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Amanda Wall--Getting To Know Me!

-Undergrad degree
earned at UNL K-6.-graudated 2013.
-First teaching job at
Friend Public Schools
in Friend, Nebraska.
-Taught 2 years in 1st
grade in Friend, this
will be my 3rd year at
Friend and am now
teaching 3rd grade!
-Fun Fact about
switching grades--I get
my same 2 classes
that I have already
had, again! :)

-Working Out (I do crossfit
and am currently training for
my 1st half marathon!)
-Cooking and Baking!
-Decorating my home (Using
antiques for awesome

-Family is my #1!
-My parents are Don
& Teresa.
-I have 3 older
brothers who are all
married--from them I
have 2 nieces (4
years and 1 year) and
1 nephew 1 year)
-Jake, is my
significant other

-I coach Junior High
Volleyball at my
school. 1st practice
starts tomorrow! Go

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