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Deal With It

Harley groaned. She had been walking down the dirt path for the past day or so and it
got considerably hotter the longer she went. The breaks didn't help much and the only
time they could get away from the sun was the rare break where they could find a big
enough tree.
On her head lay Salamon, looking absolutely beat. Salamon had held up for the most
part, but she eventually couldn't take the strain of walking, so she had taken residence on
Harley's head. Harley didn't mind the extra weight, Salamon didn't exactly way that
much, and it was the least she could do for one of her only friends.
Harley had never been one for grand number of friends. Actually, when she did find a
friend, they eventually abandoned her or betrayed her for more popular people or they
had gotten sick of her insecurities.
She had gained a few trust issues and maybe even more abandonment problems, but she
felt that she could trust Salamon. The digimon had went through the same thing on a
smaller level for being to popular with the teachers, due to her digital lineage and
Harley looked over her surroundings. They had originally been at a heavily forested
area, but now they were in a more plain-like area with fewer trees and surprisingly hot
climate. She let out a breath of air, eyes downcast and her hand attached to her elbow,
slightly depressed with all the heat.
She began thinking of all the bad things that could happen, getting slightly hysteric at
the thought of Salamon dying from the heat or dehydration and not even notice it, only
realizing her demise when she stopped for their next break. However she was jogged at
her dark thoughts by ecstatic movement from Salamon.
She looked upward, making eye contact with Salamon who had bent down slightly so
her eyes were level with Harley's. Harley raised a thin eyebrow in a questioning way,
prompting Salamon to explain her excited look, but also in relief at the assurance that
Salamon was certainly alive.
Salamon jumped down, smoothly landing on her feet with no visible pain, and started
happily pointing in a direction yelling Harley! Harley! Harley! Look! Smiling in slight
amusement at the cute digimon, it seemed like Salamon's shyness had disappeared after
the first few days with Harley, Harley looked in the directed direction where her jaw
dropped a bit, leaving her slight gaping at the sight of a village she hadn't seen due to her
thoughts. It was much bigger than the first town she had been too, obviously more

populated as well. Salamon shot off like a bullet, the excitement of finding a village
making her forget the tightness in her muscles.
Harley looked at the village that had a gated out edge, a fountain in the middle that had a
angel looking digimon with water spurting out of its mouth. In its head there was a small
blue gem with the Kanji for Code.
Harley turned her gaze at the sign in front of the village, 'Welcome to Fuhito Village',
and then resumed walking after the quick paced Salamon. As Harley and Salamon were
walking through the village, both looking around for somewhere to stay, Harley noticed
that there was a lack of digimon in the village.
Now that she thought of it, this town reminded her of movies she had watched. They
were in a town, all residents nowhere to be found, and they were in an area where no one
would hear them scream!
Next thing you know, a nice looking digimon would come out and take them in, giving
them a nice home for the night.
Harley would go upstairs where she would take a shower and clean herself of her
collected sweat and leave Salamon eating a nice home cooked meal that the digimon had
cooked for them. Harley would be taking her shower, thoroughly enjoying herself, when
all of a sudden the shower curtains would be drawn back suddenly where she would
come face to face with a more disturbed version of the nice digimon with a large knife!
After dodging the digimon's initial assault, Harley would escape, where she would run
back downstairs, followed by a calm walking murderous digimon, where she would
quickly get Salamon and leave.
However, when she would get downstairs she would see where Salamon was now on the
ground foaming at the mouth! Quickly seeing her only friend in this world dead, Harley
would immediately freak out and run outside, still being chased by the digimon.
It would be looking good for Harley, until she looked back at the digimon and
accidentally trip on her own two feet! The digimon would appear suddenly in front of
her and would raise the knife up and-!
Harley shuddered at the horrific thoughts that she had entertained. It was a common
habit of hers to imagine the worse case scenario and all the scary movies and stories she
had read when she was younger did not help.
HARLEY!!! Harley was thrown out of her mental self-terror infliction by the sudden

