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Math 112

Workshop I
Look for the following definitions. The student will study, interpret and write in his/her own
words, along with an example.
a. Linear equation: An equation that makes a straight line when it is graphed. Often written
in the form: y = mx+b. Example: y = 3x + 7
b. Linear inequality: involves a linear expression in two variables by using any of the
relational symbols such as <,>, or . Example: y - 2x + 4
c. Cartesian Coordinates System - consists of two axes, X and Y, which intersect each other
at a point called `origin`, and is used to define the position of any point by using ordered
pairs. Example:

d. Slope - is a measure of the steepness of a line, or a section of a line, connecting two

points. Example:

e. Ordered Pairs - two numbers written in a certain order. Usually written in parentheses.
Example: (4,5)

3. Answer or solve the following problems:

a. Draw the graph of the following two-variable linear equations:


2x 5y = 20


x = -2


y = -2


y = 4x 9

b. The cost in dollars to ship a package Next Day of one pound using Federal Express can
be calculated using the linear equation:
y + 2.085x + 15.08

where x is the weight (pounds) of the package. Draw the graphic of the linear equation of
the cost of shipping if the weight is 6.5 pounds.

c. Explain the meaning of a coordinate in the third quadrant.

In third quadrant all x-coordinates and y-coordinates are negative.
d. Explain the concept of the slope (m) in regards to a line.
The slope of a line is a number that describes how "steep" it is. Depending on the
position, the number is positive or negative.
e. When the slope of a line is undefined? What is the direction of line with an undefined

If the value of m is undefined, the line would be vertical and is referred to as an
undefined slope. This is usually encountered when division by zero is encountered.

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