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Lisandro Lemus

999 North 73 Street

Dear Elian,
Im you from the past, I wanted to ask you many things, I want to know they're going that will
happen because I want to know my future and who will to be my marry,I few 'll have girlfriends,
how handsome I'll be , but you as I care about is as will my future at work, because what I want
most is to have a good job and help my children . I would like you to tell me that I will have
errors larger and do not make the best of my future , I hope that my family Lemus flourish to
move on the generation.I have some problems here but will try to repair my life better from now
until I die , I want to continue studying to make a good life for my children because I have to
think about that.
I wanted to know what school I'll go because I also worry about my future, if I will get good
grades or just going to be looking girlfriends? I imagine that the school will decide what career I
want to devote myself , now I'm not sure that I want to devote.
I also want my career to see if I will get a good job or I'm going to Universidad my work that I
think will be the most important because it depends on the job and I will support my future
Lisandro Lemus.

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