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Task Design


Title: Solar System Royalties

Topic: Solar System
At the end of the of 2 sixty-minute period, students will be able to:
A. describe through a group play portraying conversation of major celestial
bodies describing themselves with 10 minimum descriptions for each major
celestial bodies accurately; and
B. present the features of the Earth as the most wonderful among celestial
bodies and why should people take care of it with the additional of 5 minimum
points to discuss; and
C. present the coming back of Pluto as a one of the solar systems planets with
facts and accuracy with a minimum of 3 points to discuss.
Expected Outcome: Group Play
1. The teacher will present the task.
2. The class will be divided into groups with 10 members determined by
counting from front to back, left to right.
3. The teacher will present the guidelines and rubrics.
The students must prepare a 10-15 minute presentation.
Characters must include Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the Sun.
Costumes and props are highly encouraged.
Clarity of utterance must be observed to gain points.
Transition should be at its finest.
4. They first period will be given to them for brainstorming and planning for the


group play.
5. The other would be intended for presentation.
Title: Like The Moon
Topic: Lunar Phases
By the following week, the students will be able to:
A. make a 3D Venn showcasing the visual similarity and differences of moon
and life with pictures, models or diorama; and
B. present orally the similarity and differences of moon and life with clearness.

Expected outcome: 3 Dimensional Venn Diagram

1. The teacher will present a sample 3D Venn Diagram.
2. The students will be assigned to make a 3D Venn Diagram showcasing the
visual similarity and differences of moon and life. Meaning, they are not going
to use words. Pictures, models or diorama is used instead. If there is no
available resources such those, they could make their own.
3. The output must present a clear message of comparison.
4. It must also catch the interest of audiences.
5. The clearness of voice in oral presentation is required.
6. Feedback will be givesn after.

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