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National Leadership Character Model Reflecting leadership Qur'ani with breath

leadership of the Prophet Muhammad

"And He it is Who made you rulers of the earth, and He raised some of you over much (else)
to some degree, to test you on what is given you. Your Lord is swift in punishment and verily
He is Most Forgiving, Merciful. "(Al-An'am: 165)
Today, it is undeniable that the current nation of Indonesia was hit by a leadership crisis.
Indonesia needs leaders who are called little heart that was born from the womb of his
people, lived and grew up with all the dynamics and complicated nation and is very familiar
with the turmoil going on in the community and called to fight on the battlefield. Inflame
conscience and sacrifice body and soul for the sake of his people. Not merely because the
search for power and sitting on a throne luxurious and magnificent. Pious leader, a good
leader, a leader who can bring us to the life of this world and the hereafter are happy and
leaders who teach us to obey Allah. This is the leader of character that should be possessed by




"Surely you helper is Allah, His Messenger and those who believe, who establish regular
prayer and practice regular charity, and bow to God." [QS. Al-Maidah: 55]
"And anyone who takes Allah, His Messenger and those who believe, be helpers, then indeed
the followers (religion) of Allah which is a sure win." [QS. Al-Maidah: 56]
Prophet Muhammad SAW affirmed in his Al-Hadith, He Said "Kullukum Ra'in Kullu Wa Ra
'in Mas'ulun' An Ra'iyyatihi". It means all of you are guardians (in trust of something or
someone) and are accountable for your flock. The Guardianship of our soul is what we are
most responsible for. It has been given to us as a trust. Also, we are a Shepard for other
people and responsible for Reviews those under our guidance.
The presence of a leader is a Sunnatullah inherent in human life on all fronts. Starting from
the lowest level to the highest level as a family that is the state. Since thousands of years ago,
history has recorded birth and the alternation of world leaders. History has provided a
valuable lesson to us that only leaders of character who will continue to be remembered and
to be an example for mankind.
In the philosophy of Ki Hajar Dewantara, the conception of the leadership include Ing
Ngarso Sung Tulodho (leader needs to be a good example for his followers), Ing Madyo
Mangun Karsa (the leader should be able to put themselves in the midst of his followers as an
encouragement, motivation, and a stimulus to his followers can achieve better performance),
and Tut wuri Handayani (leader not only provide a boost, but also provide direction for the




One expert said that "character is values in action". That is, the characters are the values that
manifest in the form of real actions every day. This confirms that the character is formed only
if the values are believed to be a leader "comes down" on actions, not enough to just get in
the mindset or utterances. In a long period of time those actions form habits that later became
characteristic and unique leader.
Thus, a leader whose character is the leader of the prioritize the use of conscience underlying
thoughts, attitudes and behavior, as well as thrust and high fighting spirit to embody virtue.
Therefore, a leader who is constantly forge her character to perform real actions that lead to
the principles and norms that serve as guidelines.
In critical circumstances was the leader of character will stand the attitude of its leadership,
seen from the courage to take risks that has consideration, as well as his willingness to
sacrifice for the sake of his people.
Speaking of the leaders of character, do not even do not need to think much other than he is
the Prophet Muhammad. He is the only human being who deserves to be emulated from all
sorts of shapes and sides.
Terms went on to become a leader who is a reflection of the character of the leadership of the
Prophet Muhammad is a must have character "STAFF". Where STAFF here is the character
that must be possessed by a leader who can serve as capital in his leadership. STAFF
character must be in the heart of a leader. Because, STAFF me-'manage 'feelings, mental and
spiritual. That is, a leader who wish to be successful must be able to "talk to Allah". In other
words, a leader must understand the Qur'an. Because the Qur'an, the nature of the mandate
and extraordinary spirit will be born. In addition, the requirement went on to become a leader
is never leave the prayer, if the leader has left the prayer then that means the leader has left
the obligation of the creator of universe. How could a leader who left the obligations of Allah
will not leave the obligations of its people.
For example, in prayers someone trained as a congregation if they are not able to become a
priest. That is, beyond the ability to lead, led, when the creator of universe before she was
taught how to be a subordinate.
Prophet Muhammad was able to lead themselves and lead with the heart, the term "speak to
the heart". How great he was, when he was trapped, abused, beaten to a bloody but never out
curse words from him. Instead, he seemed gentle; always forgive mistakes of others no matter
how big the error during the error to him personally; ask forgiveness of sins and mistakes of
others to God, if the error is to Allah; always invites consulting with his companions in the

