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([vm! ) b&hSpte Aity dyaeR AhaRd!*um iait tumne;u,

yIdyCD vstR jat tdSmasu iv[Nxeih icm!.

(praNavam) brhaspate atiyadaryo arhAt dyumat vibhAti kratumajjaneshu |
yaddIdayacchavasarta prajAta tadasmAsu draviNam dhehi citram ||
Oh Brhaspati of eternal glory! Just like the king having more rights about the
puNyasAlis and just like the wealth won by valour, May all kinds of wealth stay
firmly with us from Your anugraham!
Word by Word Meaning:
brhaspate! arya: yat ati arhAt - Oh Guru BhagavAn! Just as a reigning monarch
claims the rights for enjoyment of the wealth of the land at a level higher
than the citizens,
kratumajjaneshu dyumat vibhAti - Just as the illustrious jyoti that shines on
the (foreheads of) the puNyasAlis,
yat chavasA dIdayat - Just as that jyoti shines due to the heroism (sAdhanA)
of the adhikAri
rtaprajAta - May Thou Guru BhagavAn of limitless Vaibhavam
tat citram draviNam asmAsu dhehi - bless us with wealth of all kinds that will
stay with us always!


wealth of his land, just like the good deeds shining splendidly with the

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