scream by Salamon. Looking at the source of the scream so quickly Salamon heard
something crack, Harley saw that Salamon had found what looked to be an inn.
To Harley it looked really creepy, but it would seem that Salamon thought it had a warm
and homely feeling. It was a two story white building with holes cut out on the sides, no
windows or glass to keep out anything.
Harley had to admit that it was the least creepy housing in sight and was definitely
somewhere that they could find a place to rest and maybe eat something other than the
supplies they had stocked up while walking.
Harley walked nervously over to the entrance looking around for any dangers. When
Harley started to make her slow and tentative way over to the , the inn didn't seem to
have a door and was only covered by a trap, she saw Salamon let go of her patience and
excitedly slip into the house.
Harley's eyes went wide at the, in her opinion, reckless action and rushed over much
faster than she had originally intended to. With the thoughts of her earlier dark thoughts
Harley stopped slightly in front of the entrance, now thinking more clearly than she was
when she was worrying over Salamon's bold home invasion.
Part of her mind, a small part of her that had plagued her for the past days told her to just
leave Salamon in the potentially dangerous house. The idea was so enticing to that little
plot of land in her subconscious, but Harley shook her head harshly to get the suggestion
of such an idea.
Harley narrowed her eyes in determination and went through the door and was
immediately greeted by a desolate greeting room. Salamon was on the desk trying to
peer down in the other side. Harley almost giggled out of amusement at the attempt to
find somebody.
The two travelers searched high and low for anybody in the building. Salamon could tell
that Harley wasn't taking the fact that they seemed to be the only people in the village to
well and was starting to worry about her.
The duo, however, did find some food in one of the rooms and stocked up on what
seemed to be cheap bread and a variety of berries.
When Harley and Salamon had finished eating the sun was starting to set and Harley
went to bed in one of the rooms she had found upstairs very, as Salamon put it,
unappreciative of the situation they had seemed to find themselves in.

Salamon let out a breath of air sitting on one of the other beds she and Harley had found.
She wasn't as scared as her friend was, but the town unnerved her. It had unnerved her at
the beginning, but the excitement and anticipation at the thought of food had shielded
her mind of the seemingly abandoned village.
Salamon looked around at the shadows that her candle beside her created and couldn't
help but imagine creatures that were only kept at bay with her candle's light. Salamon
wasn't particularly scared of the dark, by no means, but that didn't mean that with her
suspicions of the town rolling though her thoughts and the dark were helping her.
Salamon gave up the inner battle that had been circulating in her mind and was about to
go ask Harley if she could sleep with her for the night, but was stopped by the sight of
brownish eyes suddenly piercing the shadows that surrounded her.
Salamon was about to let out a scream when her mouth was covered by a clawed hand.
Now in the light, she could see the digimon that had given her a shock much more
clearly now.
It was small, giving Salamon the impression of it being a Rookie level digimon, and
looked like a small bear koala but had evil looking claws and a pair of devilish bat wings
and a tail that didn't go well with what appeared to be a cute sleepy bear which was
evident from the lazy look that had taken residence in the digimon's eyes.
The digimon somehow gave her a stern lazy look and put one finger over his mouth
signifying the universal meaning of Hush!.
He released his hold over her mouth and Salamon immediately jumped back and gazed
at him with the evident question for why he had surprised her in this room.
However, a small part of her was feeling relief that she and Harley weren't the only ones
in the village anymore, but the relief was taken out by the sudden question of why they
The digimon glance around for a bit, seeming to try and tear out the ears that the walls
came with, and finally gifted Salamon with a look of relief.
He said with a low serious voice that sounded somewhat like a young boy You and
your friend are in grave danger. Salamon wasn't really shocked at the answer, she had
been coming up with bad case scenarios since the digimon had appeared.
There was this really detailed one about her eating poisonous food and Harley getting

