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1. Bu testte toplam 100 soru vardr.

2. Snav sresi 150 dakikadr
1. - 25. sorularda, cmlede bo braklan yerlere uygun
den kelime ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. How long ago________?
A) have you got married to him
B) you got married to him
C) did you marry him
D) have you married him
E) will you marry him
2. I am ________ increasing fines for hooliganism.
A) in favor of
B) impartial
C) prejudiced
D) indecisive
E) dissuaded
3. I'd rather ________ your son off before the guests last
night. He was offended a lot.
A) have not told
B) you didn't tell
C) not tell
D) you hadn't told
E) not to have told
4. ________ the city life has a lot of disadvantages; I prefer
urban life to the country life.
A) Despite
B) In spite of
C) Unlike
D) Because
E) Even though
5. At first Jonathan found it difficult to adapt himself to a
foreign culture; but after spending three years in America,
he________ there.
A) used to live
B) got used to living
C) got accustomed to live
D) was used to living
E) had got used to living

9. Women must be ______ exactly the same as men are.

A) treated
B) seen
C) threatened
D) rear
E) looked at
10. We were given a rise three months ago, but prices
have gone up in the meantime; so the rise has been
______ by inflation.
A) useless
B) wiped out
C) increased
D) caused
E) equalized
11. I was on the ______ of ringing you when you rang me.
A) tip
B) point
C) tail
D) moment
E) edge
12. You ______ pleased to learn that Mr. Aral ______
A) have been / appointed
B) were / appoints
C) are / is appointed
D) will /will appoint
E) will be / has been appointed
13. The mechanic said he would see ______ my car.
A) for B) up C) on D) to E) with
14. The traveller was robbed ______ all his money.
A) of
B) by
C) out
D) on
E) from

6. Although I heard________, I don't think we'll get a

________ next month.
A) gossip / increase
B) rumours/rise
C) news / rewards
D) critics / promotion
E) objections / right

15. The group ______ wins the match will represent the
A) whose
B) where
C) who
D) which
E) whom

7. From the very first time, you have been treating

me________ my other neighbour.
A) more friendlier than
B) in a much friendly way than
C) friendlier than
D) in a far more friendly way than
E) in a less friendlier way than

16. The sun is very bright. I wish I ______ my sunglasses.

A) brought
B) would bring
C) will bring
D) had brought
E) have brought

8. ______ she was overweight, it was recommended that

she ______ less.
A) Since / eat
B) When / must eat
C) Why / ate
D) Because / may eat
E) As/could

17. She had looked after the babies ______ I came back
from a three - day holiday.
A) by the time
B) until
C) as soon as
D) although
E) the minute

18. As he ______ them for a long time, he ______ to take

them out to dinner.
A) hasn't seen /had decided
B) won't see / would have decided
C) doesn't see / decided
D) hadn't seen / decided
E) didn't see / will have decided
19. People's purchasing power is decreasing ______.
A) day by day
B) by day
C) every other day
D) nowadays
E) in advance
20. It's four days since they ______ us because they
______ still away.
A) didn't call / are
B) haven't called / were
C) didn't call / had been
D) called / are
E) hadn't called /were
21. She won't tell anything about the plan until she ______
with her boss.
A) spoke
B) had spoken
C) will speak
D) was speaking
E) has spoken
22. You ______ on this project for the last two months, and
you ______ it yet.
A) worked / didn't finish
B) have been working / haven't finished
C) were working / don't finish
D) have worked / haven't been finishing
E) work / haven't finished
23. It's such an extraordinary love that you just feel it deep
inside. You can ______ put it in words ______ confess it to
A) neither / nor / yourself
B) either/or/yourself
C) both / and / you
D) not only / but also / ourselves
E) not only / as well / yourselves
24. At first, he wasn't fluent enough in English, but he
______ improved and now he speaks it like his native
A) gradually
B) uprightly
C) previously
D) roughly
E) precisely
25. Don't give up your hope. Im sure you'll ______ achieve
your aim.
A) temporarily
B) ultimately
C) permanently
D) formerly
E) utterly
26.- 32. sorularda cmleyi uygun ekilde
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
26. It is a week ______.
A) for I haven't got into touch with them.
B) that we last gathered together.
C) since she last called me.
D) we didn't hear from the Browns.
E) since she has been with the company.