affairs of the world and he always holds the decision consequent deliberations; if he wants to
do something, so he always put my trust in Allah in the sense of carefully planned,
programmed, taken into account the budget and determined the system works. This is the lead
character who owned the Prophet Muhammad that really support his mission which has been
mentioned in the Qur'an (Surah Al-Imran: 159).
Given the character that should be possessed by a leader on the "STAFF". Leader character in
essence is not a difficult thing and remarkable because essentially already exists within man
as the nature of humanity.
First, Siddiq. That is the character of a leader who runs his leadership duties properly and can
be accounted for either legally or politically correct in saying and work, the harmony of
words with actions, is able to distinguish between truth and falsehood and has always sided



Second, Tabligh. That is the character of a leader who is able to carry out the principles of
transparency in carrying out the tasks of leadership, willing to accept criticism from anyone,
able to communicate well to all people with a language that is easily understood, so that the
concept and leadership strategy will be executed can be well understood by the -people who
leads and is able to illuminate the people related to the matter at hand and invite the
community to Oneness of Allah.
Third, Amanah. Namely leader who can uphold honesty, loyalty and transparency in the lead,
using his leadership for personal and group interests but actually running a leadership based
on the applicable regulations, and thus there will be no deviation or deviations program and
budget than necessary.
Fourth, Fathanah. Namely leader who is able to carry out tasks correctly and intelligent
leadership with a powerful intellectual capacity. Leaders who not only have intellectual but
emotional intelligence, spiritual and social. In addition, the religious leader who understands
that its intelligence regarding reason and his heart.
Being a leader is to be a priest, someone who has been a leader must know that his position
had become a priest. Imam or "Amam" (in Arabic) is defined ahead of time, in other words,
leaders must be role models and guidance for the congregation (people). In addition, the
priest said in Arabic parallel to the form rather than the object that congregation. Therefore,
when it became a priest, a priest and congregation can reprimand the priest must listen to the
congregation so that it will attend peace together.

Prophet Muhammad taught us, how you can be a leader who can deliver peace. One of them
is the leader must really portray himself as the " Khalifah ". As has been stated in the Qur'an
that: "Inni Jailun Fil 'Ardhi Khalifah " which means a Khalifah (leader) of the earth.
First, the caliphate is not just a representative of God that is in the earth, but the caliph is a
leader who is able to present the regeneration of leadership. Therefore, leaders cultivate not
only for his power who believes that he will live forever and cant be replaced by anyone.
Then when the leader dies then this country will be in chaos because there is no next
leadership which replaced the previous leadership. Leadership is a change-replace where not
only for his family or his organization, but this is something that is a mandate. If this is done
then the peace will be created because leaders think of their state and nation.
Second, a leader who truly have concern for the people. Therefore, the relationship between
the leader and his people are "ri'ayah relations". So with the "relation ri'ayah" can bring
goodness, truth and peace. Because the peace of our nation will truly be a nation "baldatun
Toyyibatun Warobbun Ghofur".
Third, an effective leader in implementing leadership role. In a hadith, the leader can be
described as a "Amir". Amir is someone who can lead and govern well, correctly and firmly
because it is in truth. In other words, Amir also means people can be reminded and ruled by


In essence, the leadership should like "Inverted Pyramid" is not the people who sustain a
leader but a leader must be able to support the people.
That is the figure of the Prophet Muhammad are really thinking about the changes that occur
in society seriously, radical and humanistic. He did not just call people to the Oneness of
Allah, but also to build a new society that is civilized and noble morals.
Therefore, it is appropriate that our leaders reflect itself to the Prophet Muhammad. With
leaders who reflect on the leadership model of leadership breath of the Prophet Muhammad
in the ancient world, Indonesia will be better. Insya Allah.

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