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Heart Questions

Use this interactive animation to respond to the questions: National Geographic: The Heart
Start on the Overview tab.
1. What is the function of the heart?
The heart is a hollow, muscular pump that produces rhythmic beats to propel blood through the
2. What are the structures that carry blood around the body?
Arteries and Capillaries
3. Where does the blood get oxygen?
Blood begins in the lungs where it collects oxygen
4. Where does the oxygen go?
To the bodys cells all around the body
After clicking Put The Heart Through Its Paces you should be on the Pumping Action tab.
5. What is the unit used for heart rate?
Beats per minute
6. What is the resting heart rate in the animation? At a walk? Running?



Click the Heart to see inside. Now you should be on the Inside the Heart tab.
7.What does contract mean in relation to the heart chambers?
Contract means moving the blood from one chamber to the other, then pumping back out into all
the different parts of the body.
Click See the Flow of Blood in the Heart. Read the text and follow the instructions
8. What does a node do?
Generates an electrical impulse that regulates the beat of the heart.
9. How many nodes are there in the heart?

10. What causes the lub sound, the first heart sound?
Tricuspid, mitral valve

11. What causes the dub sound, the second heart sound?
The valves between the ventricles snapping shut
On the Anatomy tab.
12. What are the functions of these exterior structures?

Distributes oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the


Pulmonary Artery

Carries oxygen lacking blood to the lungs

Pulmonary Vein

Carries oxygen rich blood into left atrium

Coronary Arteries

Supplies oxygen- rich blood to different parts of

the heart

Superior Vena Cava

Carries blood lacking oxygen from the head,

neck and arms into the right atrium

Inferior Vena Cava

Carries blood lacking oxygen from legs and

lower parts of body

Click on Learn About Coronary Artery Disease or click on the Heart Attack tab.
13. What is the buildup of material inside a coronary artery called?
Coronary Heart Disease
14. What can cause the buildup in arteries?
Fatty foods, lack of exercise, stress, smoking, genetics
15. What happens during a heart attack?
The hearts tissues weaken from lack of oxygen, muscles cant contract, blood stop pumping.

Feel free to explore the Treatment Options on your own.

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