27. If I had eaten breakfast, ______

A) I wouldn't have felt hungry now.
B) I could eat lunch.
C) I could have eaten more.
D) I wouldn't be feeling hungry now.
E) I would feel hungry.
28. If we wish to get a full appreciation of opera, ______.
A) we should know opera singers.
B) we shouldn't be prejudiced.
C) we should first watch quite a few operas.
D) we should study music.
E) we must read books.
29. The hunters said that ______.
A) they had never caught such a wild bear until they caught
one in Australia two weeks ago.
B) they have never seen such an enormous tiger before.
C) they spent their whole lives trying to find the most
dangerous animal to hunt until they until they come here.
D) they would quit their jobs if they hadn't won the prize.
E) the world is made up of two classes: the hunters and the
30. The doctor suggested she do some exercises to lose
weight, ______.
A) whether she insists on eating much.
B) if she will put on weight.
C) but she ignored his advice.
D) so she keeps fit.
E) even though she was too fat.
31. ______, but it is not the only one.
A) Prices have risen dramatically in the last two years
B) Most diseases are caused by germs and bad hygiene
C) Technological competition is a serious problem for the
textile industry
D) The printing press was invented by Gutenberg in Germany
in the 1400's
E) The judge rebuked the lawyer for his disrespectful
behaviour during the trial
32. Parents usually have difficulty in understanding their
children's problems ______
A) so they can help them.
B) due to the generation gap.
C) because there are similarities between them.
D) in spite of their opinions.
E) although they love children.
33. - 40. sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmlenin
Trke dengini bulunuz.
33. As if it weren't enough that the price of gasoline had
just been raised, there was an increase in the prices of a
number of things.
A) Henz ykseltilen benzin fiyatnn yan sra birok maddenin
fiyatlarnda da ykselme oldu.
B) Benzin fiyatnn henz ykseldii yetmiyormu gibi birok
maddenin fiyatlarnda ykselme oldu.
C) Birok maddenin fiyatlar da benzin fiyatlar gibi ykseldi.
D) Henz ykseltilen benzin fiyatlar paralelinde birok
maddenin fiyatna zam yapld.
E) Birok maddenin fiyatna yaplan zam henz ykselen
benzin fiyatndan kaynaklanyor.

34. Many experts feel that cigarette smoking is so

common and so dangerous that it can be called an
A) Birok uzman sigara imenin yaygn ve tehlikeli olmakla
birlikte bir salgn olarak grlemeyeceini dnmektedir.
B) Birok uzmann dnd, sigara imenin yaygn ve
tehlikeli salgnlara yol aacadr.
C) Birok uzman sigara imenin salgn olarak
nitelendirilebilecek kadar yaygn ve tehlikeli olduunu
D) Birok uzman tarafndan sigara imenin salgn hastalklarn
olumasnda nemli bir etken olduu dnlyor.
E) Sigarann bir salgna neden olabilecek kadar ok yaygn ve
tehlikeli olduu birok uzmann ortak grdr.
35. So seriously was he injured that he was hospitalized at
A) Hastaneye kaldrlmasnn nedeni ok ciddi bir ekilde
B) Ciddi bir biimde yararlannca derhal hastaneye kaldrld.
C) Hastaneye kaldrlrken ciddi bir biim de yaraland.
D) Ciddi bir biimde incinmi olduundan derhal hastaneye
E) yle ciddi bir ekilde yaralanmt ki derhal hastaneye
36. The man finally admitted, after two hours of
questioning, having used his friend's credit card.
A) Arkadann kredi kartn kullanan adam iki saatlik
sorgulamadan sonra nihayet itiraf etti.
B) ki saat sorgulanan adam sonunda arkadann kredi kartn
kullandn kabul etti.
C) Nihayet arkadann kredi kartn kullandn kabul eden
adam iki saat sorguland.
D) ki saatlik sorgulamadan sonra adam nihayet arkadann
kredi kartn kullanm olduunu itiraf etti.
E) Adam, iki saat sorgulanmas sonucu, arkadann kredi
kartn kullandn kabul etti.
37. Were you to ask me what kind of a job you should get,
I would advise you to get a job in a large factory.
A) Bana ne tr bir iin size uygun olduunu soruyorsan, nerim
bir fabrikada almanzdr.
B) Eer bana ne eit bir ie girmeniz gerektiini sormu
olsanz, ben size byk bir fabrikada bir i bulmanz tavsiye
C) Bana sizin iin ne tr bir iin uygun olduu sorulsayd,
byk bir fabrikada altrlmanz nerirdim.
D) Benden uygun bir i isteseydiniz, sizi bir fabrikaya
E) Bana sizin iin ne tr bir iin uygun olaca sorulursa, sizi
bir fabrikaya nerebilirim.
38. Unfortunately the bay has become contaminated with
chemicals and other impurities, therefore, it isn't safe to
eat fish caught from the bay.
A) Maalesef krfez kimyevi maddelerle ve dier atk
maddelerle kirlenmitir ve bu yzden krfezden tutulan
balklar yemek gvenli deildir.
B) Ne yazk ki kimyevi maddeler ve dier atk maddelerin
neden olduu kirlenme nedeniyle krfezden tutulan balklarn
yenmesi gvenli deildir.
C) Kimyevi maddeler ve dier atklar yznden krfezden balk
tutup yemek pek gvenli deildir.
D) Krfezden tutulan balklarn yenmemesi gerekir, nk
krfez kimyevi maddeler ve dier kark maddelerle
E) Kimyevi maddeler ve dier kark maddeler krfezden
tutulan balklar kirletmi olabilirler.

