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Fifth Grade SOMIEs








Sub All Day

Monday, October 26, 2015

C Day




9:45-9:55 Bathroom Break

9:55-10:10 Morning Work/Planner & Steps

159 steps this morning

10:00-10:40 Math Assessment Part 2

O/E- I can show mastery over Unit 1 material by
completing the Unit 1 assessment with 75% or
greater accuracy.
M- Assessments; manipulatives; number grids

a) Materials will be passed out for mental

b) Students will write yes or no on their
whiteboards to answer whether expressions
are greater or less than other numbers
c) Student volunteers will return the
whiteboard slates and markers

AM Onl

10:40-10:45 Silent Ball (Brain Break)

10:45-11:45 Introduce My Deserving
Family Area Project
O/E- I can create a grant proposal for a
deserving family by following the rough draft
script and writing at least 5 complete sentences
M- Home Free Youtube Videos:
Rough draft pages (sample floor plan and First
draft grant proposal)

11:45-12:05 Morning Meeting

12:05-12:15 Planners/Clean/Dismissal

a) My class will line up, file in, and sit in the

floor area of Mr. Gobins room
b) The class will discuss norms and
expectations for combined classes and the
teachers will explain teacher roles with coteaching
c) The class will watch the Home Free YouTube
d) The students will discuss ideas for who they
know that would deserve a dream home
e) The first part of the project will be
explained to students: the class will be
creating grant proposals for a family. Once
grant proposals pass (meet rubric
expectations), students will use what they
have learned about area, as well as a little of
their Unit 1 perimeter and volume knowledge,
to design new house plans for the family
f) Students will create rough drafts of their
Deserving Family grant proposals
a) Greeting: Good morning
b) Sharing: Volunteers share weekend

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Tuesday, October
27, 2015
8:55-9:15 Daily Work

D Day

Sub Full Day

Students unstack chairs, eat breakfast, get box, and

sharpen pencils. Teacher greets and takes attendance.


AM class

9:45-9:55 Bathroom Break

9:55-10:10 Morning
Work/Planner & Steps Check

163 steps this morning

10:10-10:45 Guided Math

O/E- I can review math concepts by
working on homework, geometric
mandala drawings, volume cubes, or
iPad math apps, or pattern blocks.
M- 6 iPads; homework; mandala
drawings; unit cubes; lined paper;
math apps; pattern blocks

a) The substitute will help students get started with their

guided math choices and then monitor the room.

10:45-11:15 Bullying
11:15-11:45 Bill Nye
Architecture Video
O/E- I can demonstrate new
knowledge of house designing and
building by sharing facts with my
table group
M- STEM notebooks; VBrick video

a) The instructor will turn on the VBrick Bill Nye

Architecture video for students.
b) The class will watch the Bill Nye video at a level 0
c) Students will reflect on the video by writing as many
facts about architecture as they can remember
d) Students share their facts with table partners and add
to their own lists
e) Students share out answers to the whole class

11:45-12:00 Research
O- I can research interesting topics
by reading good fit books the whole
time and taking at least 3 notes in
my STEM notebook.
M- science, social studies, and health

a) The class will review the expectations for research

b) Students will pick a good fit book and spot; they will
read the whole time and take at least 3 notes

12:05-12:10 Morning Meeting

a) Greeting: High Five and Hey

b) Sharing: Volunteers share about their weekend

will conn
project t

12:10-12:15 Planners/Clean/Dismissal

Wednesday, October
28, 2015
8:55-9:15 Daily Work

E Day



9:45-9:55 Bathroom Break

9:55-10:10 Morning
Work/Planner & Steps Check
10:15-10:45 Guided Math
O- I can review math concepts by
working on homework, geometric
mandala drawings, volume cubes, or
iPad math apps.

10:45-11:45 My Deserving
Family Project
O/E- I can start designing my area
house project by creating a list of
rooms and other structures to put
inside and outside of the house.

11:45-12:15 IXL
O/E- I can review area problems by
completing one of the area
benchmarks on IXL to medal level.

