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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Tutorial Sheet1 (Advanced Solid State Devices, UEC-801)

Q1: Derive the basic equations of semiconductor current Drift and Diffusion.
Q2. The 1mm long bar of silicon at 300K is doped with donor impurity to extent of
5x1020/cm3. Find the voltage drop across the bar if the current density in the bar is
Q3. The sample of intrinsic silicon at 300K is doped to acceptor impurity such that hole
concentration becomes 2x1020/cm3. Calculate the concentration of electron in
extrinsic semiconductor and also calculate the conductivity.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Tutorial Sheet1 (Advanced Solid State Devices, UEC-801)

Q1: Derive the basic equations of semiconductor current Drift and Diffusion.
Q2. The 1mm long bar of silicon at 300K is doped with donor impurity to extent of
5x1020/cm3. Find the voltage drop across the bar if the current density in the bar is
Q3. The sample of intrinsic silicon at 300K is doped to acceptor impurity such that hole
concentration becomes 2x1020/cm3. Calculate the concentration of electron in
extrinsic semiconductor and also calculate the conductivity.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Tutorial Sheet1 (Advanced Solid State Devices, UEC-801)

Q1: Derive the basic equations of semiconductor current Drift and Diffusion.
Q2. The 1mm long bar of silicon at 300K is doped with donor impurity to extent of
5x1020/cm3. Find the voltage drop across the bar if the current density in the bar is
Q3. The sample of intrinsic silicon at 300K is doped to acceptor impurity such that hole
concentration becomes 2x1020/cm3. Calculate the concentration of electron in
extrinsic semiconductor and also calculate the conductivity.

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