39. On the one hand, technology makes life easier for

man, but on the other hand, it endangers his existence.
A) Teknoloji insann yaamn kolaylatrmaktadr, ancak bir
taraftan da varln tehdit etmektedir.
B) nsan, yaamn kolaylatrmak iin teknolojiler
retmektedir; fakat bu arada varln da tehlikeye sokmaktadr.
C) Teknolojik gelimeyle yaamn kolaylatrmaya alrken,
varln tehlikeye sokan yine insann kendisidir.
D) Teknoloji, bir yandan insann yaamn kolaylatrrken, te
yandan varln tehlikeye sokmaktadr.
E) nsann, yaamn kolaylatrmak iin rettii teknolojiler, bir
taraftan da varln tehdit etmektedir.
40. Scientists working in the nuclear industry claim that
the risk of radioactive waste escaping from one of their
plants during routine operation is very small indeed.
A) Nkleer endstride alan bilim adamlar, kk
santrallerden birinin bakm srasnda szan radyoaktivitenin
gerekten ok tehlikeli olduunu ileri sryorlar.
B) Bilim adamlar nkleer endstride alan birinin,
santrallerin rutin bakm srasnda szan radyoaktiviteye maruz
kalma riskinin gerekten ok az olduunu sylyorlar.
C) Nkleer endstride alan bilim adamlar, santrallerden
birinin rutin bakm srasnda szan radyoaktivite tehlikesinin
gerekten ok kk olduunu iddia ediyorlar.
D) Bilim adamlar, nkleer santrallerin bakm srasnda szan
radyoaktif maddenin boa gitmesinin gerek bir kayp
olduuna dikkati ekiyorlar.
E) Bilim adamlar santrallerin bakm srasnda radyoaktif
maddelerin szabildiini, ancak bu tehlikenin gerekten ok
kk olduunu belirtiyorlar.
41. 47. sorularda, verilen Trke cmlenin ngilizce
dengini bulunuz.
41. Babakann ekonomik politikas isizliin artna
neden olmasayd, kukusuz o imdi daha ok sevilirdi.
A) If only the prime minister's financial policy could prevent
unemployment from increasing, he could be more popular
these days.
B) The Prime Minister's financial policy causing unemployment
to increase makes it difficult for him to be popular.
C) If the prime minister can dissuade unemployment from
increasing, everybody will certainly find him more popular.
D) If the prime minister's financial policy hadn't led
unemployment to increase, he would certainly be more popular
E) Were the prime minister's financial policy not to cause
unemployment to increase, he might be more popular today.
42. Gney Amerika'da grev verilen gazetecilerden biri
grev yznden gidemedi.
A) The reporters, one of whom was assigned to South
America, were not able to go because of the strike.
B) One of the reporters who were assigned to South America
was not able to go due to the strike.
C) There was a strike, that is why the reporters, one of whom
was assigned to South America, wasn't able to go there.
D) The reason why one of the reporters assigned to South
America could go was that there was a strike.
E) The strike prevented one of the reporters from being
assigned to South America and going there.
43. Kitaplar sadece uzmanlar tarafndan deil ayn
zamanda okuyucular tarafndan da beenilmektedir.
A) Not only the experts but also the general readers enjoy his
B) The expert as well as the general readers find his books
worth reading.
C) His books are enjoyed not only by the experts but also the
general readers.
D) Both the general reader and the experts enjoy reading his
E) His books are found worth reading by the experts as well as
the general readers.

