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Objective 2: Understand the benefits of assessment for the

professional in the classroom and other child-related settings

Throughout the semester, we have learned the importance of
assessment and, in particular, how assessment results pertain to the early
childhood professional in the classroom. After taking this course, I now
understand many of the benefits that come with assessment and how helpful
assessment results can be for professionals. These results show the teachers
where each child stands among other children of their age and gender. These
results can be analyzed in many ways that assist the teacher/professional in
deciding what steps to take.
I was able to familiarize myself with this objective in a variety of ways.
My learning group each interviewed an early childhood professional, and it
was really interesting to hear the perspective of people with so much
experience. I interviewed a teacher that I used to shadow. She explained me
how she uses assessment in her work. More specifically, she uses
documented observations, standards based and criterion-referenced
assessments. She also uses screeners. When asked how often she assesses
her children, she said to qualify for an early childhood special education
eligibility all students are given a baseline assessment to determine if they
qualify. To review special education eligibility, we are required by law to
consider testing/assessment every 3 years. We can review eligibility with
assessments prior to 3 years per parent or team request. Outside of this we

are at least taking documented observation and data on the student's

current goals and objectives per the timeline identified in their IEP.
I believe that throughout the semester, I have been able to see the
benefits that assessments have for professionals in the classroom and other
child-related settings. I have done so not only by interviewing teachers, but
by analyzing results and reaping the benefits they contribute when deciding
the proper steps to take in a childs education.

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