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LSU IFC Man Of the Semester Application

During my time as the LSU Interfraternity Council (IFC) vice president of public relations, I
implemented new communication tactics that had not been used previously. One that continues
today through the new executive boards is the IFC Man of the Semester award. I saw this need
for recognition of the members in the IFC community that might not stand out as much to the
public. This not only promotes in-house participation by members of the IFC community to
continue to work harder, it shows the success of IFC to the entire student body and the Baton
Rouge community. I sent these applications toward the end of each semester for fraternities to
nominate one member in their organization for the award. The IFC executive board would then
review the applications, vote on a winner, announce the winner at the next council meeting and
promote the individual through social media and the newsletter.

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