44. Geleneksel elence ekilleri olarak bilinen sinema ve

tiyatro son yllarda iyice pahallat.
A) The cinema and the theatre are traditional forms of
entertainment but they have become very expensive recently.
B) The cinema and the theatre which became very expensive
recently have always been traditional forms of entertainment.
C) Even though the theatre and the cinema are traditional
forms of entertainment, they become very expensive gradually.
D) The cinema and the theatre which everybody knows to be
traditional forms of entertainment have become very expensive
E) The cinema and the theatre known as traditional forms of
entertainment have become very expensive in recent years.
45. Sanyorum babasnn brakt her bir kuruu arur
edinceye kadar rahat etmeyecek.
A) I think he won't be satisfied until he has thrown away every
penny his father left him.
B) I am of the opinion that he will be satisfied only if he can
throw away every penny his father left him.
C) To me, only after he throws away every penny left for him,
will he be satisfied.
D) I think that only when every penny left for him by his father
is thrown away, is it possible for him to be satisfied.
E) I am thought to satisfy him only when every penny his father
left him is thrown away.
46. Birka kez ie ge kaldm diye mdrn beni bu kadar
sert ekilde uyarmas gerekmezdi.
A) The manager might not have cautioned me so severely if I
hadn't been late for work a few times before.
B) The manager didn't need to caution me very strictly
because I'd only been late for work twice.
C) It was wrong of the manager to caution me so angrily, as I'd
been rarely late for work until then.
D) The manager needn't have cautioned me so severely just
because I've been late for work on a few occasions.
E) The manager shouldn't have cautioned me so strictly, for it's
hardly ever a few times that I've been late for work.
47. Bir kitap, okuyucunun zihnini megul ediyorsa ve onu
dnmeye zorluyorsa, konusu ne olursa olsun, okumaya
A) If a book engages the reader's mind and makes him think, it
is worth reading, whatever its subject is.
B) Any book is worth reading, without regard to its subject,
because it engages the reader's mind and makes him think.
C) The subject of the book is not so important, but it should
have such features as the ability to engage the reader's mind
and make him think.
D) No matter what the subject is, this book is worth reading, as
it engages the reader's mind and makes him , think.
E) Whether a book is worth reading or not depends on its
ability to engage the reader's mind, not on its subject.
48. 50. sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.
We have been brought up to fear insects. We regard them as
unnecessary creatures that do more harm than good. Man
continually wages war on them, for they contaminate his food,
carry diseases, or devour his crops. They sting or bite without
provocation; they fly uninvited into our rooms on summer
nights, or beat against our lighted windows. We live in dread
not only of unpleasant insects like spiders or wasps, but of
quite harmless ones like moths. Reading about them increases
our understanding without dispelling our fears.
48. People consider insects as unnecessary creatures
because ______.
A) they are harmless.
B) they are as good as man.
C) they give more harm than use.
D) they are fearful.
E) they do good things for mankind.

49. It is stated in the passage that ______.

A) both unpleasant and harmless insects cause people to live
in fear.
B) insects are pleasant but harmful creatures.
C) insects are invited into our rooms.
D) reading about them dispels our fears.
E) moths are as harmful as spiders.
50. The reason why men fight with insects is that ______.
A) they come into our houses on condition that they are
B) they give harm to them in many ways.
C) they provoke people.
D) they beat us in wars.
E) we have been taught to fight with them.
51. 53. sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.
Copper and tin were used before iron. They melt at a lower
temperature and can be mixed to form a useful metal called
bronze. Iron was probably first extracted from meteorites,
perhaps in 300 BC. Later, iron was extracted from impure iron
by the Hittites around 2000 BC. The iron was first heated then
hammered to remove the impurities, then cooled. Finally the
iron was heated again and shaped into tools and weapons.
51. According to the passage ______
A) copper is more useful than iron.
B) iron was mixed with copper and tin.
C) iron was extracted before copper and tin.
D) iron and tin can be mixed and the mixture is called bronze.
E) iron was changed into tools and weapons from impure iron.
52. The process that is carried out to produce weapons
from iron ore is ______
A) heating, hammering, cooling, heating, shaping
B) heating, cooling, hammering, heating, shaping
C) heating, hammering, heating, cooling, shaping
D) shaping, heating, hammering, cooling, heating
E) heating, shaping, cooling, hammering, heating
53. It isn't true according to the passage that ______ .
A) iron was used much later than copper
B) iron is used for tools and weapons
C) copper and tin can be mixed
D) The Hittites used iron tools
E) Copper is stronger than tin
54. 56. sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.
Although rarely spoken about by society, child abuse is one of
the nation's most pressing problems today. As population
continues to grow, so does the number of unwanted and
unplanned children. It is estimated that six or seven out of a
hundred children will be maltreated or neglected. Child abuse
can come in three forms : 1) passive cruelty in the neglect of
children by an unloving or uneducated parent ; 2) occasional
cruelty in the momentary violent reaction of a frustrated or
overburdened parent: and 3) consistent, deliberate cruelty in
uncontrollable actions by a mentally sick parent. Simple
neglect is easiest to correct. Actual abuse on the spur of the
moment is more serious, but still much less than continual
abuse due to mental illness.
54. The passage suggests that the problem of child abuse
A) is slowly being overcome
B) has been greatly overestimated
C) does not receive as much attention as it should
D) is confined to only a little over 10 % of the population
E) has led to an increase in mental illness

