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Facts & politics on population data

1. Modi Government released population data based on religion, but did not release the data
based on castes. It is for its communal politics.

If ferment headings were given by different newspapers while reporting on the census data
thus released by Modi Government.

3. The heading in The Times of India is "Hindu Population Declined, Muslims Increased". It is
misleading. In fact both populations increased during 2001 to 2011. The Hindu population
increased by 13.86 crores and the Muslim population by 3.40 crores during this period.
Where is the decline in Hindu population? In fact both populations increased.
4. The fact is in the total population the proportion of Muslim population has increased by a
mere 0.8 percentage points during this period. It need not be blown out of proportion to
make a distorted campaign as if Muslims are increasing and Hindus are decreasing.
5. An important fact revealed in the census data is that during the decades ending with 1991,
2001 and 2011, the population of Muslims has increased by 32.88%, 29.52% and 24.6%.
The population of Hindus during these periods has increased by 22.71%, 19.92% and
16.76%. Thus the fall in rate of Muslim growth was from 32.88% to 24.6%, which is by 8.28
percentage points whereas the fall in Hindu growth rate was from 22.71% to 16.76%, which
is by 5.95 percentage points. Thus the population growth rate is rapidly declining in Muslims
compared to Hindus.
6. Therefore the caption should be, "Population growth rate declining in all religious groups
and more decline in Muslims".

The campaign of Sangh Parivar that Muslims are increasing and Hindus are decreasing is
thus not correct and the fact is that the growth rate is decreasing in all religious groups and
it is gradually converging.

8. Religion alone cannot explain life and birth including population growth. If it is so, the
population growth rate of Muslims in all cases should be more than that of Hindus, as per
the perception popularized by Sangh Parivar. But the fact is that the rate of growth of
Muslim as well as Hindu population in Kerala is less than the growth rate of Hindu
population in UP or Bihar.
Therefore it is wrong and mischievous to say that religion alone explains the population
growth rates.

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