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I love emotional highs, except I know they don’t last forever. Well and yesterday it kept me up til 3 am.

I finally started working on the production team at my church here in Korea. I had to restart the whole
training part, but by the end of the weekend I felt that this will be a smooth transition. Saturday we had
practice and then we went out to lunch(2pm). I then rode the bus across town to the hospital where
my friend is a resident and currently the only one in her department. She is part of my accountability
group, and we have been having problems meeting because of location and all of us having different
hours. I hung out in her lounge/bedroom until dinner when another girl made it. My friend the doctor
then surprised us by treating us all to a fabulous Italian dinner at the top of the Doota building in
Dongdaemun. Girls friends, great views, and great pasta, totally made my night. I headed home early to
get ready for the Easter service stuff I needed to do.

Praise and Production teams had to be at church by 8:30am. I stayed on duty until almost 4pm. Long
day, and needless to say the special program was run by us humans so there were a few glitches, and
some of the special music wasn’t handed over to us until 5min before the group started. However, God
in His grace and delight made everything run smoothly and gave us a great amount of patience .

Then we got to go on a field trip to our church’s new location. It is still in construction, but to actually
see it, feel it, and see the blessings that come with this location is amazing. God is totally awesome. We
got to hear about some of the really great things that are being added to our building that was
completely out of budget, but someone is providing free of charge.

Below are some photos of the patio area where church functions can be held, and some other things.
I know to a westerner’s eye this might look like it would take months for it to be ready but I’ve seen
worse then this be ready in two weeks.
The view is great. Green is just outside the door, it’s amazing.

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