55. The most serious type of child abuse ______

A) is the one perpetuated wilfully by an unbalanced parent
B) is also the type that can most easily be corrected
C) first occurred when parents had to work longer hours and
were under stress
D) is due to ignorance or lack of interest and so it is impossible
to correct
E) can be reduced by family planning programmes
56. The passage points out that the parents of abused
children ______.
A; are often very well educated people
B) usually take pleasure in hurting their children
C) are never deliberately cruel
D) normally regret any pain they have caused
E) very often have social or mental problems
57. 59. sorular aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.
Man has known for many hundreds of years that most of the
world is covered by the waters of the oceans. Yet he has not
realized until recently that the oceans are and will be one of his
most valuable sources of food and energy. Today through his
fast technological progress, he has been able to make
numerous discoveries .For example, he has determined that
some sea plants can be nutritious foods and that vast mineral
resources can be found on or under the ocean floor. In fact,
man has acquired more knowledge of the deep seas in the
past fifteen years than he had in the proceeding two thousand
57. We can infer from the passage that ______
A) man has ignored the importance of sea foods up till now
B) technology has advanced a great deal.
C) there has been a progress in discovering valuable sources
of food under the ocean lately as it had never been before.
D) man has been under immense oppression in finding sea
resources up to the present.
E) oceans are considered as better areas to find food
58. The reason why man discovered vast mineral
resources on and under the sea only recently depends on
A) his ignorance.
B) the advance and the movement of technology.
C) the acknowledgement of biology.
D) the climate of that region.
E) the gap that he realized between the past and the present
59. It follows from the passage that ______
A) man has made better researches both on land and under
the ocean recently.
B) man has at last realized that most of the world is covered by
the waters of the oceans.
C) man understood his background only recently.
D) man's acquiring more knowledge about deep seas took him
away from the land research.
E) man is a dynamic phenomena.
60. 62. sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.
"People people everywhere, Nor anyone to talk to ..." I can't
bring myself to say this, but unfortunately it is true. You can't
find anybody to talk when you need most. You feel terribly
lonely even in the crowd that is full of people chatting and
kidding. Sometimes you just look in the eyes of the people
around you smiling, to catch at least a piece of sincerity but
actually you know that it is futile. You sigh for someone to hold
you intimately and this makes you say : "What wouldn't I give
for a few real friends?"

60. The author ______

A) is an isolated person who knows how to be happy on her
B) is content with her isolation and she leads her life without
being anxious for anything.
C) lodges her complaints about the superficial relations she
D) just needs someone to hold tight.
E) has an eye for the main chance.
61. We can infer from the passage that ______
A) the author complies with her loneliness in the crowd.
B) the author awfully longs for just a little intimacy.
C) everybody enjoys chatting and kidding.
D) everybody sighs for lovers to hold tight.
E) there are lots of people around.
62. What is futile according to the passage?
A) Trying to seek for a piece of intimacy in the daily routine
crowd that surrounds you is futile.
B) Talking to people about your problems is futile.
C) Trying to be optimistic is futile.
D) Looking in the eyes of people is futile.
E) Knowing all the facts about real friendship is futile.
63. 69. sorularda, verilen cmleye anlamca en yakn
cmleyi bulunuz.
63. It is undeniable that writing poetry requires talent.
A) We can't deny that writing poetry involves talent.
B) We can't deny our talent to write poetry.
C) Writing poetry without talent can't be denied.
D) Some people deny their talent to write poetry.
E) It is denied that writing poetry needs talent.
64. I really don't see why we have to do all these
A) I don't want to do these exercises.
B) Excuse me, but what is the point of doing all these
C) I don't understand why we are doing these exercises.
D) Why do you want us to do these exercises?
E) Do you think these exercises are useful?
65. The mineral deposits in that area were so deep that it
was not economical to mine them.
A) That area was rich in mineral deposits, which could be
B) Were the mineral deposits not very deep, they would be
mined easily.
C) Minerals in that region were close enough to the surface to
be economically mined.
D) The only worthwhile minerals in this area are too deep to be
E) Had the mineral deposits not been so deep in those parts,
they would have been worth mining.
66. The dealer told us that the car was in perfect condition,
but we don't know how reliable he is.
A) As the dealer rightly said, only a new car is over in a perfect
B) If you go to a reliable dealer he is likely to be sure to advise
you properly on the condition of a car.
C) You should have bought that used car when you were sure
the dealer was absolutely reliable.
D) Had we not followed the warnings of the dealer, we couldn't
have been sure that the car was in a perfect condition.
E) According to the dealer, the car is as good as new, but we
can't be sure that he is telling us the truth.