167 steps this morning

a) The class will review expectations for guided math,
and discuss changes now that the teacher will be
working with groups instead of individuals.
b) The teacher will show the different groups to
students and explain the starting schedule
c) Students will start independent work; when the
class is settled the teacher will introduce fact triangles
to the small group
a) My class will line up and join Mr. Gobins class
b) The two classes will make connections between the
previous days Bill Nye video and the My Deserving
Family project.
c) The classes will look at real examples of
professional floor plans and discuss different items
they notice
d) Mr. Gobin and Ms. Robbins will both show their
completed examples of the My Deserving Family
and discuss why certain inside and outside choices
were made (Mr. Gobin is making a house for foster kids
and Ms. Robbins is making a house for her aging
e) Students are grouped with 2 students from each
class. The pilot class will show their samples to Ms.
Robbins class.
f) Students will get their grant proposals approved and
then start brainstorming ideas for what to include in
their houses
g) Students who finish their lists start to sketching out
a) The instructor will show students how to get to the
correct area benchmarks to choose
b) The class will go to the IXL and practice on the
computer lab
c) The class can earn a few minutes of free time at the

have the
option to u
s for fact

Teacher w
go over th
Unit 1 test

12:15 Planners/Clean/Dismissal

October 29, 2015
8:55-9:15 Daily Work

F Day
Students unstack chairs, eat breakfast, get box, and
sharpen pencils. Teacher greets and takes attendance.

9:45-9:55 Bathroom Break

9:55-10:00 Planner/Homework

171 steps this morning

10:00-10:45 Guided Math

O- I can review math concepts by
working on homework, geometric
mandala drawings, volume cubes, or
iPad math apps.

a) The class will review expectations for guided math.

b) The class will start working on a geometric pattern
sheet, the area face project, fact practice, or read to
c) The teacher will work with a group on fact practice
using fact triangles. If Unit 1 tests are graded, the


instructor may also pull individual students.

10:45-11:45 My Deserving Family
S- Develop and use formulas to
determine the area of triangles,
parallelograms and figures that can be
decomposed into triangles.
O/E- I can create rooms of reasonable
size and find their area by using a 2 ft x
2ft ceiling tile scale model and
sketching room sizes
11:45-12:15 IXL
O/E- I can review area problems by
completing one of the area benchmarks
on IXL to medal level.

Friday, October 30,


a) The classes will join together in Mr. Gobins room

b) The class will discuss scale as it relates to floor
plans; students will consider how many squares it
would take to create various room sizes such as
bathrooms if each squares represents a 2ft by 2 ft
c) Students will start to sketch rooms in shapes of
rectangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids with the
scale in mind
d) Students will find the area of rooms and outside
structures that they have built using the area formulas
they have developed in previous Unit 1 lessons
a) The instructor will show students how to get to the
correct area benchmarks to choose
b) The class will go to the IXL and practice on the
computer lab
c) The class can earn a few minutes of free time at the

A Day

listen t

go ove
Unit 1


8:55-9:15 Daily Tasks

9:45-9:55 Bathroom Break
9:55-10:05 Planner/Homework

175 steps this morning

10:05-10:15 Mental Math

O/E- I can find volume of multirectangular prisms by multiplying and
adding sides for 3 out of 4 problems

10:45-11:45 My Deserving Family

Area Project
S- Develop and use formulas
to determine the area of triangles,
parallelograms and figures that can be
decomposed into triangles.
O/E- I can create rooms of reasonable
size and find their area by using a 2 ft x
2ft ceiling tile scale model and
sketching room sizes

a) Materials will be passed out for mental math

b) Students will find the volume of rectangular prisms
with multiple boxes
c) Student volunteers will return the whiteboard slates
and markers
a) The class will review expectations for guided math.
b) The class will start working on a geometric pattern
sheet, the area face project, fact practice, or read to
c) The teacher will work with a group on fact practice
using fact triangles. If Unit 1 tests are graded, the
instructor may also pull individual students.
a) The classes will join together in Mr. Gobins room
b) The class will discuss progress on the project and
possible next steps
c) Students will split up between the two rooms to
continue working
d) Early finishers come up with tasks for further
enrichment and get approval to start working
independently (such as figuring out the costs of
flooring for the house, finding the volume of various
rooms/structures, etc.)

11:45-12:15 IXL
O/E- I can review area problems by
completing one of the area benchmarks
on IXL to medal level.

a) The instructor will show students how to get to the

correct area benchmarks to choose
b) The class will go to the IXL and practice on the
computer lab

10:15-10:45 Guided Math

O- I can review math concepts by
working on homework, geometric
mandala drawings, volume cubes, or
iPad math apps.

The ins
will go
the uni
test wit

c) The class can earn a few minutes of free time at the

12:15-12:20 Planners/Clean


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