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Cynthia Ardon
Prof. Julia Intawiwat
English 111
Nov 5, 15

Reflecting on Essay
I did not know much about this essay before I started. It helped a lot with the examples that
where given in class. It gave me an idea of what was wanted for this essay and once I choose a
topic it became easier to start my essay. I feel like I have done similar work just not related to
writing, but in art class I had to draw what I believed in and then write why. Essays like this are
not difficult to me the problem is when it comes to revising I get so inspired in my writing I have
cut material out. I got help from my classmates there ideas where very useful and similar to my
essay format. If I was the teacher I would notice right away how inspiring I was at the moment of
writing this essay. I would value the thought given into explaining how being a mother is
amazing. If I had to rewrite my essay I would change nothing about it. I guess just make sure that
whoever reads it female or male there inspired or at least appreciate what mothers go thru.

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