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Year 1RHA Weekly Update (Oct 26th- Oct 30th)

Learning Experiences
Students collaboratively solved word problems
using addition and subtraction. Students
listened for key words in order to decide what
strategy to use to solve the problem. Students
practiced measuring objects using nonstandard
units of measurement. Students measured their
plants and then found objects that were shorter
and taller than their plants.


Students practiced labelling pictures. Students

first labelled all of the parts of a plant and then
drew their own picture and labelled it. Students
also did some free writing. We began a new
phonics unit and students started to learn about
letters y, z, v, j, k, e, w. Students practiced
writing the letters properly and writing some
simple words. Students also enjoyed reading
books about Halloween.

Nov 6 assembly.
Please help your children practice for their

Inquiry: Students read a book called the curious

garden and thought about how they could help
people to care more about the environment.
Students continued to work in the garden and
updated their plant diaries.

Themes for next week:

Maths: Measurement
Literacy: Sentences and blending words
Inquiry: Share the planet
Art: Nature in Art

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