67. I've been abroad for nearly two years, so I'm out of
touch with everything here.
A) I feel quite like a stranger now that I'm back after almost two
years abroad.
B) Two years or so out of the country will make you feel
differently about your own country.
C) On my return after almost two years, I was touched to find a
few changes here.
D) The years abroad have estranged me so I don't want to go
back to my country.
E) It will seem strange to be back home after almost two years
out of the country.
68. if the others had taken sensible precautions as we did,
this tragedy would not have happened.
A) Their thoughtless behaviour meant that we were all
inevitably involved in the tragedy.
B) If the others had not behaved so foolishly, they would not
have involved us, in this tragedy.
C) The tragedy is that this could have been avoided if only they
had all controlled their feelings.
D) This tragic outcome could have been avoided; however,
unlike us, the rest of them behaved rashly.
E) If they follow our example and behave in a reasonable
manner, all this suffering will be avoided.
69. She would have died if the operation had been just a
bit delayed.
A) As they were late with the operation, she came very close to
B) They were only just in time to save her life when they
C) The operation was only performed when they realized that
she was about to die.
D) They were late performing the operation, but luckily she
didn't die.
E) It was decided that delaying the operation further would
endanger her life.
70. - 77. sorularda, bo braklan yere uygun den ifadeyi
70. The young man and his wife went out in a boat to visit
a small fishing village, ______ so that they were at last
forced to bring the boat in at another place. We had grown
anxious and gone down to watch for them, while they,
after landing, went straight back to the hotel.
A) so we saw them safe and sound
B) but you can't imagine our relief when they came down
C) and the account of the picnic was very amusing
D) and on the way back a bit of storm came on
E) as a result we became more and more worried
71. Over the years many different systems of physical
exercise designed to improve health and appearance of
the body have emerged. ______
A) All kinds of exercise are to be done carefully and regularly.
B) Everybody should do some kind of exercise to be healthy.
C) Many people eventually suffer because of an inactive
physical life style.
D) One of the best ever to come forth was Hatha Yoga
consisting of various postures that exercise the whole body.
E) The best way to live is to be a good sportsman.

72. We have considerably extended our expectation of life.

______ and we have added to our intellectual mobility by
the telephone, radio, and television. Not content with
these advances, we are now thrusting forward to the stars,
and the conquest of space.
A) We have enriched our lives by creating physical mobility
through the motor - car, the jet plane, and other means of
mechanical transport;
B) It is fascinating and encouraging to observe the
development of this immense process.
C) If this observation is accurate, as I believe it is, the
implications are far - reaching.
D) We want more things today.
E) I don't agree to the statement that man has always been
73. They went through the rooms, being careful to touch
nothing, as they did not want to hinder the police in their
search for fingerprints. ______ . She had lived in the flat
for thirty years and was a veritable magpie at hoarding;
and it seemed as though everything she possessed had
been tossed out and turned over and over. At least sorting
out the things she should have thrown away years ago
was now earlier for her.
A) The robbers hadn't touched anything.
B) The chaos was inconceivable.
C) They were definitely professionals.
D) She didn't possess much.
E) Who could have done such a thing?
74. We all know that learning is significant. ______? A
dictionary might tell you that learning is acquiring
knowledge through experience and study. A teacher might
tell you that it is memorizing what she wants you to know
for a test. Your boss might tell you that it is mastery of the
task you are employed to do. A psychologist might tell you
that it is a relatively permanent change in behaviour as a
result of past experience. Obviously, learning takes place
in many ways and forms.
A) But, what exactly is it
B) How is it mastered
C) What exactly do you mean
D) However, can one depend on it
E) Do you think it can be managed
75. Roses are ideal for new gardeners because they are
easy to plant and they flower well in their first season.
______ and grow happily in all types of soil. They come up
year after year and delight the eye with their rich colours
and nice smell.
A) As a result, the site must be chosen with great care
B) They require comparatively little attention
C) The tulip, however, isn't everybodys favourite flower
D) Even experienced gardeners get disillusioned
E) Of these the red roses are native to Isparta
76. There are over two hundred different species of turtles
in the world. Some turtles are quite small; they can fit in
your hand. ______. One kind of sea turtle is the heaviest of
all reptiles. A fully grown sea turtle of this kind may be
almost three metres long and weigh much more than five
hundred kilos.
A) However some cannot fit.
B) But there are much smaller ones just as big as your finger
C) Nevertheless other kinds of turtles may grow to weigh more
than five hundred kilos.
D) On the other hand bigger ones are really dangerous.
E) People love them a lot.

