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Dress Up Dress Pattern

This free pattern originally published in: America at Work and Play

Dress-up time for you - when you're wearing this grand 2-piece suit-dress for the first fall days. Note the "snow-flake" yoke detail.
CHADWICK'S RED HEART SHETLAND FLOSS (1 oz. balls). Size 1420 balls. Size 1622 balls. Size 1824 balls.
1 ball of contrasting color for each size.

Clark's O.N.T. Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 4.

A 29-inch circular knitting needle No. 4.
5 small buttons.
1 yard -inch elastic.


















Shoulder to lower edge

Side seam

Sleeve seam











110 sts

116 sts

98 sts

104 sts



116 sts

122 sts



Width at hem

GAUGE: 7 sts make 1 inch; 9 rows make 1 inch.


BACK With pair of needles cast on

Work in stockinette st (k 1 row, p 1 row) for 2 inches. Dec 1 st at both ends of next row and every 6th row
there-after until there remain
Work straight until piece measures in all
Inc 1 st at both ends of next row and every 6th row thereafter until there are on needle
Work straight until piece measures in all
Bind off.

FRONT Work exactly as for Back.

78 sts

Work in stockinette st, increasing 1 st at both ends of every 4th row until there are on needle

80 sts
90 sts

92 sts

40 sts

42 sts

FRONT YOKE With dark color cast on

113 sts

123 sts

1st row: (Right side) P across. 2nd row: K across. 3rd row: P 11 sts, * attach a 1-yard strand of light color, and
with light color inc 2 sts in the next stto inc 2 sts, k in the front, in the back and again in the front of the same st.
Drop light color, draw dark color tightly across back of light sts and p 9 with dark color. Repeat from * across,
ending with p 11 sts with Dark. 4th row: With Dark k 6 sts, pick up Light (always twist yarns around each other
when changing color to prevent making a hole), * with Light inc 1 st in next st, p 1, inc 1 st in next st. Draw dark
color tightly across in front of light sts and k 9 with dark color. Repeat from * across, ending with k 11 sts with
Dark. 5th row: With Dark inc 1 st, p 10 sts, * pick up Light, with Light inc 1 st in next st, k 3, inc 1 st in next st.
Pick up Dark, draw tightly across back of Light sts and p 9 with Dark. Repeat from * across, ending with p 10 sts
with Dark, inc in last st. 6th row: With Dark k 12 sts, * with Light p 7 sts, with Dark k 9 sts. Repeat from * across,
ending with k 12 sts with Dark. 7th row: With Dark p 12 sts, * with Light k 7 sts, with Dark p 9 sts. Repeat from *
across, end-ing with p 12 sts with Dark. 8th row: With Dark inc 1 st, k 11 sts, * with Light p 7 sts, with Dark, k 9
sts. Repeat from * across, ending with k 11 sts with Dark, inc in last st. 9th row: With Dark p 13 sts, * pick up
light color, then with light color sl 1, k 2 tog, p.s.s.o., k 1, k 3 tog, with dark color p 9. Repeat from * across,
ending with p 13 sts with Dark. 10th row: With Dark k 13 sts, * with Dark p 3 tog, k 9. Repeat from * across,
ending with k 13 sts with Dark. Break off light color, leaving a 2-inch strand for fastening off. 11th row: With
Dark inc in 1st st, p across, inc in last st. 12th row: With Dark k across. 13th row: * With Dark p 9 sts, attach a 1yard strand of Light and with Light inc 2 sts in the next st. Repeat from * across. Continue thus working in
pattern, making dots between previous dots and increasing 1 st at both ends of every 3rd row until there are on

141 sts

151 sts

Bind off 5 sts at beginning of each row until there remain

Bind off 4 sts at beginning of next 6 rows. Bind off remaining sts.

Work straight in pattern until 5th row of dots is completed. Work across first

64 sts

69 sts

bind off center

13 sts

13 sts

64 sts

69 sts

7 times

7 times

3 times

4 times

6 times

6 times

71 sts

76 sts

19 sts

19 sts

and finish row.

Turn and work only over remaining
as follows: Working in pattern, bind off 3 sts at neck edge every other row twice.
Now shape neck and shoulder simultaneously by decreasing 1 st at neck edge every other row
At The Same Time

At armhole edge bind off 5 sts every other row

then 6 sts every other row
Attach yarn at other side of neck and work other shoulder to correspond.

BACK YOKE Work exactly as for Front Yoke up to beginning of neck shaping (5 rows of dots completed).
Next row: Work across
Turn and work straight over this last set of sts only until armhole measures same as armhole of Front Yoke.
Continue to work edge of opening straight, but shape shoulder exactly as for Front Yoke. Bind off the remaining
for back of neck. Attach yarn and work other side to correspond.

Block back, front and sleeve pieces to measurements given. Sew side seams of back and front. Work a row of
sc around lower edge. Steam yoke lightly with hot iron through damp cloth. Sew shoulder seams of yoke. Work
a row of sc all around yoke edge, including armhole edges. Work a row of sc around neckline and back opening,
making 5 ch-3 button- loops. Sew bottom edges of yoke over-lapping top edges of lower section. Sew sleeve
seams. Sew sleeves in, having arm- hole edges of yoke overlapping tops of sleeves. Work 1 row of sc around
lower edge of sleeves.




350 sts

364 sts



246 sts

260 sts



182 sts

196 sts



Starting at the bottom with circular knit-ting needle and dark color, cast on
Join, being careful not to twist stitches, and work in stockinette st (k each rnd) for
Dec 8 sts evenly apart on next rnd, and every 9th rnd thereafter, until there remain
Work straight until piece measures
Dec 8 sts on next rnd and every 5th rnd thereafter until there remain
Work straight until piece measures

Bind off. Work inch sc for border around bottom of skirt. Work -inch border of sc at top of skirt, then * ch 6, sl
st in 4th st to the left on 1st rnd of sc (inside of skirt). Ch 6, sl st in 4th st to the left on last rnd of sc. Repeat from
* around. Fasten off. Press skirt through damp cloth. Draw elastic through casing at waistline and adjust to fit.

other patterns in leaflet:

Best Pal Cardigan Pattern
Dress Up Dress Pattern
Tee Off Sweater Pattern
Smoothie Jacket Pattern
Raglan Classic Pullover Pattern
Best Beloved Cardigan Pattern
Sweet Twosome Jumper Pattern
Reliable Cardigan Pattern
Snow Daisies Cardigan Pattern
Success Girl Sweater Pattern
Victory Girl Sweater Pattern
Peasant Gal Vest Pattern
Americana Cardigan Pattern
Dress Patterns

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