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Name: Kulikov Ilya

Form: school news

Lyceum 6
MixItUp Lunch Day is celebrated in Tambov
Lyceum 6 again

On October 27, Lyceum 6 held the annual international event MixItUp Lunch Day, in which
students speak foreign languages not only in English lessons but also during breaks, making
new friends. The event was organized in collaboration with the promoter center "Teaching
tolerance " from Alabama, USA. Tambov Lyceum 6 has been participating in the event for
eighth years. Younger students became acquainted with each other at the lunch shared a
handmade "bracelets of friendship". After all, the key words of the campaign this year are
"friendship" and "respect".

Day of the Lyceum is the annual holiday

16 October at 10.00 on the square of Music there will be the celebration of the
Day of municipal educational institution "Lyceum 6". Traditionally, the event
begins with a performance and in honor of the Year of literature in Russia. A
festive musical composition will be performed under the slogan "Reading is not
harmful, it is harmful not to read!". A large-scale flashmob will complete the
programme. Dance on the Embankment will be open to all students, from
elementary school to graduates. After fireworks we are waiting for children
literary quests, poetry contests and literary gatherings with the Tambov children's
writers and a variety of educational events dedicated to the holiday.

Students of the Tambov Lyceum 6

celebrat the Day of European languages

Students of the Lyceum No. 6 of the city of Tambov celebrated the Day of European
languages. The action was attended by over 200 students. On that day, teachers of
foreign language together with the students sang English songs, danced the
Viennese waltz, read poetry by famous European poets, find out which foreign
languages are the most popular among celebrities around the world. Events were
officially registered on the international website. Singing songs and translating
Russian classics into English appeared to be curious.

6 Lyceum Graduation is the start of an adult life

Sixty graduates finished school in 2015. Teachers and elderly former students gave
them instructions for adult life. Students said goodbye and thank their teachers.
The concert and fireworks were great. We hope that the students will not forget the
school years.

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