77. ______ Many came willingly to find a better life; some

were forced to come as slaves or to be used as cheap
labour; some were driven from their homelands for
political reasons and some fled from war.
A) In the past, many of the American tribes were at war with
each other.
B) The history of the United States is filled with accounts of
people who came here from all over the world for several
C) In the last century, Africa was a continent that attracted few
people except scientists and explorers.
D) Technological advances in agriculture have changed the
face of the earth.
E) Environmental pollution still continues to be a major threat
throughout the continent.
78. 85 sorularda, verilen durumda sylenebilecek ifadeyi
78. You are in a restaurant. A waiter comes and takes your
order. A few minutes later another waiter comes and asks
you what you would like. What do you reply?
A) Is asking what we would like the only job you do here?
B) Go and ask your friend. He has already taken the order.
C) All you do in this restaurant is taking orders. We are
starving; we want food.
D) Someone has just taken our order. Thanks all the same.
E) We are waiting to eat. You are the second to ask what we
would like to eat.
79. You get on a crowded train and see an empty seat.
What do you say to the person sitting in the next seat?
A) I hope you are not reserving that seat for someone. I have
the right to sit here.
B) You shouldn't have reserved a seat on such a crowded
C) Haven't you seen that this seat is empty?
D) Hello, why is that seat empty?
E) I beg your pardon. Is that seat taken?
80. You forgot to invite your uncle to your birthday party.
This astonished your mother. She says to you :
A) Why are you so indifferent to people?
B) Don't you love her?
C) You always hurt people.
D) You must lose your mind.
E) You shouldn't have done this. Dont you know how much he
adores you?
81. Your flat mate has had a bad cough for several weeks.
You think it's high time he consulted a doctor about it, and
you decide to impress on him the need to take the matter
seriously. You say :
A) Do please go to a chemist's and get some cough pills.
B) You know as well as I do that a cough can be a sign of
something more serious. Go and have it examined.
C) Drink a glass of fresh grape juice every morning before
breakfast. Im sure it will do you good.
D) I think you are coughing a bit less these days, but I still think
you should have a rest.
E) The weather is getting mild now. Perhaps your cough will go
82. A friend of yours in your working place has had an
accident, and his car is badly smashed up. Hes very upset
about it. To cheer him up, you say :
A; What a pity, the car is so badly damaged.
B) I don't suppose it can be repaired at ail.
C) I've often warned you to be very careful while driving.
D) It will cost you a fortune to get it fixed.
E) Never mind the car. Youre healthy and that's what matters.

83. You want to sell your old car and buy an apartment flat,
but you believe you need a loan. So you go to your bank
manager and say :
A) I wonder if you could advise me on taking out a loan for an
apartment flat.
B) Apartment flats are far more expensive these days, aren't
C) What a pity! Selling my car will cost me a lot.
D) I've heard that terms of your loans are found quite
E) Have you ever bought an apartment house like this before?
84. There is a beach near your home but the water is
polluted and swimming is dangerous there. You see
several people swimming, you say :
A) If I were you, I would get permission before swimming in
this water.
B) Don't swim in the water. The water is very cold.
C) Don't swim in the water. The water is very dirty and you may
get ill.
D) Before coming here, why didn't you take your swimming
E) Let's swim.
85. You are waiting at the bus - stop and somebody is
staring at you. You think that he has mistaken you for
someone else. You say to him politely :
A) Why were you staring at me?
B) Had we been introduced before?
C) Do I look like your sister?
D) I think I've recalled you somebody.
E) You're being rude. Shame on you!
86. 93. sorularda, karlkl konumann bo braklan
yerine sylenmi olabilecek sz bulunuz.
86. Aydn: How long will it take me to get to the station?
Meral : About half an hour.
Aydn : ______
Meral : There won't be much so late at night.
A) Does the train leave at midnight?
B) Haven't you packed your suitcase yet?
C) Shall I call a taxi?
D) What if there is a lot of traffic?
E) Will the train be crowded?
87. Meltem : Your breakfast is ready.
Ayten : ______
Meltem : No, that clock is wrong. It's
exactly 8 o'clock. Ayten : Good, then. I have plenty of time.
A) Yes, please. Has that clock stopped?
B) Thanks. Is it half past seven already?
C) But it is already 8.15. I'm going to be late.
D) I only want toast. No eggs.
E) Good, I'm hungry. What else is there?
88. Aye : I'd like to accompany you, but tonight I'm tired
and I'd prefer to stay in.
Ali: : ______
Aye : Oh, no. Don't say that. You know how many hours a
day I work.
A) You always accept my proposals.
B) Aren't you ashamed of what you have done?
C) How domestic you are!
D) I dread to think that you don't love me.
E) You always find excuses to turn down my invitations.

