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1) Complete the paragraph with 8 words from the box.

(4 marks)
gender -may



-the -wars -careless -trends -mobile- social

What is the relationship between divorce and the social and economic conditions in society? Demographic
and. factors relevant to the upsurge of divorce during the 1960s and 1970s are changing and
may affect future divorce rates. Studies on .. of divorce rates show that divorce increases after
major and decreases during economic hard times. Since the early 1980s.
divorce rate has declined. While divorce is a difficult..., in many cases it represents a positive
change. Divorce. people to end unsatisfactory or destructive relationships, and start anew.
This renewal through divorce. be especially meaningful to women, who sometimes escape
traditional .. role assumptions through divorce, and develop new identities and competencies on
their own.
2) Complete the paragraph with the right word form. (4marks)
Three demographic factors suggest that the divorce rate may stabilize or increase: first, the age structure of the
(populate). may result in a short term increase in divorces; second, the bulge in the population of
children of (divorce).. parents will increase the present and future divorce rate; and third, longer
life spans add to the (possible) of divorce. Social and( economy).. factors predict
high rates of divorce. For example, major changes in the U.S. economy (have) resulted in the loss
of high paying jobs and greater job insecurity. No fault divorce laws make divorce (easy).., cheaper,
and morally neutral. Individuals who cohabit before marriage are more likely to divorce than individuals who (not
do). cohabit prior to marriage. Age at first marriage is the most important (predict) of
divorce during the first five years of marriage.
3) Circle the right alternative (4 marks)
In many countries children lives are plagued by armed conflict, child labour, sexual exploitation and other
human rights violations. Children (lives-life-living) in rural areas have fewer opportunities to obtain good
quality education. They have (more-may-less) access to services than children living in cities. The UN
Convention (on-at-for) the Rights of Children (CRC) (Article 38) has explicitly (prohibition-prohibitedprohibit) person under age 18 being recruited into (an-the a) armed forces or direct participating in
hostility. In spite of (this-these-they) special provision under CRC, (many-much-some) countries still
involve children below 18 years in hostilities. Child labour keeps (child-children-childs) out of school and
is a (majority-mean-major) barrier to development. To make the anti child labour law a (really-realreality), poverty and unemployment need to be eliminated.


Writing ( 10 marks)

School violence has been a deep concern in Tunisian educational institutions.

Discuss the issue using what you have seen in class. A plan is given below.
c) conclusion











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