attacked in the shower however Salamon became slightly annoyed at the statement. Why
couldn't digimon come to her and say some thing like You and your friend are perfectly
safe or There is nothing to worry about!
The digimon's words, however, finally registered with Salamon fully and she felt worry
start to rise in her gut. W-who are you and h-how are we in danger? Salamon asked,
inwardly berating herself for her show of nervousness.
The digimon seems to think for a minute then states My name is Phascomon, this town
is filled with evil ghost digimon who have stolen your friend's consciousness. She won't
wake until you get it back.
Salamon is stunned by the influx of information, but then almost knocks down the
digimon when she tried to dash towards Harley's room.
Before she can make it, the digimon stops her and says There's nothing you can do for
her, unless you listen to me.
Salamon looked up at Phascomon and asked with little dots of tears in her eyes What!?
What!? I'll do anything! Salamon couldn't bear the thought of losing Harley. She almost
regrets saying anything, because the digimon had gained a small calculative smile.
She had once seen that smile on one of the smarted digimon at the Rookie Village, and
she woke up in the middle of a mud puddle in the center of town somehow.
However the still avid thoughts of Harley beat her common sense into submission and
missed the implications of the smile.
The rookie digimon began In the center of town, in the forehead of the statue, there is a
small blue gem that you might have saw coming in, after a small nod of confirmation,
he continued, This gem holds all of the code that the ghost digimon here have stored up
after destroying the original residents of the town. If you can get that gem back to me, I
can release the code and free everyone that has been kept locked up, including the
consciousness of your friend. However, the digimon here will try to stop you, so you
need to get there before the sun sets completely and the digimon wake up. Salamon
stared up in shock at the digimon, but nodded her head anyways.
Later Salamon was walking down the pathway towards the center of the town,
considering going faster, but her fear of the unknown keeping her at only a steady stride
that would still beat Harley.
Salamon almost started crying at the thought of Harley. The human girl had become one

of the first friends that Salamon had acquired since she had arrived at Rookie Village.
She felt a roar of emotions rush through her, giving her courage and determination, and
she started running faster than the pace she had shown before as the thought of never
hearing Harley's nervous way of speaking again finally connected with her head.
It wasn't long before Salamon got to the center of the town, slightly out of breath, and
was about to climb onto the statue when she heard voices above her. Ooooh! Someone
is trying to steal our gem! Get her! Salamon only had time to look up and see three
Bakemon flying towards her before they connected.
Even as a ghost, the Bakemon's attacks still hurt like any other, but Salamon could tell
that her size, the three digimon were underestimating her, and she planned to use that
against them.
When the Bakemon came back around again, they didn't feel the need to waste energy
on real attacks for such a small rookie, Salamon countered attack by downward Petty
Punch, sending it veering towards the ground in shock at the power behind the move.
Salamon was a rookie, but the holy ring around its neck amplified its power so she was
equivalent to a Champion Level digimon's power.
The other Bakemon only hesitated a second at the revealed strength of the rookie
digimon and both dove at Salamon with Zombie Claws ready at their fists. Salamon
jumped out of the way of the two Bakemon and let out a Puppy Howling that stunned
the two digimon.
Salamon used this free time to regain her footing before running at them with a Sledge
Crash, hitting them both on the head before they could make their way out of her line of
Sent through the air by the recoil of the move, Salamon remembered the first Bakemon's
continues existence and was struck down by her ignorance with a Zombie Claw from
behind, making her yowl in pain.
Getting sent to the ground, Salamon quickly leapt up to her feet before they could get
any cheap shots on her and was met with a unsettling sight. Before where their had been
three Bakemon, which had been troublesome odds to begin with, their were now six
more for back up.
All of the ghost digimon had a smile on it that said 'give up'. Salamon almost dropped
down to the ground at the sight of her enemies increased strength in numbers, but was
stopped by the reason she was here.

Thoughts of her giving up and never seeing Harley again resounded through her, making
her inner furnace ignite in a flare. She had never felt this power and was glad that it
came so that it could be harnessed for her friends continued existence.
She tugged at the power, unknowingly starting to glow shocking the Bakemon, and
yelled Digivolve! and was surrounded by data.
Salamon could feel her limbs growing to be stronger and more agile. She felt her floppy
ears start to shrink into her head before becoming point. Her nub of a tail lengthen and
becoming more cat-like.
She felt all of these changes and more over come her body and couldn't express her
excitement at the newly found energy. Then when all the changes seem to halt, Salamon
could hear a little whisper informing her of her new name and rank in the digital system.
With an determined cry, the cocoon of data that had shielded her enemies of her change
broke with a yell of Gotomon!.
The newly made digimon looked up in complete confidence at the now slightly nervous
crowd of ghost and raised up a hand in a universal taunt of 'come get some' saying
Bring it.
A/N: I am sorry it took so long to get this out. I really have no excuse other than I
only write when I feel like it and so I'm not one you go to for back to back updates.
Thank you for reading and I hope you will take some time to tell how you feel
about this story of mine.
Also, suggest about who should be Harley's beast spirit. I know its way to early to
be asking it, but I already have a few good ideas and input from other perspectives
would be delightful and very helpful.

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