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How individual with different age and gender decide which social media platform to use:

Alnjadat et al., (2019) investigated that the usage of social media is a common activity in the
students of university. They researched on the impact of social media on the daily routines of
university students, on their health, gender and age. The impact of social media is different on
the age and gender of the people. Its facts and figures has a different impact and variations on the
basis of various factors. Alnjadat et al., (2019) researched about the impact of social media and
its usage on the students’ academic routine and the evaluation of gender differences between the
students of University of Sharjah. The researchers conducted a cross sectional interview between
the medical students of UOS around 329 students were provided a questionnaire. The
questionnaire was on the social media and their impact on the academic performance of the
students of UOS. Researcher observed that medical students of University of Sharjah also uses
different platforms for educational purposes to improve their knowledge and performance.
According to this research the average time is 2-4 days for a student to use social media. In
which the approx. number of respondents of this survey in male’s students were 38% and female
were 62%. The researcher analyzed that 49.7% males are using social media in their daily
routine which shows that male students are more into the usage of social media then the women
and only 31.4% women were interested in using social media. Therefore, women were good in
their studies as compare to the males.
The demand of social media is being increased day by day. The usage of social media is very
normal in current days. People are utilizing a lot of information through different platforms of
social media. Noguti, Singh & Waller (2019) researched about the internet and social networking
sites practices. Researchers also focused on the gender differences. According to the research
Facebook has its importance on the social networking websites. The authors observed that
females of Australia use more Facebook as compare to male. The survey was about the
discussion and convenience to buy brands and products displayed on Facebook which shows that
female is using Facebook more to seek knowledge about different products. According to Nofal,
Calicioglu & Aljuhmani (2020) both women and men uses internet with the same interest but
their intensions are different as per their genders. As men uses internet for gaming purpose and
for gathering knowledge about different things whereas women use it for the sake of
People are using different (SNS) for communication purpose and for connecting with people, it
also includes different social media platforms whether it is Facebook, Twitter, IMO or
WhatsApp etc. Peersman et al., (2011) investigated about the characteristics of social networks
and online communication of people with each other. They researched that people are using
various ways for communication purpose. Researchers observed that for connecting people they
were using services titled as short messaging service and multimedia messaging services in the
past via their mobile phones. Because of a lot of awareness people are now using internet
platform for communication and introducing themselves by using different applications and
platforms to connect with others. There are many chances of being ditched by frauds as mostly
people provides their false information on social media. They hide their identities and make
people fools by providing them incorrect gender, age, name and location. Mostly children are
being targeted by the pedophiles siting on social media in search of their new victims. Authors
analyzed that people who are using social media has introduced new slangs and words in society
such as words like (bro) meaning brother, (grts) meaning greetings and (fotokes) meaning
pictures. These words are introduced by the youngsters mostly and now being used as a new
trend in the society.
Researchers has started analyzing the gender detection of people in different context. Different
platforms of the social media have started helping their members in determining the age, name,
and race which can suitable for their profiles whereas self-reporting are considered as the one
who is increasing the chances of fraud. Kowsari et al., (2020) analyzed that Peersman et al.,
(2016) worked on the demographics of the youth by using Netlog. The average rate of gender
and age on the social media networks is around 87.9%. The interest of people depends on the
variations of their age and gender. Adolescents have different taste and teenagers have different
because of their level of maturity and interest.
Perozzi & Skiena (2015) researched about the age, race and gender information of an individual.
The researcher studied about the accusation of their demographic information. There are
different applications which are produced on the level of interest of the people and are
developing programs or applications according to their target audience. Researcher investigated
that prediction of the age of an individual is considered as a regression. The interest of women in
social networking is more as compare to men on the basis of communication (Villacampa et al.,
2018). Women are also popular in using social media for building relationship with others and
maintaining their friendship (Mazman et al., 2011). The researcher also observed that social
media has different impact on the undergraduate students in different time and environment.
Mese & Aydin (2019) investigated about different application of social networking sites.
According to the researcher it has attracted many people towards itself and is widely use in the
world by people by different race, age and gender. A great population in the world uses internet
for different reasons in which most of the people are using it for their ease and few are using it to
motivate and influence others for their basic needs. Social media is all about sharing things,
updating your profiles, analyzing different materials, gathering information and influence others.
It is also used as a source of earning and educating people. It is a platform where people from
different cultures stick together on different issues to facilitate people and to interact with others
for communication purpose.
Kim et al., (2014) researched about the sources that provides basic knowledge and information
among people. Researcher also observed the usage of different social media platforms and their
characteristics. According a survey of around 850 students these social media and its different
platforms are used to provide knowledge and also as a source of gathering information. It is a
platform through which people share their experiences with others. The researcher observed
there are variety of knowledge available on social media according to the age, gender and race of
the people. People searched on internet on their preferable topics and works on it. The researcher
observed that students use internet for their education purpose. Their usage of internet changes
their personality and their perception regarding different things. Internet provides awareness to
the people of every age group. In early ages people were not aware of their rights, they don’t
know how to took stand on the wrong decisions but by the help of internet people came to know
about different things. People came to know about gender discrimination and the rights of black
and white people.
Alnjadat, R., Hmaidi, M. M., Samha, T. E., Kilani, M. M., & Hasswan, A. M. (2019). Gender
variations in social media usage and academic performance among the students of University of
Sharjah. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 14(4), 390-394.
Kim, K. S., Sin, S. C. J., & Tsai, T. I. (2014). Individual differences in social media use for
information seeking. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 40(2), 171-178.
Kowsari, K., Heidarysafa, M., Odukoya, T., Potter, P., Barnes, L. E., & Brown, D. E. (2020).
Gender detection on social networks using ensemble deep learning. arXiv preprint
Mazman, S. Guzin, and Yasemin Koçak Usluel. "Gender differences in using social
networks." Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET 10.2 (2011): 133-139.
Mese, C., & Aydin, G. S. (2019). The Use of Social Networks among University
Students. Educational Research and Reviews, 14(6), 190-199.
Nofal, R., Calicioglu, C., & Aljuhmani, H. (2020). The impact of social networking sites
advertisement on consumer purchasing decision: The Mediating role of brand
awareness. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 4(2), 139-156.
Noguti, V., Singh, S., & Waller, D. S. (2019). Gender differences in motivations to use social
networking sites. In Gender economics: Breakthroughs in research and practice (pp. 676-691).
IGI Global.
Peersman, C., Daelemans, W., & Van Vaerenbergh, L. (2011, October). Predicting age and
gender in online social networks. In Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Search
and mining user-generated contents (pp. 37-44).
Peersman, C., Daelemans, W., Vandekerckhove, R., Vandekerckhove, B., & Van Vaerenbergh,
L. (2016). The effects of age, gender and region on non-standard linguistic variation in online
social networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1601.02431.
Perozzi, B., & Skiena, S. (2015, May). Exact age prediction in social networks. In Proceedings
of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web (pp. 91-92).
Villacampa, J., Ingram, G. P., Martí-Vilar, M., & Olivera-La Rosa, A. (2018). An investigation
of Facebook users' implicit associations between Facebook, sexual and prosocial
behavior. Heliyon, 4(9), e00811.

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