89. Aye : Do you have a pen?

Ali : ______
Aye : But I need a pen urgently. Who can find me one?
A) No, but If I have a pen, I lend it to you
B) No, but if I did, I would lend it to you.
C) No, I wish I had had.
D) No, but I'll buy one.
E) No, but I must find right away.
90. Sam : How are the negotiations progressing? John :
On the whole, fairly well, various issues have been settled.
Sam : ______
John : It's too soon yet to be so
A) But that was weeks ago.
B) The peace discussions, then, are doomed to fail.
C) I think they should have taken firmer measures.
D) I couldn't think they'd be so adamant about their demands.
E) That's good news; the end's in sight then.
91. Susan : In my opinion, cars should be totally banned in
the city center.
Tom : ______
Susan : I knew you would agree with me.
A) I can't agree with you at all.
B) Do you really think so!
C) How come you think that way!
D) It is the most sensible idea I've ever heard.
E) I can't go along with you there.
92. Sevim : What time are you leaving tomorrow?
Betl : ______
Sevim : Why?
Betl : I want to check today's accounts before the boss
A) Any time is suitable for me.
B) Whenever you wish.
C) Earlier than usual.
D) You needn't wake me up.
E) Please, don't forget to wake me up at eight o'clock, will you?
93. Ali : We've all decided to go bowling tomorrow
Hikmet : Nobody asked my opinion.
Ali : Well, you weren't here when we talked about it.
Hikmet : ______
Ali : Yes, I suppose I should have, but I couldn't think of it
and, anyway, I thought you'd like the idea.
A) You could have phoned me.
B) I wouldn't have agreed with you.
C) Why don't we go to the cinema instead?
D) You should have known by now that I hate bowling.
E) You shouldn't have made the decision for me.
94. 100. sorularda, anlam bakmndan paraya uygun
olmayan cmleyi bulunuz.
94. I. A boat came in as I watched. II. It came into the quay
and then was tied up. III. Soon it grew dark so they lit
lamps along the quay which made a fine light. IV. Men
went on board and began removing the merchandise there
in a very speedy manner. V. They went up the gangway to
the boat and then came down again carrying a large
amount of merchandise.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
95. I. The kangaroo is quite a valuable animal. II. The
kangaroo is a vegetarian. III. Kangaroo skin makes
excellent leather for gloves and boots. IV. Kangaroo - tail
soup is a delicacy exported by Australia everywhere all
over the world. V. Kangaroo meat, once the chief food
supply in Australia, is still eaten today.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

96. (I) Firemen had been fighting the forest fire for nearly
three weeks before they could get it under control. (II) The
planes had been planting seed for nearly a month when it
began to rain. (Ill) A short time before, great trees had
covered the country side for miles around. (IV) Now,
smoke still rose up from the warm ground over the
desolate hills. (V)Winter was coming on and the hills
threatened the surrounding villages with destruction, for
heavy rain would not only wash away the soil but would
cause serious floods as well.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
97 I. Written communication is the most common means
of communication in the business world. II. It covers
letters, reports, memo, fax, and telex messages. III. Letter
writing, on the other hand, has gone into a decline since
the appearance of the telephone. IV. It has the
disadvantage of being slower than verbal communication.
V. However, it has the great advantage of providing a
record of transactions so that disagreements may be
avoided and accuracy may be checked.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
98. I. Most of the children, occasionally, show aggressive
tendencies. II. This is entirely normal, and should be
regarded as natural behaviour. III. In fact, children should
be encouraged to express their aggression completely
through creative activities and exploration. IV. To provide
this, a safe, suitable background must be supplied. V.
Actually, more accidents take place indoors than they do
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
99. (I) The eye is such a delicate organ that it is
particularly well protected. (II) You should wear glasses to
protect your eyes if they are sensitive to light. (Ill) It is set
in a strong, bone eye socket in the skull, well lined with
soft fat. (IV) Eyelids protect the front, with lashes to keep
out dust and eyebrows to keep out sweat and rain. (V) And
a supply of a liquid, tears, keeps the eyeball washed clean.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
100. I. The most famous British horse - race is the Derby.
II. It's run at Epsom, usually on the first Wednesday in
June. III. The race course at Epsom is not far from London.
IV. They have never seen a horse - race. V. And during
Derby week it is visited by large crowds of people.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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