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A line at 90 to the surface is called the ______.

For light hitting a plain mirror, the angle of ________ is
______ __ the angle of incidence.
When travelling light meets a __________ material of
higher _______ it refracts and bends _______ the
______ .

equal to





Today we will
Investigate how white light can be
dispersed by a prism to give colours.
Identify the colours of the light spectrum.
Review the light topic so far.

The Light Spectrum

Ray box

Light beam


Material which allows light to pass through. TRANSPARENT

Measure of how much light material allows to pass. TRANSMISSION
Made when light cannot travel through an object. SHADOW
Object which gives out light. LUMINOUS
Material which allows some light to pass through. TRANSLUCENT
Light will REFRACT when it meets a different DENSITY material.
SPEED OF LIGHT = 300,000,000 metres/second.
Dark materials ABSORB light.
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. LASER
Huge ball of gas which gives out heat and light. STAR
Material which does not allow light to pass through. OPAQUE
Shiny materials such as a MIRROR will reflect light.
A line at 90 to a plane surface. NORMAL
Angle of INCIDENCE = ANGLE of reflection.
Device used to see out of a submarine. PERISCOPE

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