bucknor
Statement of Purpose/Objectives
I am an educator whose experiences span teaching at the secondary and post-secondary levels; but
most of my experience has been in educational quality assurance, and program development and
management. Three to four years ago, my focus broadened to the growing impact of communication
and digital technology within the educational space and I lead my organizations foray into this new
direction. Shortly after I embarked on UBCs MET program for both professional and personal
development. Development and growth often result through a process that incorporates planning,
acting, assessing and adjusting, and reflecting on both the process and the results. The MET program
exposed me to new theories and educational technology tools and resources, challenged my
perspectives and application of old knowledge and ways of doing and helped me to design learning
assets and environments that meld the old with the new. The purpose of my ePortfolio is to showcase
my development and growth throughout the MET program, to be a vehicle of critical analysis and
reflection of my learning journey, and to demonstrate my understanding of educational technology
theories and growing competence as an educational technology designer and manager through chosen
The primary audience for my ePortfolio is present and future MET peers, as well as instructors and
evaluators of the program and of the ePortfolio, including TQS evaluators. Other audience include
educators, especially those with an interest in educational technology, educational technology program
managers, family and friends. I am also an audience for my ePortfolio as it represents and enables
iterative continuous quality improvements through reflection, discovery, and demonstration. This
ePortfolio will also be an excellent artifact that can be repurposed into a professional portfolio.
Given my love for quality assurance and management, I have chosen the continuous quality
improvement (CQI) cycle (plan do assess reflect) as my metaphor. The MET program requires the
completion of four foundation courses and 6 electives. These courses are often offered within three
semesters (though not all at once), giving participants the flexibility to combine foundation and
electives, but being constraint by course offering for that semester. My learning journey was not linear,
whereby I did all the foundation courses followed by the electives. Instead, it was often iterative within
a cycle that required an assessment of my needs and course offerings that would inform my plans and
my actions.
My learning within each course also reflected an iterative CQI cycle. The plan part of the cycle
represents the beginning of my development and growth cycle. Do represents revisiting of previous
learning and a period of increased engagement, understanding of concepts and applications. Assess
includes a determination of program and knowledge gaps, and course decisions. Reflect includes an
overall reflection of the program and a focus on future planning and positioning.

For me, the MET program and process is like creating body butters -- step 1, identify base ingredients:
step 2, research identify, select and weigh; determine supplementary ingredients: select and add; step 3,
process and package: blend, whip, assess, add fragrance and package to finalize.

Artifacts, Media and Tools

As stated, my journey does not reflect a demarcation of foundation courses followed by electives.
Artifacts will reflect the order of courses taken and thus the order in which my learning: development
and growth, took place. Artifacts will be a mix of videos, websites, digital courses, and text-based assets
that will demonstrate my understanding of educational technology tools, theories and design principles.
The artifact for the ePortfolio will be Weebly. I have used Weebly in the development of many leaning
assets throughout the program and I have found it to be a good tool for the development of both
elearning and mlearning courses. It allows for a good mix of media: video, audio, images, and text.



ETEC 510: Design of
Technology Supported
Learning Environments (core)

Wiki (Quality Assurance in Higher

ETEC 511: Foundation of

Educational Tech (Core)

Research paper: Blended Learning with

Moodle in an Out of School Youth
Ecology of Educational Tech (Wordpress

ETEC 522: Ventures in

Learning Technology

OLEs (Weebly site)

Youtube video of pitch and evaluation

ETEC 512: Applications of

Learning Theories to
Instruction (core)

Research paper

ETEC 520: Planning and

Managing Learning
Technologies in Higher

Research paper

ETEC 565M: Mobile


Cloud Memory (Weebly site)

Setting Up and Using Moodle (Weebly

ETEC 521: Indigeneity,

Technology and Education

Research paper (Digital storytelling and

Aboriginal youth)

ETEC 565A: Special Course in

Subject Matter Field

ePortfolio (Wordpress)
Moodle Course (Media Literacy
Blended Learning Course)


ETEC 500: Research

Methodology in Education
ETEC 590: Graduating Project

Paper (Methodological Critique)

Capstone ePortfolio

4 and 5
7 and 8
11 and 12

Submit proposal for review and feedback: metaphor and artifacts
Provide feedback to my peers
Use feedback from peers to revisit and improve proposal
Design and start set up Weebly site: storyboard design
Development of ePortfolio: storyboard content
Development of Introduction, Overview, and Plan pages
Ask for feedback from peers in individual group and use feedback to edit and refine
Development of Do pages
Development of Assess and Reflect
Ask for feedback from peers and instructor
Use feedback to edit and refine

Assessment Rubric
Purpose and TQS Outcomes
Demonstrates understanding of educational
technology theory and research
Demonstrates link to theory and development or
Artifacts are adequate to demonstrate
development of learning and growth throughout
the program
Artifacts are relevant to the metaphor and make
evident linkages to the MET program
New content designed for the ePortfolio is evident
and content appropriately reflects the theme
Organization, Design and Presentation
Organization and design reflect the metaphor or
theme and relevant to the content
Pages are easy to navigate, easy to read and
understand and hyperlinks aid navigation and make
it easy to access additional or external content


Multimedia applications augment the overall theme

and design, highlight artifacts and represent
learning and professional development
Reflections demonstrate synthesis and analysis of
development as a result of individual and
collaborative learning
Reflections demonstrate development and growth
through assessment of personal, professional and
course goals, and to what extent were these
achieved and linkages to future goals and plans.

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